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Counter Energy

Crimson Invasion #100

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
raichu-alolaelectrode Raichu Electrode Combo by Ryota Ishiyama Champions League Aichi Expanded 2nd
iron-thornswobbuffet Iron Thorns Wobbuffet by Tsubasa Wada Champions League Aichi Expanded 11th
raichu-alolaelectrode Raichu Electrode Combo by Harto Miki Champions League Aichi Expanded 13th
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Hiroki Tsuchiya Champions League Aichi - Expanded 12th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 4th
clefairy Doll Stall by Zachary Cooper Regional Collinsville, IL 8th
mew Mew Box by Frank Percic Regional Collinsville, IL 15th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brendan Dixon Regional Collinsville, IL 17th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Andrew Rogers Regional Collinsville, IL 26th
mew Mew Box by Hunter Butler Regional Collinsville, IL 29th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Malone Regional Collinsville, IL 31st
clefairy Doll Stall by Dylan Gunn Regional Collinsville, IL 32nd
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Dartagnan Fancher Regional Collinsville, IL 33rd
morpekodusknoir Morpeko Dusknoir by Alex Schemanske Regional Collinsville, IL 34th
clefairy Doll Stall by Thomas Happel Regional Collinsville, IL 35th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Smith Regional Collinsville, IL 40th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brady Heath Regional Collinsville, IL 43rd
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Michael Laundrie Regional Collinsville, IL 50th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Tj Ortiz Regional Collinsville, IL 53rd
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Zachary Fortier Regional Collinsville, IL 55th
clefairy Doll Stall by James Langley Regional Collinsville, IL 56th
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Ashton Parker Regional Collinsville, IL 63rd
regirocksableye Regirock Sableye by Alex Schemanske Regional Dallas, TX 6th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Harris Regional Dallas, TX 10th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Dallas, TX 11th
clefairy Doll Stall by Joe Ruettiger Regional Dallas, TX 17th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Harry Wada Regional Dallas, TX 31st
regirock Regirock by Preston Ellis Regional Dallas, TX 50th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Mefford Regional Dallas, TX 57th
medicham Medicham by Sam Elliott Regional Dallas, TX 81st
spiritombarceus Spiritomb ADP by Taeyeon Lee Korean League Season 1 3rd
trevenant Trevenant by Bryan Hunter Regional Richmond, VA 9th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Richmond, VA 19th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Connor Finton Regional Richmond, VA 29th
trevenant Trevenant by Luke Morsa Regional Richmond, VA 31st
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis NAIC 2019, Columbus 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Vance Kelley NAIC 2019, Columbus 15th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli NAIC 2019, Columbus 22nd
weezing Weezing by Steven Singer NAIC 2019, Columbus 24th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Kevin Tran NAIC 2019, Columbus 33rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Ryan Simons NAIC 2019, Columbus 67th
weezing Weezing by Regan Retzloff NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) 2nd
weezing Weezing by Frank Mintmire NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) 6th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Kaya Lichtleitner NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) 7th
weezing Weezing by Caleb Knicely NAIC 2019, Columbus (JR) 8th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Jonkoping 3rd
hoopa-unboundwailord Hoopa Magikarp & Wailord by Adrian Fjell Regional Jonkoping 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Simon Eriksen Regional Jonkoping 14th
weezing Weezing by Leo Beskow Regional Jonkoping 31st
weezing Weezing by Jimmy Pendarvis Origins Open 5th
weezing Weezing by Michael Pramawat Origins Open 8th
aerodactylslowking Aerodactyl Slowking by Eduardo Alfaro Espinoza Regional Santiago 24th
weezing Weezing by Gwangseok Seo Korean League Final Season 2nd
weezing Weezing by Jihun Choi Korean League Final Season 3rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang Special Event Bangkok 4th
weezing Weezing by Sam Elliott Regional Madison, WI 47th
weezing Weezing by Trisha Gilbert Regional Madison, WI 62nd
weezing Weezing by Joshua Parks Regional Madison, WI 64th
weezing Weezing by Vitor Santos Soares Regional Sao Paulo 8th
weezing Weezing by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas Regional Sao Paulo 12th
weezing Weezing by Ian Anderson Fukuda Regional Sao Paulo 13th
weezing Weezing by Jhonattan Nascimento Regional Sao Paulo 18th
weezing Weezing by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Regional Sao Paulo 25th
weezing Weezing by Ricardo Felipe Hille Regional Sao Paulo 26th
weezing Weezing by Hunter Butler Regional Santa Clara, CA 21st
weezing Weezing by Rain Keuma Regional Santa Clara, CA 32nd
weezing Weezing by Ryan Kingaby Special Event Johannesburg 1st
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Bristol 1st
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Bristol 3rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Faisal Khan Regional Bristol 29th
trevenant Trevenant by Jacob Mechaber Regional Hartford, CT 7th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Hartford, CT 8th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Justin Bokhari Regional Hartford, CT 9th
