Number Name Type Color
BT20-001 DemiVeemon Digi-Egg Red
BT20-002 Bebydomon Digi-Egg Blue
BT20-003 Bibimon Digi-Egg Yellow
BT20-004 Pinamon Digi-Egg Green
BT20-005 Kapurimon Digi-Egg Black
BT20-006 DemiMeramon Digi-Egg Purple
BT20-007 Dracomon Digimon Red
BT20-008 Huckmon Digimon Red
BT20-009 Veemon Digimon Red
BT20-010 Ryudamon Digimon Red/Black
BT20-011 ExVeemon Digimon Red
BT20-012 Ginryumon Digimon Red/Black
BT20-013 BaoHuckmon Digimon Red
BT20-014 SaviorHuckmon Digimon Red
BT20-015 Hisyaryumon Digimon Red/Black
BT20-016 Paildramon Digimon Red/Purple
BT20-017 Jesmon Digimon Red
BT20-018 Ouryumon Digimon Red/Black
BT20-019 Jesmon (X Antibody) Digimon Red
BT20-020 Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode Digimon Red/Purple
BT20-021 Jesmon GX ACE Digimon Red/Black
BT20-022 Crabmon (X Antibody) Digimon Blue
BT20-023 Coredramon Digimon Blue/Red
BT20-024 Seadramon (X Antibody) Digimon Blue
BT20-025 Wingdramon Digimon Blue/Red
BT20-026 MegaSeadramon (X Antibody) Digimon Blue
BT20-027 Slayerdramon Digimon Blue/Red
BT20-028 GigaSeadramon Digimon Blue/Black
BT20-029 Pulsemon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT20-030 Liollmon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT20-031 Liamon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT20-032 Bulkmon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT20-033 LoaderLeomon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT20-034 Boutmon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT20-035 Kazuchimon Digimon Yellow/Green
BT20-036 BanchoLeomon Digimon Yellow/Black
BT20-037 Chaosmon: Valdur Arm Digimon Yellow/Green
BT20-038 Falcomon Digimon Green/Yellow
BT20-039 Diatrymon Digimon Green/Yellow
BT20-040 Coredramon Digimon Green/Red
BT20-041 Crowmon Digimon Green/Yellow
BT20-042 Groundramon Digimon Green/Red
BT20-043 Varodurumon Digimon Green/Yellow
BT20-044 Breakdramon Digimon Green/Red
BT20-045 Examon ACE Digimon Green/Red/Blue
BT20-046 Espimon Digimon Black/Blue
BT20-047 Solarmon Digimon Black
BT20-048 Dorumon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT20-049 Blimpmon Digimon Black
BT20-050 HoverEspimon Digimon Black/Blue
BT20-051 Raptordramon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT20-052 Oblivimon Digimon Black/Blue
BT20-053 Grademon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT20-054 Bulbmon Digimon Black
BT20-055 Invisimon Digimon Black/Blue
BT20-056 Alphamon Digimon Black/Yellow
BT20-057 Gankoomon Digimon Black
BT20-058 Raidenmon Digimon Black
BT20-059 Gankoomon (X Antibody) Digimon Black
BT20-060 Alphamon: Ouryuken ACE Digimon Black/Yellow/Red
BT20-061 Impmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-062 Candlemon Digimon Purple
BT20-063 Ghostmon Digimon Purple
BT20-064 Loogamon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-065 Wormmon Digimon Purple
BT20-066 Stingmon Digimon Purple
BT20-067 Soulmon Digimon Purple
BT20-068 Bakemon Digimon Purple
BT20-069 Punkmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-070 Loogarmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-071 Soloogarmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-072 Phantomon Digimon Purple
BT20-073 MetalPhantomon Digimon Purple/Black
BT20-074 Dinobeemon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-075 Loudmon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-076 Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode ACE Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-077 HeavyMetaldramon ACE Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-078 Reapermon Digimon Purple/Black
BT20-079 Necromon Digimon Purple
BT20-080 Fenriloogamon Digimon Purple/Red
BT20-081 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi ACE Digimon Purple/Yellow
BT20-082 DeathXmon Digimon Purple/Black
BT20-083 Omekamon Digimon White
BT20-084 Sistermon Ciel (Awakened) Digimon White
BT20-085 Shoto Kazama Tamer Green
BT20-086 Altea Tamer Black
BT20-087 Kota Domoto & Yuji Musya Tamer Black/Red
BT20-088 Violet Inboots Tamer Purple
BT20-089 Code Cracker Fang & Hacker Judge Tamer Purple/Yellow
BT20-090 Yuuki Tamer Purple/Red
BT20-091 Cool Boy Tamer White
BT20-092 Battle NPC Tamer White
BT20-093 Unleash the Dragon Gene Option Red
BT20-094 Emperor Dragon of Calamity Option Red/Purple
BT20-095 Fellowship of Hope's Keepers Option Black
BT20-096 Black Sabbath Option Purple
BT20-097 The Apostle of Doom Descends! Option Purple/Black
BT20-098 Apparition Legion Option Purple
BT20-099 Singularity of Chaos Option White
BT20-100 The Last Guardian Option White
BT20-101 Zephagamon ACE Digimon Green
BT20-102 Omnimon (X Antibody) Digimon Blue/White/Red