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  • Format: prc-sum
  • Format: prc-sum
# Deck Points Share
1 Decidueye GX 862 24.48%
2 Darkrai EX Dark Pulse 596 16.93%
3 Volcanion EX 388 11.02%
4 Mega Mewtwo Psychic Infinity 364 10.34%
5 Mega Rayquaza Emerald Break 305 8.66%
6 Yveltal EX 249 7.07%
7 Xerneas Mega Gardevoir 169 4.80%
8 Vespiquen Bee Revenge 125 3.55%
9 Mega Gardevoir Despair Ray 89 2.53%
9 Gyarados AOR 89 2.53%
11 Lapras GX 68 1.93%
12 Xerneas Rainbow Force 50 1.42%
13 Walls (Jolteon-EX and the like) 33 0.94%
14 Umbreon GX 30 0.85%
15 Xerneas Break 18 0.51%
15 Mega Alakazam 18 0.51%
17 Houndoom Mill 16 0.45%
18 Vileplume Toolbox Irritating Polen 15 0.43%
19 Quad Tauros GX 12 0.34%
20 Solgaleo GX SUM 10 0.28%
21 Giratina EX 9 0.26%
22 Greninja Break 6 0.17%