Latest Updates: Stockholm
Regional Liverpool GB
5th November 2016 • 273 Players • Primal Clash - Steam Siege
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Cedric Gouin FR rayquaza-mega
2 Karl Blake GB gardevoir-mega
3 Jindrich Nepevny CZ xerneas-activegardevoir-mega
4 Robin Schulz DE giratina-origingarbodor
5 Andrew Emerson GB gyarados
6 Luke Kirkham GB scizor-mega
7 Alex Dao GB scizor-mega
8 Mehdi Hafi FR xerneas-active
9 Matthias Luppa DE yveltalgarbodor
10 Nilo Dieguez GB mewtwo-mega-y
11 Ryan Moorhouse GB volcanion
12 Adam Hawkins GB gardevoir-mega
13 DE greninja
14 Magnus Kalland NO darkraigiratina-origin
15 Charles Barton GB yveltalgarbodor
16 Merlin Quittek DE greninja
17 Philip Schulz DE xerneas-activegardevoir-mega
18 DK yveltalzoroark
19 ES volcanion
20 Soong Teck Lee SG xerneas-active
21 Simone Soldo IT greninja
22 Jonathan Cowley GB vileplumejolteon
23 Luke Williams GB darkraigiratina-origin
24 Michael Cornwall GB volcanion
25 Tobias Thesing DE yveltalgarbodor
26 Rick Verwaal NL gardevoir-mega
27 Sen Caubergh BE volcanion
28 Joe Bernard GB gardevoir-mega
29 Eduard Luque ES xerneas-active
30 Oliver Parkes GB volcanion
31 Goncalo Ferreira PT gardevoir-mega
32 Jimmy Wuyts BE volcanion