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Grauen der Lichtfinsternis #22

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
greninja Greninja by Brandon Jones Regional Portland, OR 32nd
zoroarkgreninja Zoroark Greninja by Jin Woo Lee Korean League Season 1 16th
glaceongreninja Glaceon Greninja by Siddequr Rahman Regional Harrogate 24th
greninjameganiumswampert Greninja Meganium Swampert by Shintaro Ito Champions League Niigata 11th
greninjameganiumswampert Greninja Meganium Swampert by Atsutoshi Kubo Champions League Niigata 22nd
greninja Greninja by Martin Janous World Championships 2018 9th
greninja Greninja by Luca Clavadetscher World Championships 2018 17th
greninja Greninja by Kristian Hodas World Championships 2018 27th
greninja Greninja by Matthew Campbell World Championships 2018 (SR) 4th
greninja Greninja by Alex Schemanske Regional Madison, WI 14th
greninja Greninja by Michael Slutsky Regional Madison, WI 23rd
greninja Greninja by Chris Siakala Regional Madison, WI 41st
greninja Greninja by Joey Ho Regional Melbourne 1st
greninjalatios Greninja-GX Latios by Jimmy Wuyts Special Event Tours 5th
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