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Planche Demi-Tour

Harmonie des Esprits #255

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Raichu Electrode Combo by Harto Miki Champions League Aichi Expanded 13th
Blacephalon Fire Box by Ryotaro Nanayama Champions League Aichi 13th
Inteleon by Duan Jingren Taiwan Regional League Kaohsiung 6th
Mad Party by Tomoki Ito Champions League Yokohama 15th
Dragapult by Ryoshi Sakai Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 52nd
Excadrill by Nicola Zappulla Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 64th
Pidgeotto Control by Jesper Eriksen Regional Bochum 7th
Pidgeotto Control by Kevin Kral Regional Bochum 52nd
Mewtwo & Mew by Seunghyun Lee Korean League Season 1 4th
Mewtwo & Mew by Inseong Kang Korean League Season 1 5th
Gardevoir & Sylveon by Hyunsik Choi Korean League Season 1 6th
ADP Silvally by Hagil Kang Korean League Season 1 7th
ADP Silvally by YouTae Woo Korean League Season 1 8th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hwanseok Jang Korean League Season 1 15th
Pidgeotto Control by Carter Barsh Regional San Diego, CA 17th
Pidgeotto Control by Jalen Jones Regional Daytona Beach, FL 42nd
Quagsire Naganadel by Lucas Freitas LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 57th
Florges Dolls by Vinícius Fernandez LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (SR) 6th
Quagsire Naganadel by Benjamin Pham Special Event Paris 26th
Pidgeotto Control by Isaiah Bradner Regional Knoxville, TN 8th
Pidgeotto Control by Kazuki Kanehira Regional Knoxville, TN 37th
Aerodactyl Froslass by Johnathan Thompson Regional Knoxville, TN 52nd
Quagsire Naganadel by Yan Girard Regional Atlantic City, NJ 12th
Pidgeotto Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Cologne 2nd
Pidgeotto Control by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Cologne 9th
Quagsire Naganadel by Günther Kirchhofer Regional Cologne 38th
Mewtwo & Mew by Kojiro Tsuruta Champions League Tokyo 5th
Mewtwo & Mew by Hiroki Yano Champions League Tokyo 8th
Quagsire Naganadel by John Freeman Regional Sheffield 51st
Quagsire Naganadel by Jay Tyrrell Special Event Melbourne 7th
Beheeyem by Hampus Eriksson World Championships 2019 94th
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