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Lusamine Prism Star

Lost Thunder #182

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
blacephalon Blacephalon by Phang Xun Xi Regional Kuala Lumpur 31st
pheromosabuzzwolearceus Pheromosa & Buzzwole ADP by Tan Yong Siang Special Event Singapore 7th
blacephalon Blacephalon by Nathaniel Kaplan NAIC 2019, Columbus 3rd
blacephalon Blacephalon by Jon Eng NAIC 2019, Columbus 18th
blacephalon Blacephalon by Danny Chalet Regional Madison, WI 52nd
blacephalon Blacephalon by Ben Osborn Regional Madison, WI 55th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ゆうゆう Champions League Chiba 1st
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by デビルマン Champions League Chiba 13th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ラック Champions League Chiba 28th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ヒロ(熊本) Champions League Chiba 36th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by さとそん Champions League Chiba 48th
blacephalonnaganadel Blacephalon Naganadel by Ian Robb Regional Roanoke, VA 10th
blacephalonnaganadel Blacephalon Naganadel by Daniel Green Regional Roanoke, VA 47th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 24th
buzzwoleninetales-alola Buzzwole Alolan Ninetales by Tetsuya Kajita Champions League Tokyo 7th
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