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Prof.ssa Aralia

Esploratori delle Tenebre #98

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
dragapultgarbodor Dragapult Garbodor by Takahito Takechi Champions League Aichi - Expanded 11th
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Hiroki Tsuchiya Champions League Aichi - Expanded 12th
garchompgiratina-origin Garchomp & Giratina by Yuto Nakajima Champions League Aichi - Expanded 14th
trevenantdusknoir Trevenant & Dusknoir by Justin Bokhari Regional Collinsville, IL 1st
trevenantdusknoir Trevenant & Dusknoir by Will Jenkins Regional Collinsville, IL 5th
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Drew Ashbacher Regional Collinsville, IL 16th
trevenantdusknoir Trevenant & Dusknoir by Isaiah Bradner Regional Collinsville, IL 18th
trevenantdusknoir Trevenant & Dusknoir by Connor Finton Regional Collinsville, IL 20th
trevenantdusknoir Trevenant & Dusknoir by Bob Zhang Regional Collinsville, IL 25th
morpekodusknoir Morpeko Dusknoir by Alex Schemanske Regional Collinsville, IL 34th
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Carrington Huffman Regional Collinsville, IL 44th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Zachary Fortier Regional Collinsville, IL 55th
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Brandin Tucker Regional Dallas, TX 8th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Harris Regional Dallas, TX 10th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Tristan Lackey Regional Dallas, TX 21st
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 27th
reshiramzekrom Reshiram & Zekrom by Gwen Tran Regional Dallas, TX 28th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Alex Baker Regional Dallas, TX 29th
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Daniel Altavilla Regional Dallas, TX 30th
seismitoadgarchompgiratina-origin Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Will Jenkins Regional Dallas, TX 33rd
reshiramzekrom Reshiram & Zekrom by Harris Noor Regional Dallas, TX 35th
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Kendon Kula Regional Dallas, TX 36th
blacephalonarceus Blacephalon ADP by Ramon Reyes Regional Dallas, TX 38th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Xander Pero Regional Dallas, TX 39th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Miguel Escutia Regional Dallas, TX 42nd
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andy Hyun Regional Dallas, TX 44th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Parker Lish Regional Dallas, TX 45th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Luke Morsa Regional Dallas, TX 46th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Nathan Brower Regional Dallas, TX 49th
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Zachary Cooper Regional Dallas, TX 53rd
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Christopher Feliciano Regional Dallas, TX 54th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Cesar Gonzalez Regional Dallas, TX 55th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Dexter Allan Reilly Regional Dallas, TX 56th
trevenant Trevenant by Bob Zhang Regional Dallas, TX 59th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Ben Cryer Regional Dallas, TX 60th
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andrew Michaud Regional Dallas, TX 61st
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Rudy Wade Regional Dallas, TX 63rd
seismitoadgarchompgiratina-origin Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Kenny Britton Regional Dallas, TX 71st
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Dennis Jasper Moore Regional Dallas, TX 74th
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Will McEowen Regional Dallas, TX 78th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Michael Pramawat Regional Portland, OR 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Daniel Altavilla Regional Portland, OR 3rd
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Ivan Stoyanov Regional Portland, OR 4th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Derrick Hong Regional Portland, OR 7th
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Chris Stotts Regional Portland, OR 8th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Jackson Ford Regional Portland, OR 11th
moltreszapdosarticuno Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno by Andrew Kennett Regional Portland, OR 16th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Alvin Ng Regional Portland, OR 17th
mewtwomewhonchkrow Mewtwo & Mew Hand Lock by Kevin Tran Regional Portland, OR 18th
