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Truenos Perdidos #128

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Faisal Khan Regional Bristol 29th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Pedro Eugenio Torres EUIC 2019, Berlin 60th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa EUIC 2019, Berlin 78th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Jens Arne Mækinen EUIC 2019, Berlin 83rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Special Event Cannes 2nd
lucariomelmetal Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team by かわさきたかふみ Champions League Chiba 2nd
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 5th
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