Following up on the last update, we now present you even more new features to our tournament result database.

The top earners in the game

More ranking options

Most importantly, you can now rank players and decks by not only our point structure, but also by the amount of money won by them. This includes prize money from Regionals, Internationals and Worlds. Stipends or ARG events do not count towards this ranking.

Additionally, it’s also possible to rank players and decks by their amount of Top 8 finishes at Regionals or International events.

Our point structure also received some changes to make it more consistent across different attendances and tournament types. Thanks to Mees Brenninkmeijer for his feedback and suggestions on this topic!


Previously, if you wanted to look up all the decklists from a specific tournament, you had to click and open each one individually. With this update, it got a lot easier to get a overview of decklists. Just select that you want to see decklists at the bottom of a tournament page and you’ll have them all in a single place.

The decklist search feature also got improved. Instead of just getting a list of links to decklists that match your search query, you can also select two additional options of displaying the search results. The first one shows you all the matching decklists in full, displayed in our regular decklist template, that is planned to receive additional features in the future. The other one also displays the lists in full, but as simple as possible, for when you just want to copy/paste something quickly, or don’t need the additional styling for any other reason.

Lists from current tournaments are continuously added to the database. The recent Liverpool Regional even has 29 out of 32 decklists available! We’re also still in the process of adding decklists from last season. Currently all the Internationals and a bunch of European tournaments are provided with lists, more will follow over time.

our own Philip’s player stats

Career stats

An overview of a player’s career has been added to each profile. On there, you can find their amount and breakdown of Top 8 finishes and the amount of money they have won in total. A similar overview can also be found on every deck’s page.

Latest tournament on homepage

The most interesting and most visisted tournament results page is usually the most recent one, but finding it without the direct link required some amount of clicks in the past. To make it easier, you can now find all the relevant links to the latest tournament results clearly visible on our home page.

Other improvements

There’s also some other minor improvements that have been made. E.g., for the deck ranking, you can now decide whether you want to rank the collective archetypes (like Decidueye, Garbodor etc), or the seperate variants (Decidueye/Vileplume, Decidueye/Ninetales, Drampa/Garbodor, Espeon/Garbodor etc).

That’s it for now, but we will of course be looking to improve the site even further in the future. If you got any ideas for a new feature or how to make existing ones better, feel free to contact us in any way you like.