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Jacob Chen Regional Portland, OR 19th
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Chris Gunn Regional Portland, OR 20th
lucario Lucario by Zachary Everest Regional Portland, OR 22nd
spiritombraichu Spiritomb Raichu by Simon Narode Regional Portland, OR 26th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Liam Williams Regional Portland, OR 27th
greninja Greninja by Brandon Jones Regional Portland, OR 32nd
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Calvin Connor Regional Portland, OR 34th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Christopher Schmidt Regional Portland, OR 42nd
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andrew Mancuso Regional Portland, OR 44th
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by James Washer Regional Portland, OR 46th
lucario Lucario by Grant Sellinger Regional Portland, OR 47th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Zachary Cooper Regional Portland, OR 48th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Michael Pramawat Regional Richmond, VA 5th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Michael Zele Regional Richmond, VA 7th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Andrew Mahone Regional Richmond, VA 10th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Richmond, VA 19th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Brady Botner Regional Richmond, VA 21st
reshiramcharizard Reshiram & Charizard Fire Box by Ahmed Ali Regional Richmond, VA 23rd
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Harris Noor Regional Richmond, VA 25th
spiritomb Spiritomb by Noel Totomoch Regional Richmond, VA 28th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Connor Finton Regional Richmond, VA 29th
trevenant Trevenant by Luke Morsa Regional Richmond, VA 31st
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske Regional Richmond, VA 32nd
darkraigreninjazoroark Turbo Dark by Brady Guy Regional Richmond, VA 36th
reshiramzekrom Reshiram & Zekrom by Daisuke Hayashi CL Tokyo Extra 7th
trevenant Trevenant by Sam Ertman Regional Hartford, CT 2nd
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Isaiah Williams Regional Hartford, CT 4th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Wesley Tam Regional Hartford, CT 12th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Stephen Lowe Regional Hartford, CT 14th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Connor Finton Regional Hartford, CT 15th
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Ciaran Farah Regional Hartford, CT 18th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla Regional Hartford, CT 20th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Michael Pramawat Regional Hartford, CT 21st
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Dean Nezam Regional Hartford, CT 23rd
sceptilevileplume Sceptile Vileplume by Charlie Lockyer Regional Hartford, CT 28th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Nathaniel Orr Regional Hartford, CT 31st
venusaurcelebi Celebi & Venusaur by Logan Honts Regional Hartford, CT 32nd
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Hartford, CT 36th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Stephen Hogan Regional Hartford, CT 38th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Aaron Tarbell Regional Daytona Beach, FL 8th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Daytona Beach, FL 10th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Carter Barsh Regional Daytona Beach, FL 11th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Timothy Madison Regional Daytona Beach, FL 13th
seismitoadzoroark Seismitoad Zoroark by Charlie Lockyer Regional Daytona Beach, FL 22nd
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Connor Finton Regional Daytona Beach, FL 23rd
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Nick Harper Regional Daytona Beach, FL 24th
trevenant Trevenant by Sam Ertman Regional Daytona Beach, FL 25th
seismitoadgarbodor Seismitoad Garbodor by Blaine Hill Regional Daytona Beach, FL 28th
seismitoadzoroark Seismitoad Zoroark by Zachary Cooper Regional Daytona Beach, FL 29th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Matthew Padget Regional Daytona Beach, FL 31st
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Nicholas Kirkpatrick Regional Daytona Beach, FL 32nd
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Martin Regional Greensboro, NC 1st
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Colin Norman Regional Greensboro, NC 8th
