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Obsidian Flames #43

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
ceruledge Ceruledge by Omar Corro Regional Mérida 104th
ceruledge Ceruledge by Siriwat Chaisombunsuk Thailand Premier Ball League 27th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Loc Nguyen Regional Los Angeles, CA 17th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Andreas Østhus Regional Stockholm 65th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Tim Saben Regional Indianapolis, IN 232nd
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Yan Pisani EUIC 2024, London 129th
arceusrayquaza Arceus Rayquaza by Liam Burden Regional Liverpool 26th
arceusrayquaza Arceus Rayquaza by Connor Morgan Regional Liverpool 30th
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