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Pokémon Collector

HeartGold & SoulSilver #97

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Jouni Lehtinen European Challenge Cup 2012 3rd
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Tom Hall European Challenge Cup 2012 6th
yanmegamew Yanmega Mew Box by Mees Brenninkmeijer European Challenge Cup 2012 8th
zebstrikaeelektrik Zebstrika Eelektrik by Robin Schulz European Challenge Cup 2012 9th
celebimewtwo Celebi Mewtwo by Esa Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2012 12th
magnezoneeelektrik Magnezone Eelektrik by George Boon European Challenge Cup 2012 14th
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Isto Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2012 20th
magnezoneemboar Magnezone Emboar by David Cohen World Championships 2011 1st
vileplumereuniclus Vileplume Reuniclus Combo by Ross Cawthon World Championships 2011 2nd
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Tom Dolezal World Championships 2011 3rd
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Josue Palomino World Championships 2011 4th
magnezoneyanmega Magnezone Yanmega by Josh Wittenkeller World Championships 2011 5th
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Jeremy Jallen World Championships 2011 6th
magnezoneyanmega Magnezone Yanmega by Filipp Lausch World Championships 2011 13th
magnezoneyanmega Magnezone Yanmega by Jay Hornung World Championships 2011 15th
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Miska Saari World Championships 2011 16th
machamp Machamp by Maurice van den Bosch European Challenge Cup 2011 3rd
gyaradosmew Mewdos by Marc Lutz European Challenge Cup 2011 5th
luxraygarchomp Luxchomp by Mees Brenninkmeijer European Challenge Cup 2011 10th
luxraygarchomp Luxchomp by Nico Alabas European Challenge Cup 2011 11th
magnezoneregirock Magnezone Regirock by Morten Gundesen European Challenge Cup 2011 17th
luxraygarchomp Luxchomp by Yuta Komatsuda World Championships 2010 1st
gengar Gengar by Frank Diaz World Championships 2010 3rd
gyarados Gyarados by Yasmin Kiss World Championships 2010 5th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Curtis Lyon World Championships 2010 6th
sableyegarchomp Sablelock by Con Le World Championships 2010 9th
dialgagarchomp Dialgachomp by Yee Wei Chun World Championships 2010 11th
regigigas Regigigas by Tomi Sjoblom World Championships 2010 12th
luxraygarchomp Luxchomp by Tsuguyoshi Yamato World Championships 2010 13th
sableyegarchomp Sablelock by Aziz Al-Yami World Championships 2010 18th
donphan Donphan by Toni Taitto World Championships 2010 19th
luxraygarchomp Luxchomp by David Booij World Championships 2010 22nd
garchomp Garchomp by Drew Guritzky World Championships 2010 28th
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