rayquaza Rayquaza by Jeffrey Criss Regional Greensboro, NC 9th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Zachary Fortier Regional Greensboro, NC 10th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Hunter Butler Regional Greensboro, NC 14th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Xander Pero Regional Greensboro, NC 15th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Detlef Regional Greensboro, NC 16th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Edward McGinniss Regional Greensboro, NC 19th
venusaurcelebi Celebi & Venusaur by Rahul Reddy Regional Greensboro, NC 21st
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Michael Pramawat Regional Greensboro, NC 22nd
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Gwen Tran Regional Greensboro, NC 23rd
trevenant Trevenant by Jonathan Coles Regional Greensboro, NC 24th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Christian Ortiz Regional Greensboro, NC 25th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Blaine Hill Regional Greensboro, NC 26th
trevenant Trevenant by Dallas Wright Regional Greensboro, NC 31st
seismitoadgarbodor Seismitoad Garbodor by Tristan Lackey Regional Greensboro, NC 40th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Peter Kica Regional Greensboro, NC 41st
rayquaza Rayquaza by Jose Marrero Regional Greensboro, NC 43rd
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Toronto 1st
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Maria Bujak Regional Toronto 2nd
trevenant Trevenant by Will Jenkins Regional Toronto 3rd
trevenant Trevenant by Sam Ertman Regional Toronto 4th
trevenant Trevenant by Chris Siakala Regional Toronto 5th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Russell LaParre Regional Toronto 6th
trevenant Trevenant by Marvin Lu Banzon Regional Toronto 8th
trevenant Trevenant by Ciaran Farah Regional Toronto 9th
trevenant Trevenant by Andrew Estrada Regional Toronto 11th
trevenant Trevenant by Main Ahmed Regional Toronto 12th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Zachary Cooper Regional Toronto 13th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Toronto 17th
trevenant Trevenant by Justin Bokhari Regional Toronto 18th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Andrew Dombroski Regional Toronto 22nd
lucario Lucario by Dan Irish Regional Toronto 25th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Caleb Gedemer Regional Toronto 26th
zapdosgarbodor Zapdos Garbodor by Wesley Tam Regional Toronto 27th
zoroark Zoroark by Charlie Lockyer Regional Toronto 29th
galladejirachi Gallade Jirachi by Nathan Brower Regional Toronto 30th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Isaiah Williams Regional Toronto 31st
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Colin Norman Regional Toronto 32nd
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Ari CL Chiba Extra 13th
gardevoirsylveonaromatisse Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by ありすがわ CL Chiba Extra 20th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Dean Nezam Regional Dallas, TX 1st
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Blaine Hill Regional Dallas, TX 3rd
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Chris Leandro Regional Dallas, TX 11th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Hale Obernolte Regional Dallas, TX 17th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Ben Osborn Regional Dallas, TX 24th
sceptilevileplume Sceptile Vileplume by Matthew Tims Regional Dallas, TX 25th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Bokhari Regional Dallas, TX 29th
zoroarkseismitoadgolisopod Zoroark Seismitoad Golisopod by Danny Prather Regional Dallas, TX 32nd
vespiquen Vespiquen by Ross Cawthon Regional Dallas, TX 42nd
sceptilevileplume Sceptile Vileplume by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus Regional Dallas, TX 43rd
trevenant Trevenant by Chris Siakala Regional Dallas, TX 45th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Grant Manley Regional Dallas, TX 48th
seismitoadzoroark Seismitoad Zoroark by Tony Jimenez Regional Dallas, TX 49th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Thane Cutler Regional Dallas, TX 51st
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Kevin Tran Regional Dallas, TX 54th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Michaud Regional Dallas, TX 56th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Martin Regional Dallas, TX 60th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 61st
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Jackson Bruening Regional Dallas, TX 65th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Dallas, TX 66th
rayquaza Rayquaza by Austin Cruz Regional Dallas, TX 72nd
