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Dampfkessel #74

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Harris Regional Dallas, TX 10th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Harry Wada Regional Dallas, TX 31st
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Mefford Regional Dallas, TX 57th
medicham Medicham by Sam Elliott Regional Dallas, TX 81st
mew Mew Box by Simon Trottier-Lacasse Regional Toronto 7th
mew Mew Box by Tommy Desjardins Pettinicchio Regional Dallas, TX 64th
passimian Passimian by Rafael Monzon Arance Special Event Valencia 30th
xerneas-active Xerneas by Jarryd Bast Regional Melbourne 13th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Marco Aurelio Fernandes Garcia LAIC 2018, São Paulo 46th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Chip Richey Regional Charlotte, NC 24th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Zack Taylor Regional Charlotte, NC 25th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Sean Stover Regional Charlotte, NC 63rd
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Claudio Ferla Regional Salvador 1st
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Zachary Bokhari Regional Collinsville, IL 16th
necrozma-dusk-manesolgaleo Dusk Mane Necrozma Solgaleo Prism by Seb Symonds Regional Malmö 18th
silvallyregisteel Silvally Metal by Yasin Balela EUIC 2017–18, London 13th
silvallyzoroarkregisteel Silvally Zoroark Metal by Israel Sosa EUIC 2017–18, London 22nd
genesectregisteel Genesect Registeel by Connor Pedersen EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) 3rd
celesteelaregisteel Celesteela Registeel by Walker Halliburton EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) 6th
audino-mega Mega Audino by Shintaro Ito World Championships 2016 1st
bronzongaegislash Bronzong Box by Gustavo Wada World Championships 2016 8th
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