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Expedition #152

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
machamp Machamp by Maurice van den Bosch European Challenge Cup 2011 3rd
gyaradosmew Mewdos by Marc Lutz European Challenge Cup 2011 5th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Michael Pramawat World Championships 2010 2nd
gengar Gengar by Frank Diaz World Championships 2010 3rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Curtis Lyon World Championships 2010 6th
regigigas Regigigas by Tomi Sjoblom World Championships 2010 12th
donphan Donphan by Toni Taitto World Championships 2010 19th
flygontorterra Flygon Torterra by David Sturm World Championships 2010 26th
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