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Luz Prohibida #91

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
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beheeyemsilvally Beheeyem Silvally by Magnus Pedersen Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 44th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Mill by Ryan K Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 108th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Mill by Raymond Long Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 68th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Mill by Jeremy James Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 168th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Mill by Aaron Stringfellow OCIC 2020, Melbourne 48th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Aiden Toler Regional Dallas, TX 22nd
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Jake Pilch Regional Dallas, TX 26th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Xander Pero Regional Dallas, TX 39th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Cesar Gonzalez Regional Dallas, TX 55th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Zak Turchansky Regional Dallas, TX 58th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Pedro Provenzi LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 72nd
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Zak Turchansky Regional Portland, OR 10th
beheeyem Beheeyem by Hampus Eriksson World Championships 2019 94th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Hartford, CT 36th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Carter Barsh Regional Daytona Beach, FL 11th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Zachary Cooper Regional Denver, CO 36th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Benjamin Branch Regional Greensboro, NC 18th
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Zachary Cooper Regional Toronto 13th
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groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 61st
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Nathan Brower Regional Dallas, TX 75th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Harrogate 15th
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