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Nathan Brower Regional Dallas, TX 75th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Nicholas Gill Regional Dallas, TX 80th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Carter Barsh Regional Dallas, TX 81st
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Connor Finton Regional Anaheim, CA 2nd
lucario Lucario by Israel Sosa Regional Anaheim, CA 8th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Danny Prather Regional Anaheim, CA 13th
zoroarkgarbodor Zoroark Garbodor by Steven Rodriguez Regional Anaheim, CA 28th
golisopodgarbodor Golisopod Garbodor by Sean Poestkoke Regional Anaheim, CA 33rd
trevenant Trevenant by Aaron Tarbell Regional Portland, OR 2nd
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Zachary Everest Regional Portland, OR 3rd
buzzwole Buzzwole by Austin Ellis Regional Portland, OR 8th
trevenant Trevenant by Christopher Schemanske Regional Portland, OR 11th
exeggutor-alola Alolan Exeggutor by Edan Lewis Regional Portland, OR 12th
garbodornecrozma Garbodor Necrozma by Ian Robb Regional Portland, OR 17th
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Brian Miller Regional Portland, OR 24th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Peter Kica Regional Portland, OR 25th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Portland, OR 34th
banettegarbodor Banette Garbodor by Mark Garcia Regional Portland, OR 38th
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Stefan Tabaco Regional Portland, OR 41st
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Padraic McSwain Regional Portland, OR 43rd
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Kyle Rivera Regional Portland, OR 46th
trevenant Trevenant by Chas Zander Regional Roanoke, VA 7th
buzzwole Buzzwole by James Arnold Regional Roanoke, VA 8th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla Regional Roanoke, VA 9th
buzzwole Buzzwole by Marcus Guy Regional Roanoke, VA 10th
garbodormismagius Garbodor Mismagius by Aaron Tarbell Regional Roanoke, VA 12th
vespiquenzoroark Vespiquen Zoroark by Jimmy O'Brien Regional Roanoke, VA 13th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Michael Pramawat Regional Roanoke, VA 16th
trevenant Trevenant by Charlie Lockyer Regional Roanoke, VA 20th
trevenant Trevenant by Nick Chimento Regional Roanoke, VA 23rd
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Alex Smetana Regional Roanoke, VA 31st
greninja Greninja by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 32nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Emilio Orozco Regional Salt Lake City, UT 2nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Travis Nunlist Regional Salt Lake City, UT 4th
trevenant Trevenant by Michael Catron Regional Salt Lake City, UT 12th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Rahul Reddy Regional Salt Lake City, UT 14th
glaceon Glaceon by Brian Vogt Regional Salt Lake City, UT 15th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Travis Zabala Regional Salt Lake City, UT 16th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Michael Pramawat Regional Salt Lake City, UT 19th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Geoffrey Weil Regional Salt Lake City, UT 23rd
donphan Donphan by Daniel Altavilla Regional Salt Lake City, UT 26th
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Cristian Sarnataro Regional Sindelfingen 4th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Philipp Emmerich Regional Sindelfingen 6th
seismitoadgarbodor Seismitoad Garbodor by Marco Jackowski Regional Sindelfingen 7th
donphan Donphan by Toby Woolner Regional Sindelfingen 9th
durant Durant by Nino Kunz Regional Sindelfingen 10th
lucario Lucario by Philipp Leciejewski Regional Sindelfingen 25th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Rahul Reddy Regional Costa Mesa, CA 12th
drampagarbodor Drampa Garbodor by Steven Rodriguez Regional Costa Mesa, CA 20th
zoroark Zoroark by Nico Gist Regional Costa Mesa, CA 27th
greninja Greninja by Aaron Friedman Regional Costa Mesa, CA 28th
greninja Greninja by Samuel Hough Regional Costa Mesa, CA 31st
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Ross Cawthon Regional Dallas, TX 11th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Daniel Lynch Regional Dallas, TX 12th
greninja Greninja by Samuel Hough Regional Dallas, TX 17th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Alex Krekeler Regional Dallas, TX 20th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Jonathan Paranada Regional Dallas, TX 24th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 30th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ian Robb Regional Dallas, TX 31st
