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XY Promos #67a

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Vileplume Control by Takashi Yoneda Champions League Aichi Expanded 1st
Vileplume Control by Reika Yoneda Champions League Aichi Expanded 4th
Banette Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen World Championships 2018 (SR) 1st
Sableye Garbodor by Cristian Sarnataro Regional Sindelfingen 4th
Durant by Nino Kunz Regional Sindelfingen 10th
Greninja by Simone Soldo Regional Sindelfingen 11th
Heatmor Raichu by Sander Wojcik EUIC 2017–18, London 16th
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake EUIC 2017–18, London 60th
Greninja by Michael Long World Championships 2017 (SR) 2nd
Greninja by Michael Long NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 1st
Espeon Garbodor by Colin Peterik Regional Madison, WI 4th
Darkrai by Öjvind Svinhufvud Regional Birmingham 8th
Greninja by Max Fox Regional Birmingham 24th
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous LAIC 2017, São Paulo 14th
Mega Rayquaza by Regan Retzloff LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 4th
Mega Rayquaza by Lorenzo Fulco LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 6th
Mega Rayquaza by Peter Kica Special Event Aguadilla, PR 3rd
Umbreon Vileplume by Stephan Nørregård Regional Malmö 21st
Decidueye Vileplume by Tyler Ninomura OCIC 2017, Melbourne 43rd
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) 6th
Mega Rayquaza by James Kowalski OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 6th
Decidueye Vileplume by Goncalo Ferreira Regional Sheffield 1st
Vileplume Toolbox by Fabien Pujol Regional Sheffield 4th
Mega Rayquaza by Steffen Eriksen Regional Sheffield 7th
Decidueye Vileplume by John Kettler Regional Anaheim, CA 15th
Mega Rayquaza by Ahmed Ali Regional Athens, GA 5th
Mega Rayquaza by Patrik Bartosovic Regional Leipzig 1st
Greninja by Jonathan Soto Regional Dallas, TX 18th
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Hill Regional Dallas, TX 28th
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz EUIC 2016–17, London 3rd
Yveltal Garbodor by Tord Reklev EUIC 2016–17, London 4th
Greninja by Mees Brenninkmeijer EUIC 2016–17, London 21st
Greninja by Jason Lai EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) 2nd
Xerneas by Maxence Feuillard EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) 3rd
Xerneas by Sönke Ringel EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) 4th
Greninja by Chris Derocher Regional Fort Wayne, IN 3rd
Raikou Electrode by Tobias Thesing Regional Dortmund 5th
Yveltal Garbodor by Steven Mao Regional Dortmund 7th
Greninja by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Dortmund 17th
Mega Rayquaza by Cedric Gouin Regional Liverpool 1st
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Schemanske Regional Orlando, FL 2nd
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Hill Regional Orlando, FL 9th
Zygarde Carbink Vileplume by Sejun Park World Championships 2016 29th
Greninja by Tanner Hurley World Championships 2016 (SR) 7th
Yveltal Zoroark by Jordan Palmer Australian Nationals 2016 1st
Night March by Chris Siakala US Nationals 2016 5th
Night March by Jason Annichiarico US Nationals 2016 34th
Greninja by Michael Slutsky US Nationals 2016 47th
Bronzong Dragons by Dalen Dockery US Nationals 2016 63rd
Greninja by Nicolo Castignoli Italian Nationals 2016 3rd
Greninja by Simone Soldo Italian Nationals 2016 4th
Greninja by Riccardo Maganza Italian Nationals 2016 5th
Vespiquen by Simone Canziani Italian Nationals 2016 6th
Greninja by Frederic Lesage French Nationals 2016 4th
Mega Manectric by Cedric Gouin French Nationals 2016 8th
Manectric Crobat by Marc Lutz European Challenge Cup 2016 8th
YZG by Stéphane Ivanoff European Challenge Cup 2016 21st
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