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Aufziehen der Sturmröte #117

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Mewtwo & Mew by Will McEowen Regional Dallas, TX 78th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by John Gawaran Regional Portland, OR 41st
Spiritomb by Noel Totomoch Regional Richmond, VA 28th
Spiritomb Stunfisk by Hunter Butler NAIC 2019, Columbus 8th
Zapdos by Connor Finton Special Event Panama 2nd
Zapdos by Magnus Pedersen Regional Bristol 9th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Hartford, CT 8th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Justin Bokhari Regional Hartford, CT 9th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Wesley Tam Regional Hartford, CT 12th
Zapdos by Connor Finton EUIC 2019, Berlin 24th
Zapdos by Bartosz Bialik EUIC 2019, Berlin 47th
Zapdos by Oscar Rivas Perez EUIC 2019, Berlin 58th
Zapdos by Sergi Morillas Capella EUIC 2019, Berlin 74th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Carter Barsh Regional Daytona Beach, FL 11th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Daytona Beach, FL 27th
Zapdos by Rinshiro Sakihama Champions League Kyoto 11th
Zapdos by Noah Sawyer Regional Denver, CO 10th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Benjamin Branch Regional Greensboro, NC 18th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Greensboro, NC 20th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Forrest Muntz Regional Greensboro, NC 30th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Toronto 16th
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Toronto 20th
Zoroark Garbodor by Alex Cole Regional Collinsville, IL 19th
Zoroark Banette by Fabien Pujol Regional Offenbach 33rd
Zoroark Banette by Mark Andersen Regional Offenbach 50th
Naganadel Metal by Atsuya Noguchi Champions League Tokyo 18th
Naganadel Metal by Matthew Reenalda Regional Philadelphia, PA 31st
Zoroark Garbodor by Hector Ibarra Regional Philadelphia, PA 36th
Zoroark Weavile by Tommy Desjardins Pettinicchio Regional Philadelphia, PA 78th
Zoroark Magcargo by Alex Silva Regional Santa Catarina 26th
Zoroark Garbodor by Robin Schulz World Championships 2018 1st
Zoroark Garbodor by Philip Schulz World Championships 2018 32nd
Zoroark Garbodor by Caleb Banwarie World Championships 2018 (SR) 6th
Naganadel Metal by Kota Onohara World Championships 2018 (JR) 5th
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff Special Event Valencia 1st
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff NAIC 2018, Columbus 1st
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol NAIC 2018, Columbus 7th
Zoroark Garbodor by Hasan Kunukcu NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) 8th
Zoroark Garbodor by Hayato Kai Japan Championships 2018 34th
Zoroark Garbodor by Kidd Starck Regional Madison, WI 33rd
Zoroark Alolan Exeggutor by Zach Zamora Regional Madison, WI 44th
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol Special Event Tours 31st
Zoroark Garbodor by Frank Diaz Regional Toronto 2nd
Zoroark Garbodor by Gustavo Wada Regional Toronto 3rd
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol LAIC 2018, São Paulo 6th
Zoroark Counters by Chip Richey Regional Charlotte, NC 24th
Zoroark by Rain Keuma Regional Costa Mesa, CA 11th
Drampa Garbodor by Aaron Tarbell Regional Collinsville, IL 17th
Silvally Metal by Zakary Krekeler EUIC 2017–18, London 2nd
Silvally Metal by Yasin Balela EUIC 2017–18, London 13th
Silvally Zoroark Metal by Israel Sosa EUIC 2017–18, London 22nd
Zoroark Golisopod by Gabriel Pino Semedo EUIC 2017–18, London 24th
Celesteela Registeel by Walker Halliburton EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) 6th
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