Number Name Type Color
BT16-001 Poromon Digi-Egg Red
BT16-002 DemiVeemon Digi-Egg Blue
BT16-003 Upamon Digi-Egg Yellow
BT16-004 Minomon Digi-Egg Green
BT16-005 Dorimon Digi-Egg Black
BT16-006 Cupimon Digi-Egg Purple
BT16-007 Hawkmon Digimon Red/Green
BT16-008 Aquilamon Digimon Red/Green
BT16-009 Lynxmon Digimon Red/Yellow
BT16-010 Helloogarmon Digimon Red/Purple
BT16-011 Garudamon (X Antibody) Digimon Red
BT16-012 Silphymon Digimon Red/Yellow
BT16-013 Valkyrimon ACE Digimon Red/Yellow
BT16-014 Goldramon (X Antibody) Digimon Red/Yellow
BT16-015 Phoenixmon (X Antibody) Digimon Red
BT16-016 Patamon Digimon Blue/Yellow
BT16-017 Veemon Digimon Blue/Red
BT16-018 ExVeemon Digimon Blue/Red
BT16-019 Angemon Digimon Blue/Yellow
BT16-020 GaoGamon Digimon Blue
BT16-021 Togemogumon Digimon Blue/Green
BT16-022 Mantaraymon Digimon Blue/Yellow
BT16-023 Divemon Digimon Blue
BT16-024 MagnaAngemon Digimon Blue/Yellow
BT16-025 Paildramon Digimon Blue/Green
BT16-026 Vikemon ACE Digimon Blue/Black
BT16-027 Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode ACE Digimon Blue/Green
BT16-028 Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode Digimon Blue/Green
BT16-029 Agumon Digimon Yellow
BT16-030 Salamon Digimon Yellow/Purple
BT16-031 Gatomon Digimon Yellow/Purple
BT16-032 Sheepmon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT16-033 Harpymon Digimon Yellow/Red
BT16-034 Tempomon Digimon Yellow
BT16-035 SlashAngemon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT16-036 Chaosmon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT16-037 KoKabuterimon Digimon Green
BT16-038 Terriermon (X Antibody) Digimon Green
BT16-039 Pulsemon Digimon Green
BT16-040 Wormmon Digimon Green/Purple
BT16-041 Stingmon Digimon Green/Purple
BT16-042 BladeKuwagamon Digimon Green
BT16-043 Runnermon Digimon Green
BT16-044 Pistmon Digimon Green
BT16-045 MetallifeKuwagamon Digimon Green
BT16-046 GranKuwagamon ACE Digimon Green/Purple
BT16-047 Achillesmon Digimon Green
BT16-048 TyrantKabuterimon Digimon Green
BT16-049 Armadillomon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT16-050 Commandramon Digimon Black
BT16-051 Dorumon Digimon Black/Purple
BT16-052 Hagurumon (X Antibody) Digimon Black
BT16-053 Ankylomon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT16-054 Sealsdramon Digimon Black
BT16-055 Namakemon Digimon Black
BT16-056 Publimon Digimon Black
BT16-057 Mekanorimon Digimon Black
BT16-058 Dorugamon Digimon Black/Purple
BT16-059 Shootmon Digimon Black
BT16-060 Tankdramon Digimon Black
BT16-061 DoruGreymon Digimon Black/Purple
BT16-062 Zanmetsumon Digimon Black
BT16-063 Shakkoumon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT16-064 Dorugoramon Digimon Black/Purple
BT16-065 Darkdramon Digimon Black
BT16-066 Syakomon (X Antibody) Digimon Purple/Blue
BT16-067 Lopmon (X Antibody) Digimon Purple/Green
BT16-068 Dobermon Digimon Purple
BT16-069 Gesomon (X Antibody) Digimon Purple/Blue
BT16-070 Sethmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT16-071 MadLeomon Digimon Purple/Green
BT16-072 Arukenimon Digimon Purple
BT16-073 Mummymon Digimon Purple
BT16-074 Climbmon Digimon Purple
BT16-075 Cerberusmon Digimon Purple
BT16-076 Soloogarmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT16-077 Dinobeemon Digimon Purple/Red
BT16-078 Pharaohmon Digimon Purple
BT16-079 Cherubimon (X Antibody) Digimon Purple/Green
BT16-080 Shroudmon Digimon Purple/Yellow
BT16-081 MaloMyotismon Digimon Purple
BT16-082 Ukkomon Digimon White
BT16-083 BigUkkomon Digimon White
BT16-084 Yolei Inoue & Kari Kamiya Tamer Red/Yellow
BT16-085 Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji Tamer Blue/Green
BT16-086 Hacker Judge Tamer Yellow
BT16-087 Kosuke Kisakata Tamer Black
BT16-088 Cody Hida & T.K. Takaishi Tamer Black/Yellow
BT16-089 Arukenimon & Mummymon Tamer Purple
BT16-090 Lui Ohwada Tamer White
BT16-091 Beastly Storm Dance of Affection Option Red/Yellow
BT16-092 Invincible Dragon-Insect Fusion Option Blue/Green
BT16-093 The Sparkle of Fate! Option Yellow
BT16-094 Dragon's Breath Option Yellow
BT16-095 Shine of Bee Option Green
BT16-096 Metropolitan Police Department Option Black
BT16-097 Advent of the Ancient Steel Angel Option Black/Yellow
BT16-098 DORU-Din Option Black
BT16-099 The Demon Wolf of the Castle of Nine Wolves Option Purple
BT16-100 Thunderflame Crusher Option Purple/Yellow
BT16-101 Rapidmon (X Antibody) Digimon Yellow/Green
BT16-102 Magnamon (X Antibody) Digimon Yellow/Blue