Number Name Type Color
BT19-002 Puyoyomon Digi-Egg Blue
BT19-004 Tokomon Digi-Egg Green
BT19-006 Pagumon Digi-Egg Purple
BT19-017 Sangomon Digimon Blue
BT19-018 Swimmon Digimon Blue
BT19-019 Shellmon Digimon Blue
BT19-021 Xiquemon Digimon Blue
BT19-023 Huankunmon Digimon Blue
BT19-024 MarineBullmon Digimon Blue
BT19-027 Ryugumon Digimon Blue
BT19-028 Xiangpengmon Digimon Blue
BT19-029 Tapirmon Digimon Yellow
BT19-032 Airdramon Digimon Yellow
BT19-036 Wizardmon (X Antibody) Digimon Yellow/Purple
BT19-039 SkullBaluchimon Digimon Yellow
BT19-041 Dynasmon Digimon Yellow/Red
BT19-042 Dynasmon (X Antibody) Digimon Yellow/Red
BT19-043 Lucemon (X Antibody) Digimon Yellow/Purple
BT19-045 FunBeemon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-046 Chamblemon Digimon Green
BT19-048 ForgeBeemon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-052 Vespamon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-053 QueenBeemon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-055 Monitamon Digimon Black
BT19-058 SkullKnightmon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-059 DeadlyAxemon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-063 DarkKnightmon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-065 Machinedramon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-066 Gizamon Digimon Purple/Black
BT19-069 Deltamon Digimon Purple/Black
BT19-070 Kimeramon Digimon Purple/Red
BT19-072 LordKnightmon Digimon Purple/Black
BT19-073 LordKnightmon (X Antibody) Digimon Purple/Black
BT19-075 MoonMillenniummon Digimon Purple
BT19-082 Yao Qinglan Tamer Blue
BT19-084 Winr Tamer Green
BT19-087 Nene Amano Tamer Black
BT19-092 Wadatsumi Purification Option Blue
BT19-094 Seventh Divine Cruz Option Yellow/Purple
BT19-096 Hornet Eraser Option Green/Black
BT19-099 The Wicked God Descends! Option Purple
BT19-101 ZeedMillenniummon Digimon Red/Purple/Black
BT19-001 Pickmons Digi-Egg Red
BT19-003 Viximon Digi-Egg Yellow
BT19-005 Hopmon Digi-Egg Black
BT19-007 Guilmon Digimon Red
BT19-008 Shoutmon Digimon Red/Yellow
BT19-009 Growlmon Digimon Red
BT19-010 Shoutmon X4 Digimon Red/Yellow
BT19-011 WarGrowlmon ACE Digimon Red
BT19-012 OmniShoutmon Digimon Red/Yellow
BT19-013 Shoutmon X5 Digimon Red/Black
BT19-014 Shoutmon EX6 Digimon Red/Yellow/Black
BT19-015 Gallantmon Digimon Red
BT19-016 Gaossmon Digimon Blue
BT19-020 Greymon Digimon Blue/Black
BT19-022 MailBirdramon Digimon Blue/Black
BT19-025 MetalGreymon Digimon Blue/Black
BT19-026 ZeigGreymon Digimon Blue/Black
BT19-030 Renamon Digimon Yellow
BT19-031 Starmons Digimon Yellow/Red
BT19-033 Dorulumon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT19-034 Kyubimon Digimon Yellow
BT19-035 ShootingStarmon Digimon Yellow/Red
BT19-037 Taomon ACE Digimon Yellow
BT19-038 JaegerDorulumon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT19-040 Sakuyamon Digimon Yellow
BT19-044 Terriermon Digimon Green
BT19-047 Ballistamon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-049 Gargomon Digimon Green
BT19-050 Rapidmon ACE Digimon Green
BT19-051 AtlurBallistamon Digimon Green/Black
BT19-054 MegaGargomon Digimon Green
BT19-056 Monodramon Digimon Black
BT19-057 Sparrowmon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-060 Strikedramon Digimon Black
BT19-061 RaptorSparrowmon Digimon Black/Purple
BT19-062 Cyberdramon Digimon Black
BT19-064 Justimon: Blitz Arm ACE Digimon Black
BT19-067 Impmon Digimon Purple
BT19-068 Shademon Digimon Purple/Black
BT19-071 Beelzemon Digimon Purple
BT19-074 Beelzemon: Blast Mode ACE Digimon Purple
BT19-076 Luminamon Digimon White
BT19-077 Calumon Digimon White
BT19-078 ADR-01 Jeri Digimon White
BT19-079 Taiki Kudo Tamer Red
BT19-080 Takato Matsuki Tamer Red
BT19-081 Kiriha Aonuma Tamer Blue
BT19-083 Rika Nonaka Tamer Yellow
BT19-085 Henry Wong Tamer Green
BT19-086 Ryo Akiyama Tamer Black
BT19-088 Ai & Mako Tamer Purple
BT19-089 Red Card Option Red
BT19-090 Meteor Rock Soul Option Red
BT19-091 Trinity Burst! Option Red/Yellow/Green
BT19-093 Queen Device Option Yellow
BT19-095 Knight Device Option Green
BT19-097 Bonds of True Love Option Purple
BT19-098 King Device Option Purple
BT19-100 D-Reaper Zone Option White
BT19-102 Luminamon (Nene Version) Digimon White