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EUIC 2023, London GB
14th April 2023 • 1525 Players • Battle Styles - Scarlet & VioletRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 US arceusduraludon-gmax
2 NO gardevoir
3 MX mewgenesect
4 ES comfeysableyecharizard
5 US goodra-hisuicomfey
6 Trevore Read CA lugiaarcheops
7 Eric Rodriguez US lugiaarcheops
8 Robert Kinbrum GB miraidonregieleki-a
9 Hermanni Hietalahti FI goodra-hisuicomfey
10 Michael Bergerac US arceusduraludon-gmax
11 Tobias Strømdahl NO inteleon-gmaxurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax
12 Braiden Elfert US arceuspikachu
13 Paulo Mimoso PT mewgenesect
14 Pedro Pertusi BR gardevoirmewtwo
15 Tyler Mathews US comfeysableye
16 US comfeysableye
17 Phillip de Sousa GB gardevoirmewtwo
18 Yoann Barszezak FR goodra-hisuicomfey
19 Nathaniel Kaplan US lugiaarcheops
20 Ole Stognief DE comfeysableye
21 Sami Sekkoum GB arceusgiratina-origin
22 Haru Nishikawa JP goodra-hisuicomfey
23 US goodra-hisuicomfey
24 Andrew Martin US gardevoirmewtwo
25 Ryan Pang GB mewgenesect
26 Robin Schulz DE gardevoir
27 Simone Fiorito IT arceusgiratina-origin
28 Nofoume Ben Ahmed Aly FR mewgenesect
29 IT goodra-hisuicomfey
30 Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano AR lugiaarcheops
31 Sander Wojcik NL mimikyuyveltal
32 Cain Greene US giratina-origincomfey
33 Gilbert McLaughlin GB mewgenesect
34 Gustavo Wada BR comfeysableye
35 Murilo Mercadante BR lugiaarcheops
36 Nathan Brower US lugiaarcheops
37 Vaughn O'Brien US comfeysableye
38 Mauro Wandoloh BE comfeysableye
39 Sackett Brehmer US mewgenesect
40 Ithiel Arki FR comfeysableye
41 US lugiaarcheops
42 Jacob Kendrick GB goodra-hisuicomfey
43 Fabio Spanò IT goodra-hisuicomfey
44 Thomas Happel US lugiaarcheops
45 Piotr Orleański PL comfeysableye
46 Angelo Falchi IT giratina-origincomfey
47 Connor Bird GB goodra-hisuicomfey
48 US arceusduraludon-gmax
49 Andres David Torres CO gardevoir
50 Oscar Rivas Perez ES comfeysableye
51 Hiroki Nakashima GB comfeysableyecharizard
52 FI goodra-hisuicomfey
53 Carlo Antonio Del Vescovo IT arceusgiratina-origin
54 Tony Yates GB goodra-hisuicomfey
55 Andreas Møller DK gardevoir
56 Brandon Salazar US lugiaarcheops
57 Antonio Distefano GB goodra-hisuicomfey
58 Grant Hays US goodra-hisuicomfey
59 Ian Buck US mewgenesect
60 Jose Marrero US lugiaarcheops
61 Frank Mintmire US gardevoirmewtwo
62 Alex Lonnecker GB goodra-hisuicomfey
63 Bolly Olufon GB lugiaarcheops
64 Andrew Mahone US goodra-hisuicomfey
65 Leo Orozco US lugiaarcheops
66 Giovanni Schroevers NL lugiaarcheops
67 Alex Dao GB comfeysableyecharizard
68 Francesco Pasquale Caterino IT gardevoir
69 Harry Dunn GB goodra-hisuicomfey
70 Patryk Brzezinski PL goodra-hisuicomfey
71 Miloslav Suchanek CZ miraidonregieleki-a
72 Rogelio Espinoza MX giratina-origincomfey
73 Jan Hausmann DE comfeysableyecharizard
74 Nuno Fernandes PT lugiaarcheops
75 Nathan Hargreaves GB mewgenesectmeloetta
76 Sylvester Kwon US goodra-hisuicomfey
77 Jonah Alter ZA comfeysableye