gardevoir Gardevoir by Treynor Wolfe Regional Dallas, TX 32nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Wesley Hollenberg Regional Dallas, TX 33rd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Jalen Jones Regional Dallas, TX 34th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Greg Kerien Regional Dallas, TX 35th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Noah Sawyer Regional Dallas, TX 38th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Pablo Meza Regional Dallas, TX 44th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnight Buzzwole Lycanroc by Cody Kressmann Regional Dallas, TX 61st
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Tony Morgan Regional Dallas, TX 62nd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Eduardo Gonzalez Regional San Jose, CA 2nd
zoroark Zoroark by Simon Narode Regional San Jose, CA 7th
golisopodgarbodor Golisopod Garbodor by Nick Robinson Regional Daytona Beach, FL 10th
garbodornecrozma Garbodor Necrozma by Russell LaParre Regional Daytona Beach, FL 14th
turtonatorvolcanion Turtonator Volcanion by Michael Zele Regional Daytona Beach, FL 15th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Andrew Wamboldt Regional Daytona Beach, FL 37th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Ross Cawthon Regional Daytona Beach, FL 47th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Marc Lutz Special Event Bilbao 3rd
golisopodgarbodor Golisopod Garbodor by Alejandro Sanchez Claramonte Special Event Bilbao 15th
golisopodgarbodor Golisopod Garbodor by Javier De Blas Special Event Bilbao 16th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Michael Pramawat Regional Fort Wayne, IN 1st
turtonatorvolcanion Turtonator Volcanion by Sam Chen Regional Fort Wayne, IN 2nd
darkrai Darkrai by Chris Siakala Regional Fort Wayne, IN 3rd
turtonatorvolcanion Turtonator Volcanion by Ryan Sabelhaus Regional Fort Wayne, IN 11th
darkrai Darkrai by Zach Lesage Regional Fort Wayne, IN 14th
garbodornecrozma Garbodor Necrozma by Brad Curcio Regional Fort Wayne, IN 29th
garbodornecrozma Garbodor Necrozma by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Fort Wayne, IN 47th
lurantisvileplume Lurantis Vileplume by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Toronto 1st
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Christopher Schemanske Regional Toronto 2nd
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Alex Schemanske Regional Toronto 3rd
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch Regional Toronto 5th
carbinkzygarde-complete Carbink Zygarde by Russell LaParre Regional Toronto 9th
darkrai Darkrai by Samuel Hough Regional Portland, OR 4th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Tyler Ninomura Regional Portland, OR 5th
darkrai Darkrai by Polo Le Regional Portland, OR 7th
seismitoaddecidueye Seismitoad Decidueye by Alex Schemanske Regional Collinsville, IL 6th
lurantisvileplume Lurantis Vileplume by Ross Cawthon Regional Collinsville, IL 7th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Peter Kica Regional Collinsville, IL 11th
gardevoir-mega Mega Gardevoir by Connor Finton Regional Collinsville, IL 29th
xerneas-active Xerneas by Andy Gray Regional Collinsville, IL 34th
trevenant Trevenant by Jonathan Crespo Regional Philadelphia, PA 1st
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch Regional Philadelphia, PA 4th
yveltalarcheops Yveltal Maxie's by Tom Filbey Regional Philadelphia, PA 5th
yveltalarcheops Yveltal Maxie's by Benjamin Sauk Regional Philadelphia, PA 8th
xerneas-active Xerneas by Andy Gray Regional Philadelphia, PA 54th
xerneas-active Xerneas by Tyler Ninomura Regional Phoenix, AZ 20th
sceptile-mega Mega Sceptile by Fabien Pujol World Championships 2016 32nd
seismitoadgiratina-origin Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz Supernova Blast 4 2nd
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Louis Bich Supernova Blast 4 3rd
seismitoadgiratina-origin Seismitoad Giratina by Simone Zucchelli Supernova Blast 4 4th
seismitoadgiratina-origin Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz Arena Cup Würzburg 1st
yveltalarcheops Yveltal Maxie's by Fatih Akdemir Arena Cup Würzburg 2nd
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by David Sturm Arena Cup Würzburg 3rd
yveltal Yveltal by Nico Alabas Arena Cup Würzburg 5th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel Arena Cup Würzburg 6th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski Arena Cup Würzburg 8th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Jacob Van Wagner World Championships 2015 1st
