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Confini Varcati #147

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Yveltal by Öjvind Svinhufvud European Challenge Cup 2015 24th
Aromatisse Kangaskhan by Michikazu Tsuda World Championships 2014 3rd
Plasma Kyurem by Jordan Palmer World Championships 2014 32nd
Yveltal Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff French Nationals 2014 1st
Virizion Genesect by Finn Looft German Nationals 2014 4th
Stoutland by Tomasz Chmura European Challenge Cup 2014 19th
Darkrai Mewtwo by Marek Rehacek European Challenge Cup 2014 20th
Plasma Palkia by Esa Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2014 29th
Plasma Kyurem by Johnny Rabus World Championships 2013 6th
Plasma Kyurem by Günther Kirchhofer World Championships 2013 13th
Plasma Kyurem by Tobias Thesing German Nationals 2013 8th
Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Mehdi Hafi French Nationals 2013 1st
Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Stéphane Ivanoff French Nationals 2013 4th
Darkrai Mewtwo by David Hochmann European Challenge Cup 2013 2nd
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