78 Luke Williams GB mewgenesect
79 Ben Ahmadi GB gardevoirmewtwo
80 Mike Reynolds GB lugiaarcheops
81 Filippo Colamorea IT lugiaarcheops
82 AU comfeysableye
83 Josh Fernando CA lugiaarcheops
84 Akira Sato JP giratina-origincomfey
85 Vincent Marcus Munk DK lugiaarcheops
86 NL gardevoir
87 Rick Verwaal NL comfeysableye
88 Rory Licken IE comfeysableyecharizard
89 Otavio Gouveia BR lugiaarcheops
90 Andrew Emerson GB comfeysableyecharizard
91 Noah Yoshida US lugiaarcheops
92 Mehdi Hafi FR mewgenesect
93 Ewan West GB goodra-hisuicomfey
94 Luke Parkes GB comfeysableye
95 Connor Finton US lugiaarcheops
96 Nitish Doolub GB mewgenesect
97 Simon Luong CA giratina-origincomfey
98 US comfeysableyecharizard
99 Antoine Betti FR lugiaarcheops
100 Matthew Byrom GB mewgenesect
101 Cameron Shenoy US gardevoir
102 Leonardo Martins PT lugiaarcheops
103 Paul Windibank GB goodra-hisuicomfey
104 John Maas US lugiaarcheops
105 CA lugiaarcheops
106 Benjamin Rabaiotti GB snorlax
107 Benjamin Pham NL giratina-origincomfey
108 Finlay Wyllie GB giratina-origincomfey
109 Grant Mathey US lugiaarcheops
110 Christian Fontenot DK lugiaarcheops
111 Darren Jacques GB lugiaarcheops
112 Matthew Burris AU lugiaarcheops
113 Arne Van Braeckel BE gardevoirmewtwo
114 Fabio Battistella IT arceusgiratina-origin
115 Toby Woolner GB goodra-hisuicomfey
116 US mewgenesect
117 Justin Wies NL comfeysableye
118 Raz Wolpe IL lugiaarcheops
119 Daniel Llosa Garcia ES lugiaarcheops
120 Edwin Arrollo US goodra-hisuicomfey
121 Magnus Pedersen DK urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxempoleon
122 James Collins GB giratina-origincomfey
123 Dalton Acchetta BR gardevoir
124 Charles Gautier FR comfeysableye
125 Pere Arbós Parets ES lugiaarcheops
126 Muhammad Ideis US lugiaarcheops
127 Anthony Kelly US lugiaarcheops
128 Andrew Zavala US lugiaarcheops
129 Ethan Chow IE goodra-hisuicomfey
130 Mark Nilson US lugiaarcheops
131 Jari Bonsee NL lugiaarcheops
132 James Bee GB comfeysableye
133 Nikoline Pedersen DK mewgenesectmeloetta
134 Miguel Angel Linares PE mewgenesectmeloetta
135 Teddy Vataire FR miraidonregieleki-a
136 Kolton Day US lugiaarcheops
137 Max Schlehaider DE goodra-hisuicomfey
138 BR lugiaarcheops
139 Gavin Hoebeeck GB lugiaarcheops
140 Justin Tse CA gardevoirmewtwo
141 Guilherme Fernandes PT comfeysableye
142 Tanner Drabek US comfeysableye
143 Oliver Elwick GB miraidonregieleki-a
144 Brandon Baughn US lugiaarcheops
145 US gardevoir
146 Juan Rosales US comfeysableye
147 Mikołaj Plich PL lugiaarcheops
148 Riley Hulbert US goodra-hisuicomfey
149 Victor Muñoz CL lugiaarcheops
150 Mark Fox GB mewgenesect
151 Alexandre Sole BE inteleon-gmaxurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax
152 Sanne van Hoogstraten NL miraidonflaaffy
153 Sean van Dijk NL mewgenesectmeloetta
154 Sergio Marcos ES mewgenesectmeloetta
155 Gilles Heyndrickx BE arceuspikachu
156 Luke Negus GB giratina-origincomfey
157 Michael Popp DE arceusgiratina-origin
158 Lasse Puisto FI mewgenesectmeloetta