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Mees Brenninkmeijer World Championships 2015 2nd
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Igor Costa World Championships 2015 3rd
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Merlin Quittek World Championships 2015 4th
trevenantgengar Trevenant Gengar by Sean Foisy World Championships 2015 5th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Martin Janous World Championships 2015 6th
donphan Donphan by Simon Narode World Championships 2015 7th
aromatisseseismitoad Aromatisse Box by Tito Santoso World Championships 2015 8th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Andrew Mahone World Championships 2015 9th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Ross Cawthon World Championships 2015 12th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Aaron Tarbell World Championships 2015 22nd
raichucrobat Raichu Crobat by Ciaran Farah World Championships 2015 23rd
donphan Donphan by Daniel Lynch World Championships 2015 24th
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Kian Amini World Championships 2015 25th
trevenantgengar Trevenant Gengar by Alex Hill World Championships 2015 27th
raichucrobat Raichu Crobat by Tobias Thesing World Championships 2015 28th
bronzongaegislash Bronzong Box by Brit Pybas World Championships 2015 29th
bronzongaegislash Bronzong Box by Dustin Zimmerman World Championships 2015 31st
manectric-megareshiram Mega Manectric Reshiram by Benjamin Pham World Championships 2015 81st
raichucrobat Raichu Crobat by Mike Fouchet World Championships 2015 95th
hippowdon Hippowdon by Justin Aaron World Championships 2015 112th
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Patrick Martinez World Championships 2015 (SR) 1st
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Brent Tonisson World Championships 2015 (SR) 3rd
donphan Donphan by Colter Decker World Championships 2015 (SR) 4th
bronzongklinklangaegislash Bronzong Klinklang Box by Calvin Connor World Championships 2015 (SR) 5th
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Jesper Eriksen World Championships 2015 (SR) 6th
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Jon Eng World Championships 2015 (SR) 7th
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Josh Fernando World Championships 2015 (SR) 8th
landorus-theriancrobat Landorus Crobat by Rowan Stavenow World Championships 2015 (JR) 1st
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Alejandro Ng-Guzman World Championships 2015 (JR) 2nd
by Keita Saubaigne World Championships 2015 (JR) 7th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by Yuto Omura World Championships 2015 (JR) 8th
manectric-megagarbodor Mega Manectric Garbodor by Grant Manley US Nationals 2015 3rd
bronzongaegislash Bronzong Box by Ben Moskow US Nationals 2015 4th
seismitoadmanectriccrobat Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Kristy Britton US Nationals 2015 7th
rayquaza-megabronzong Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Geoffrey Sauk US Nationals 2015 8th
kyogre-primal Primal Kyogre by Omar Reyhan US Nationals 2015 10th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Stefan Tabaco US Nationals 2015 12th
seismitoadgarbodor Seismitoad Garbodor by Jake Jensen US Nationals 2015 13th
kyogre-primal Primal Kyogre by Michael Lesky US Nationals 2015 14th
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Kolton Day US Nationals 2015 16th
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Andrew Krekeler US Nationals 2015 20th
flareon Flareon by Jason Annichiarico US Nationals 2015 26th
rayquaza-megabronzong Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Alex Hill US Nationals 2015 30th
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Vance Kelley US Nationals 2015 37th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Jeremy Gibson US Nationals 2015 39th
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Zach Elliott US Nationals 2015 40th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Kevin Baxter US Nationals 2015 41st
rayquaza-megabronzong Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Daniel Altavilla US Nationals 2015 47th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Matt Marusik US Nationals 2015 48th
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Zack Martin US Nationals 2015 53rd
seismitoadgarbodor Seismitoad Garbodor by Brit Pybas US Nationals 2015 54th
seismitoadmanectricgarbodor Seismitoad Manectric Garbodor by Iyla Sutherland US Nationals 2015 61st
rayquaza-megabronzong Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Jacob Van Wagner US Nationals 2015 62nd