zoroark Zoroark by Jason Annichiarico Regional Hartford, CT 10th
trevenant Trevenant by Hannah Howard Regional Hartford, CT 11th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Wesley Tam Regional Hartford, CT 12th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Hartford, CT 36th
tapu-koko Koko Spread by Kaiwen Cabbabe EUIC 2019, Berlin 10th
tapu-koko Koko Spread by Clifton Goh EUIC 2019, Berlin 67th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa EUIC 2019, Berlin 78th
zapdos Zapdos by Lucas Miller EUIC 2019, Berlin (JR) 7th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy Regional Daytona Beach, FL 10th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Daytona Beach, FL 27th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Steven Gonzalez Regional Daytona Beach, FL 34th
zapdos Zapdos by Andre Bortoni Miranda Regional Fortaleza 8th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Jon Eng Regional Greensboro, NC 20th
trevenant Trevenant by Jonathan Coles Regional Greensboro, NC 24th
trevenant Trevenant by Dallas Wright Regional Greensboro, NC 31st
exeggutor-alola Alolan Exeggutor by Eric Smith Regional Greensboro, NC 34th
trevenant Trevenant by Will Jenkins Regional Toronto 3rd
trevenant Trevenant by Chris Siakala Regional Toronto 5th
mew Mew Box by Simon Trottier-Lacasse Regional Toronto 7th
trevenant Trevenant by Marvin Lu Banzon Regional Toronto 8th
trevenant Trevenant by Ciaran Farah Regional Toronto 9th
trevenant Trevenant by Andrew Estrada Regional Toronto 11th
trevenant Trevenant by Main Ahmed Regional Toronto 12th
trevenant Trevenant by Justin Bokhari Regional Toronto 18th
trevenant Trevenant by Andrew Amistad Regional Toronto 19th
vespiquenflareon Vespiquen Flareon by Nicholas Moffitt Regional Toronto 24th
vileplumeninetales-alola Vileplume Ninetales by Ross Cawthon Regional Collinsville, IL 43rd
tapu-koko Koko Spread by Dallas Wright Regional Collinsville, IL 72nd
vileplumeninetales-alola Vileplume Ninetales by Kendon Kula Regional Collinsville, IL 75th
vileplume Vileplume by Shintaro Ito Champions League Chiba 3rd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Mr.ホモン Champions League Chiba 45th
hitmonchanhitmonleehitmontop Hitmon-trio by Seitaro Shibuya Champions League Chiba 46th
galladejirachi Gallade Jirachi by 野ポケ CL Chiba Extra 23rd
tapu-kokobuzzwole Tapu Koko Buzzwole by Tae Hun Kim Korean League Season 2 6th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Jeonghun Gong Korean League Season 2 12th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Benjamin Branch OCIC 2019, Melbourne 46th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Angel Arturo Corso Special Event Peru 6th
oranguruswampert Swampert Control by Caleb Gedemer Special Event Mexico 8th
trevenant Trevenant by Lucas Richardson Regional Dallas, TX 23rd
wailord Wailord by William Woodard Regional Dallas, TX 58th
mew Mew Box by Tommy Desjardins Pettinicchio Regional Dallas, TX 64th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Special Event Argentina 1st
buzzwolegarbodorweavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Sultan Alneyadi Special Event Dubai 1st
buzzwolegarbodorweavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Ushir Babhania Special Event Dubai 4th
tapu-kokolatios Tapu Koko Latios by Gwangseok Seo Korean League Season 1 4th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Ondřej Škubal Regional Harrogate 6th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Kenta Nakahodo Champions League Niigata 35th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Akira Sato Champions League Niigata 42nd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Yosuke Nakayama Champions League Niigata 59th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 38th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Nelson Jose Motta Rodrigues LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 30th
regigigasgenesect Regigigas Genesect by Felipe Kato LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 58th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Henrick Martins LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 6th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Maxence Feuillard LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (JR) 4th
tapu-kokolatios Tapu Koko Latios by Karl Peters Special Event Lille 1st
trevenant Trevenant by Aaron Tarbell Regional Portland, OR 2nd
trevenant Trevenant by Zakaria Aossey Regional Portland, OR 32nd
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Zach Lesage Regional Memphis, TN 22nd
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Peter Kica Regional Memphis, TN 24th
buzzwoletapu-koko Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana Regional Memphis, TN 27th
buzzwoletapu-koko Buzzwole Spread by Alex Schemanske Regional Memphis, TN 39th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic Regional Memphis, TN 44th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Michael Pramawat Regional Memphis, TN 45th
buzzwolegarbodorweavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Evan Campbell Regional Memphis, TN 52nd
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Darin O'Meara Regional Memphis, TN 53rd
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Slade Robertson Regional Memphis, TN 56th
buzzwoletapu-koko Buzzwole Spread by Rob Stephens Regional Memphis, TN 69th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Giel Weeghmans Regional Offenbach 4th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Offenbach 7th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Bernardo Dias Regional Offenbach 8th
buzzwolegarbodorweavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Leon Goellner Regional Offenbach 9th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Cristian Sarnataro Regional Offenbach 12th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Kim Pobega Regional Offenbach 19th
tapu-kokoweavile Tapu Koko Weavile by Philipp Leciejewski Regional Offenbach 20th
passimiantapu-koko Passimian Tapu Koko by Ondřej Škubal Regional Offenbach 30th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Davide Innocente Regional Offenbach 42nd
buzzwolegarbodorweavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Nunzio Scalise Regional Offenbach 47th
tapu-kokohonchkrowweavile Tapu Koko Honchkrow Weavile by Shingo Sagawa Champions League Tokyo 23rd
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer Regional Philadelphia, PA 1st
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Ahmad Akhrass Regional Philadelphia, PA 21st
tapu-kokogarbodor Spread Garbodor by Jacob Mastin Regional Philadelphia, PA 24th
buzzwoletapu-koko Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana Regional Philadelphia, PA 32nd
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Isaiah Williams Regional Philadelphia, PA 37th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla Regional Philadelphia, PA 47th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic Regional Philadelphia, PA 49th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Darin O'Meara Regional Philadelphia, PA 53rd
empoleonswampert Empoleon Swampert by Joey Nawal Regional Philadelphia, PA 60th
passimian Passimian by Noel Totomoch Regional Philadelphia, PA 66th
tapu-kokogarbodor Spread Garbodor by William Woodard Regional Philadelphia, PA 76th
empoleon Empoleon by Michael Dones Regional Philadelphia, PA 77th
buzzwolenecrozma-dusk Baby Beast Box by Gabriel Modesto Regional Santa Catarina 19th
tapu-kokoweavile Tapu Koko Weavile by Thiago Jesus Regional Santa Catarina 20th
buzzwolenecrozma-dusk Baby Beast Box by Gabriel Pino Semedo Regional Santa Catarina 23rd
passimian Passimian by Rafael Monzon Arance Special Event Valencia 30th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Patrick Ebio Special Event Hong Kong 4th
zoroarkmagcargo Zoroark Magcargo by Tadashi Miyamoto Japan Championships 2018 12th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Seijiro Hara Japan Championships 2018 37th
zoroarkmagcargo Zoroark Magcargo by Koki Sawada Japan Championships 2018 47th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Conner LaVelle Regional Madison, WI 25th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Kolton Day Regional Madison, WI 30th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Moises Santibanez Regional Santiago 8th
xerneas-active Xerneas by Jarryd Bast Regional Melbourne 13th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero Regional Toronto 5th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Aidan Koenig Regional Toronto 14th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Claudio Ferla LAIC 2018, São Paulo 24th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero LAIC 2018, São Paulo 37th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Marco Aurelio Fernandes Garcia LAIC 2018, São Paulo 46th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Icaro Franco LAIC 2018, São Paulo 50th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Bussert LAIC 2018, São Paulo (JR) 3rd
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Andres Lerque Special Event Bogota 6th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Juan Pablo Besga Simmons Special Event Bogota 7th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Tait Tran Regional Perth 2nd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Hill Regional Charlotte, NC 9th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Chip Richey Regional Charlotte, NC 24th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Zack Taylor Regional Charlotte, NC 25th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Alex Smetana Regional Charlotte, NC 28th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Brendan Dixon Regional Charlotte, NC 41st
passimian Passimian by Jeremy Barnett Regional Charlotte, NC 58th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Sean Stover Regional Charlotte, NC 63rd
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Trevor Corn Regional Charlotte, NC 64th
zoroarkweavile Zoroark Weavile by Filipp Lausch Special Event Prague 7th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Special Buenos Aires #1 6th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Joe Sanchez Regional Costa Mesa, CA 29th
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Claudio Ferla Regional Salvador 1st
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Brett Stratton Regional Salvador 2nd
zoroarkgolisopod Zoroark Golisopod by Igor Costa Regional Collinsville, IL 10th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Zachary Bokhari Regional Collinsville, IL 16th
passimian Passimian by Kevin Baxter Regional Collinsville, IL 41st
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Zachary Baker Regional Collinsville, IL 52nd
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Dustin Zimmerman Regional Dallas, TX 15th
zoroark Zoroark Counters by Xander Pero Regional Dallas, TX 25th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Tony Morgan Regional Dallas, TX 62nd
wobbuffethoopa-unbound Wobbuffet Hoopa by Steffen Eriksen Regional Leipzig 9th
wobbuffethoopa-unbound Wobbuffet Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Leipzig 20th
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