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Poing de Fusion #128

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
banettegardevoir Banette Gardevoir by Mateusz Łaszkiewicz Regional Dortmund 31st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Carlo De Castro Regional Fresno, CA 85th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Damian Fernandez Urroz Regional São Paulo 2nd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Ryan Pang EUIC 2023, London 25th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Nofoume Ben Ahmed Aly EUIC 2023, London 28th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Jaxson Piwek Regional Vancouver, BC 25th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Xander Pero Regional Knoxville, TN 22nd
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