seismitoadshaymin-sky Seismitoad Shaymin by Marcus Raj Australian Nationals 2015 2nd
seismitoadshaymin-sky Seismitoad Shaymin by Jordan Palmer Australian Nationals 2015 3rd
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Thomas Vernier French Nationals 2015 1st
xerneas-activegardevoir-megaaromatisse Xerneas Mega Gardevoir Aromatisse by Fatih Akdemir German Nationals 2015 3rd
seismitoadslurpuff Seismitoad Slurpuff by Karl Peters German Nationals 2015 4th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Friedrich Illbruck German Nationals 2015 5th
seismitoadcrobat Seismitoad Crobat by Markus Jakob German Nationals 2015 6th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel European Challenge Cup 2015 1st
aromatissexerneas Aromatisse Fairies by Emanuel da Silva European Challenge Cup 2015 2nd
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Bert Wolters European Challenge Cup 2015 6th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Marc Lutz European Challenge Cup 2015 11th
yveltal Yveltal by Tord Reklev European Challenge Cup 2015 20th
manectric-mega Mega Manectric by Goncalo Ferreira European Challenge Cup 2015 22nd
aromatissexerneas Aromatisse Fairies by Alex Dao European Challenge Cup 2015 26th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Igor Costa World Championships 2014 2nd
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Paulo Silva World Championships 2014 4th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Chase Moloney World Championships 2014 6th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Vincent Azzolin World Championships 2014 7th
blastoisekeldeo-resolute Blastoise Keldeo by Daniel Altavilla World Championships 2014 9th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Haedon Jeong World Championships 2014 12th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse World Championships 2014 13th
landorus-therianraichu Landorus Raichu by Ross Cawthon World Championships 2014 16th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Takuya Yoneda World Championships 2014 19th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Fabio Lona de Danielli World Championships 2014 20th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Christopher Schemanske World Championships 2014 22nd
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Kaiwen Cabbabe World Championships 2014 24th
yveltaldarkrai Yveltal Darkrai by Israel Sosa World Championships 2014 26th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Clifton Goh World Championships 2014 30th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Adler Pierce World Championships 2014 31st
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Jordan Palmer World Championships 2014 32nd
landorus-therianraichugarbodor Big Basics Raichu Garbodor by Brandon Salazar US Nationals 2014 1st
pyroar Pyroar by Michael Pramawat US Nationals 2014 2nd
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Isaiah Williams US Nationals 2014 3rd
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Calvin Nordberg US Nationals 2014 4th
pyroar Pyroar by Tristan Macek US Nationals 2014 7th
flygondusknoir Flygon Dusknoir by Henry Prior US Nationals 2014 8th
pyroar Pyroar by Jon Bristow US Nationals 2014 10th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Ryan Sabelhaus US Nationals 2014 12th
pyroar Pyroar by Brad Curcio US Nationals 2014 13th
flygondusknoir Flygon Dusknoir by Russell LaParre US Nationals 2014 14th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Jennifer Wilson Australian Nationals 2014 1st
yveltalraichu Yveltal Raichu by Jordan Palmer Australian Nationals 2014 2nd
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Naomi Murn Australian Nationals 2014 5th
yveltaldarkrai Yveltal Darkrai by Thomas Winkleman Australian Nationals 2014 7th
accelgortrevenant Accelgor Trevenant by Paul Coletta Australian Nationals 2014 8th
yveltalgarbodor Yveltal Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff French Nationals 2014 1st
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Karl Peters German Nationals 2014 1st
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Dennis Mischitz German Nationals 2014 2nd
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Marc Lutz German Nationals 2014 3rd
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by David Kirschbaum German Nationals 2014 5th
emboarrayquaza Emboar Rayquaza by Ole Stognief German Nationals 2014 6th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Marc Lutz European Challenge Cup 2014 1st
darkraigarbodor Darkrai Garbodor by Steven Mao European Challenge Cup 2014 3rd
darkraigarbodor Darkrai Garbodor by Tord Reklev European Challenge Cup 2014 4th
