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Super Electric Breaker #26

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Abaan Ahmed Regional Vancouver 8th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joey Gaffney Regional Vancouver 39th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Aidan Khus Regional Vancouver 114th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joshua W. Regional Vancouver (JR) 3rd
feraligatr Feraligatr by Hiromu Sasaki Champions League Fukuoka 1st
blissey Blissey by Masaya Fujimoto Champions League Fukuoka 3rd
miloticfarigiraf Milotic Farigiraf by Yoshiki Kitae Champions League Fukuoka 4th
miloticfarigiraf Milotic Farigiraf by Yuta Yoshioka Champions League Fukuoka 6th
miloticfarigiraf Milotic Farigiraf by Daiki Kitagawa Champions League Fukuoka 7th
miloticfarigiraf Milotic Farigiraf by Hajime Hiruo Champions League Fukuoka 12th
ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern Ogerpon Noivern by Manuel Vazquez Regional Stuttgart 257th
ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern Ogerpon Noivern by Pepijn Langeraert Regional Stuttgart 296th
ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern Ogerpon Noivern by Jake Riggs Regional Sacramento, CA 156th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by John Pisaneschi Regional Sacramento, CA 186th
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