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Super Bonbon

Trainer - Item

Choisissez l'un de vos Pokémon de base en jeu. Si vous avez dans votre main une carte Évolution de Niveau 2 de ce Pokémon-là, placez celle-ci sur le Pokémon de base pour le faire évoluer, sans passer par le Niveau 1. Vous ne pouvez utiliser cette carte ni pendant votre premier tour ni sur un Pokémon de base qui a été mis en jeu pendant ce tour.
Illustrated by Toyste Beach
Int. Prints USD EUR
Sandstorm #88 $8.95 2.36€
Emerald #83 $6.03 1.63€
Holon Phantoms #90 $8.76 2.73€
POP Series 5 #7 $7.07 4.18€
Great Encounters #102 $4.49 1.16€
POP Series 8 #10 $6.63 5.38€
Déchaînement #82 $6.57 1.50€
Explorateurs Obscurs #100 $1.05 0.56€
Explosion Plasma #85 $0.73 0.51€
Explosion Plasma #105 $113.97 46.48€
Primo-Choc #135 $0.47 0.40€
Soleil et Lune #129 $0.18 0.12€
Gardiens Ascendants #165 $28.95 17.31€
Tempête Celeste #142 $0.33 0.56€
Épée et Bouclier #180 $0.12 0.14€
Pokémon GO #69 $0.15 0.07€
Zénith Suprême #141 $0.11 0.07€
Écarlate et Violet #191 $0.22 0.13€
Écarlate et Violet #256 $9.37 8.89€
Destinées de Paldea #89 $0.18 0.05€
JP. Prints
Black & White Promotional Cards #138
Dark Rush #65
Garchomp Half Deck #11
Hydreigon Half Deck #11
Master Deck Build Box EX #31
Black Kyurem-EX Deck #11
White Kyurem-EX Deck #11
Blastoise & Kyurem-EX Deck #10
XY Promotional Cards #136
Gaia Volcano #61
Master Deck Build Box MEGA Power Style #31
Master Deck Build Box MEGA Speed Style #33
Pokemon Card Game Starter Pack #57
EX x MEGA x BREAK Champion Pack #107
Sun and Moon Promotional Cards #25
Sun and Moon Promotional Cards #NAN1
Sun and Moon Promotional Cards #NAN2
Sun and Moon Promotional Cards #NAN3
Starter Set SM #45
Premium Trainer Box #3
Sun and Moon plus #46
Starter Set Tapu Bulu-GX #14
GX Battle Boost #94
Starter Set Solgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX #13
Ultra Moon #58
Premium Trainer Box Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon #4
Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Battle Box #5
Forbidden Light #80
Champion's Road #55
Charisma of the Ripped Sky #82
GX Starter Decks #112
Super Burst Impact #79
Tag Bolt #81
Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box #21
Double Blaze #82
Tag Team GX Deck Build Box #11
Family Pokémon Card Game #42
Sword & Shield Promotional Cards #52
Starter Set V Fire #15
Shield #53
Premium Trainer Box Sword & Shield #5
Grimmsnarl VMAX Starter Set #12
Charizard VMAX Starter Set #12
V Starter Decks #95
Charizard VMAX Starter Set 2 #12
Premium Trainer Box Single Strike & Rapid Strike #12
Starter Decks 100 #376
VSTAR Premium Trainer Box #16
Pokémon GO #66
Scarlet & Violet Promotional Cards #16
Scarlet & Violet Promotional Cards #45
Scarlet & Violet Promotional Cards #159
Violet ex #72
Violet ex #107
ex Starter Set Fuecoco & Ampharos ex #14
Premium Trainer Box ex #3
ex Starter Decks #120
Deck Build Box Ruler of the Black Flame #20
Raging Surf #53
Terastal Starter Set Skeledirge ex #13
Special Deck Set ex Venusaur & Charizard & Blastoise #35
Shiny Treasure ex #163
Ancient Koraidon ex Starter Deck & Build Set #30
Future Miradon ex Starter Deck & Build Set #30
Scarlet & Violet: Battle Academy #53
Battle Master Deck Charizard ex #14
Battle Master Deck Chien-Pao ex #13
Stellar Miracle Deck Build Box #21
Starter Decks Generations #135
Battle Partners Deck Build Box #19
ex Starter Set Steven's Beldum & Metagross ex #12
ex Starter Set Marnie's Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex #13

Price History