empoleondusknoir Empoleon Dusknoir by Stéphane Ivanoff European Challenge Cup 2014 6th
stoutland Stoutland by Tomasz Chmura European Challenge Cup 2014 19th
darkraimewtwo Darkrai Mewtwo by Marek Rehacek European Challenge Cup 2014 20th
landorus-therianmewtwogarbodor Landorus Mewtwo Garbodor by Mehdi Hafi European Challenge Cup 2014 27th
palkiadeoxys Plasma Palkia by Esa Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2014 29th
darkraisableye Darkrai Sableye by Jason Klaczynski World Championships 2013 1st
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Simon Narode World Championships 2013 2nd
blastoisekeldeo-resolute Blastoise Keldeo by James Good World Championships 2013 3rd
sableyegarbodor Sableye Garbodor by Dustin Zimmerman World Championships 2013 4th
darkraigarbodor Darkrai Garbodor by Takuya Yoneda World Championships 2013 5th
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Johnny Rabus World Championships 2013 6th
rayquazaeelektrik Rayquaza Eelektrik by Jon Bristow World Championships 2013 8th
blastoisekeldeo-resolute Blastoise Keldeo by Gino Lombardi World Championships 2013 9th
flareon Flareon by Dylan Bryan World Championships 2013 10th
blastoisekeldeo-resolute Blastoise Keldeo by Mike Newman World Championships 2013 12th
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Günther Kirchhofer World Championships 2013 13th
darkraisableye Darkrai Sableye by Chase Moloney World Championships 2013 15th
klinklang Klinklang by David Sturm World Championships 2013 27th
accelgorgothitelle Accelgor Gothitelle by Edmund Kuras US Nationals 2013 1st
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Ryan Sabelhaus US Nationals 2013 2nd
accelgorgothitelle Accelgor Gothitelle by Samuel Liggett US Nationals 2013 3rd
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Kyle Sucevich US Nationals 2013 10th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Jose Marrero US Nationals 2013 14th
accelgorgothitelle Accelgor Gothitelle by Aaron Curry US Nationals 2013 16th
darkraisableye Darkrai Sableye by Janik Reimers German Nationals 2013 1st
landorus-therianmewtwogarbodor Landorus Mewtwo Garbodor by Merlin Quittek German Nationals 2013 5th
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Tobias Thesing German Nationals 2013 8th
landorus-therianmewtwotornadus Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Mehdi Hafi French Nationals 2013 1st
landorus-therianmewtwotornadus Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Stéphane Ivanoff French Nationals 2013 4th
darkraimewtwo Darkrai Mewtwo by David Hochmann European Challenge Cup 2013 2nd
darkraihydreigon Darkrai Hydreigon by Tamao Cameron European Challenge Cup 2013 4th
ho-oh Ho-Oh by Jake Walvin European Challenge Cup 2013 10th
darkraimewtwoterrakion Darkrai Mewtwo Terrakion by Igor Costa World Championships 2012 1st
darkraimewtwo Darkrai Mewtwo by Harrison Leven World Championships 2012 2nd
darkraimewtwo Darkrai Mewtwo by Jay Hornung World Championships 2012 3rd
darkraimewtwo Darkrai Mewtwo by Michael Diaz World Championships 2012 4th
celebimewtwoterrakion Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Stefan Tabaco World Championships 2012 6th
celebimewtwoterrakion Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Steven Mao World Championships 2012 12th
chandelureaccelgorvileplume Chandelure Accelgor Lock by Clifton Goh World Championships 2012 14th
celebimewtwoterrakion Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Steven Mao German Nationals 2012 1st
celebimewtwotornadus Celebi Mewtwo Tornadus by David Booij European Challenge Cup 2012 1st
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Jouni Lehtinen European Challenge Cup 2012 3rd
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Tom Hall European Challenge Cup 2012 6th
yanmegamew Yanmega Mew Box by Mees Brenninkmeijer European Challenge Cup 2012 8th
zebstrikaeelektrik Zebstrika Eelektrik by Robin Schulz European Challenge Cup 2012 9th
celebimewtwo Celebi Mewtwo by Esa Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2012 12th
magnezoneeelektrik Magnezone Eelektrik by George Boon European Challenge Cup 2012 14th
zekromeelektrik Zekrom Eelektrik by Isto Juntunen European Challenge Cup 2012 20th
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Tom Dolezal World Championships 2011 3rd
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Josue Palomino World Championships 2011 4th
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Jeremy Jallen World Championships 2011 6th
reshiramtyphlosion Reshiram Typhlosion by Miska Saari World Championships 2011 16th
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