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Martial Arts Dojo

Cosmic Eclipse #268

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax Rapid Strike Urshifu by Azul Garcia Griego Players Cup III Global Finals 1st
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax Rapid Strike Urshifu by Mitch Knuckey Players Cup III Global Finals 9th
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax Rapid Strike Urshifu by Mike Fouchet Players Cup III Global Finals 9th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Shunya Kimura Champions League Yokohama 3rd
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Haruto Miki Champions League Yokohama 7th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Masaki Sakamoto Champions League Yokohama 9th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Tatsuya Tanaka Champions League Yokohama 10th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Keita Mizukami Champions League Yokohama 53rd
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Ayato Osawa Champions League Yokohama 109th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Takumi Ono Champions League Yokohama 110th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Kazuyuki Azuma Champions League Yokohama 116th
donphan Donphan by Dai Akizuki Champions League Yokohama 122nd
excadrill Excadrill by Lukas Dellenbach Pokémon Online Global Championships 15th
excadrill Excadrill by Nicola Zappulla Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 71st
excadrill Excadrill by Nicola Zappulla Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 64th
rampardos Rampardos by Renaud Levain Regional Bochum 6th
rampardos Rampardos by Tobias Thesing Regional Bochum 62nd
garchompgiratina-origin Garchomp & Giratina by Mike de Goed Regional Bochum 65th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Hwanseok Jang Korean League Season 1 15th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Portland, OR 12th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Drew Cate Regional Knoxville, TN 14th
aerodactylcarracosta Aerodactyl Carracosta by Yehoshua Tate Regional Knoxville, TN 46th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Anthony Bruno Regional Atlantic City, NJ 21st
aerodactylcarracosta Aerodactyl Carracosta by Thomas Fitzgerald Regional Atlantic City, NJ 28th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Enrico Grimaldi Regional Cologne 7th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Rick Cherry Regional Cologne 12th
rampardos Rampardos by Tobias Thesing Regional Cologne 26th
garchompmachamp GG Marshadow & Machamp by Marc Lutz Regional Cologne 50th
rampardos Rampardos by Robert Kedziora Regional Cologne 57th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Dennis Janssen Regional Cologne 64th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Santiago Fernandez Mesquida Regional Cologne 66th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Joshua Bradley Special Event Melbourne 8th
reshiramcharizardvolcanion Green's Reshiram & Charizard by Rahul Reddy World Championships 2019 30th
rampardos Rampardos by Tobias Thesing World Championships 2019 62nd
aerodactylcarracosta Aerodactyl Carracosta by Shintaro Yamamoto World Championships 2019 66th
zoroarksilvally Zoroark Silvally by Ryan D'Silva NAIC 2019, Columbus 91st
zoroarksilvally Zoroark Silvally by Moeen Mungalee Special Event Cape Town 1st
lycanroc-midnightlandorus Lycanroc Landorus by Shintaro Fuji Champions League Kyoto 31st
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