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Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 ptcgo
18th April 2020 • 945 Players • Ultra Prism - Sword & Shield
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Oliver Rochin Montijo MX zacian-crownedarceus
2 PL cinccinooranguru
3 Ross Cawthon US spiritombarceus
4 Ithiel Arki FR zacian-crownedarceus
5 Zachary Cooper US magcargooranguru
6 Sam Epstein US magcargooranguru
7 Kevin Krueger US reshiramcharizard
8 Wyatt S US cinccinooranguru
9 Deven Sawkar US cinccinooranguru
10 Bartholomew Musser US magcargooranguru
11 Noa Bell US cinccinooranguru
12 Yu Ito JP mewtwomewmalamar
13 Max Bartels DE reshiramcharizardvolcanion
14 Zach Roy US zacian-crownedarceus
15 Jens Arne Mækinen NO granbull
16 Ole Stognief DE zacian-crownedmelmetal
17 Aaron Friedman US magcargooranguru
18 Braiden Elfert US cinccinooranguru
19 DE mewtwomewmalamar
20 Ethan Yi US cinccinooranguru
21 Thomas F GB cinccinooranguru
22 Simone Canziani IT zacian-crownedarceus
23 Herve Guillemet FR magcargooranguru
24 Leandro Fernandes BR cinccinooranguru
25 NL pikachuzekrom
26 Joshua Galys DE blacephalon
27 Shintaro Ito JP magcargooranguru
28 Justin Newdorf US zacian-crownedarceus
29 Andrew Berger US cinccinooranguru
30 Guy Becker US zacian-crownedarceus
31 Wong Wo Pan HK zacian-crownedarceus
32 Yuki Higashida JP mewtwomewmalamar
33 Gabor Van Meenen DE zacian-crownedarceus
34 Alfred Kristensen DK magcargo
35 Magnus Pedersen DK pikachuzekrom
36 Gabriel Bomfim BR mewtwomewmalamar
37 Gabe Shumway US mewtwomew
38 Jacob Lesage CA cinccinooranguru
39 Benjamin Pham NL spiritomb
40 Caleb Rogerson US cinccinooranguru
41 Luis Vargas MX magcargooranguru
42 Andrew Hedrick US blacephalon
43 Wannes Struyf BE pikachuzekrom
44 US zacian-crownedarceus
45 Luca Clavadetscher CH zacian-crownedarceus
46 Michael Ledeboer NL zacian-crownedarceus
47 Kevin Clemente US zacian-crownedarceus
48 NL zacian-crowned
49 Anya Kolberg Johansson NO orangurupidgeotto
50 MX mewtwomewmalamar
51 Beppe Grönmark SE cinccinooranguru
52 Rudolph Du Plessis ZA zacian-crownedarceus
53 Paul S DE zacian-crownedarceus
54 NO zacian-crownedarceus
55 Freddie Yuan US mewtwomewmalamar
56 Keisuke Miwa JP trevenantdusknoir
57 Pablo R ES cinccinooranguru
58 Kristian Hodas SK zacian-crownedarceus
59 Tory Dunworth US mewtwomew
60 Matthew Clarke GB cinccinooranguru
61 US blacephalon
62 Alexander S AT blacephalon
63 Luca Pavan IT zacian-crownedarceus
64 Marco Cifuentes Meta CL mewtwomew
65 Elliot Gantner US zacian-crownedarceus
66 Ilya Kornilov FI mewtwomewsolgaleo
67 Miloslav Posledni CZ zacian-crownedarceus
68 Raymond Long CA cinccinooranguru
69 Collins Eckard US cinccinooranguru
70 Franco Llamas US blacephalon
71 Vance Kelley US malamargiratina
72 Stéphane Ivanoff FR blacephalon
73 Yazan El-Kareh ES blacephalon
74 Brennan Kamerman NL blacephalon
75 Ian Holdeman US mewtwomew
76 Guillermo Estupinan EC malamargiratina
77 Lucas Matheus BR malamargiratina
78 Riccardo Gardin IT zacian-crownedarceus
79 Vianney Leroy FR zacian-crownedarceus
80 Sean Crisafulli IT reshiramcharizard
81 Zach Porlier US zacian-crownedarceus
82 Pedro Pertusi BR cinccinooranguru
83 Joel Ortiz AR cinccinooranguru
84 Nikoline Pedersen DK pikachuzekrom
85 Regan Retzloff US reshiramcharizard
86 Santiago Garcia PE blacephalon
87 Kayan Oladi US cinccinooranguru
88 James Washer US cinccinooranguru
89 Shun Ito JP mewtwomewmalamar
90 Michael Hunter IE blacephalon
91 Blake Pennington US zacian-crownedarceus
92 Matthew Rea NO zacian-crownedarceus
93 Nuno Fernandes PT mewtwomewmalamar
94 Sebastian Mena CL cinccinooranguru
95 Andrew Scott US pikachuzekrom
96 US beheeyemweezing
97 Emildo Andrade BR zacian-crownedarceus
98 Alexander Wenceslao US mewtwomewsolgaleo
99 US cinccinooranguru
100 Robert Fuchs US malamargiratina
101 Matías Martini Serrano CL zacian-crownedarceus
102 Landen Kaetler CA reshiramcharizard
103 Stefano Conti IT mewtwomew
104 Jordan Palmer AU malamargiratina
105 Javier Matos PR blacephalon
106 Caetano Lopes PT mewtwomewsolgaleo
107 Mike Fouchet US spiritombarceus
108 Chad Ross US cinccinooranguru
109 Max W US reshiramcharizard
110 Kenneth Chan PH mewtwomewmalamar
111 US blacephalon
112 Stefano Carta IT zacian-crownedarceus
113 Jaxon Bruns US blacephalon
114 Brian Kim US cinccinooranguru
115 James Wesser US reshiramcharizardvolcanion
116 Patrick Gaddis US obstagoon
117 Dmitrii Ermakov RU mewtwomewmalamar
118 Ray Fernandez US zacian-crownedarceus
119 Felipe Cubillos CL malamargiratina
120 Antoine Boulay FR blacephalon
121 US zacian-crownedarceus
122 AviLashan UmaShankar US mewtwomewmalamar
123 Kenny Britton US pikachuzekrom
124 Brad Brown US zacian-crownedarceus
125 Nathan Hargreaves GB malamargiratina
126 Wyatt Palguta US blacephalon
127 Cody Graham US obstagoon
128 Jeremy Voisin FR morpekoclefairy
129 Joshua Wheeler US zacian-crownedarceus
130 Christian Cruz Esquivel MX malamargiratina
131 Brett Stratton US reshiramcharizard
132 US zacian-crownedarceus
133 James Neria PH zacian-crownedarceus
134 Lucas Grisanti US zacian-crownedarceus
135 David Booij NL zacian-crownedarceus
136 David Dostal CZ reshiramcharizardvolcanion
137 Pat Vachon CA beheeyemweezing
138 Dario Scarnò IT obstagoon
139 Jiaqi Jiang IT reshiramcharizardvolcanion
140 Hugo S SE blacephalon
141 Manuel Gonzalez CL orangurupidgeotto
142 Roger Ramjit US blacephalon
143 Eli Ottaviano US magcargo
144 Fernando Cifuentes CL cinccinooranguru
145 Rochelle Fortier CA frosmothlapras-gmax
146 Grayson Lang US mewtwomewmalamar
147 Warat Suksuntornsiri TH mewtwomewsolgaleo
148 Stephen Roche US cinccinooranguru
149 Callum E US zacian-crownedarceus
150 Rune Heiremans BE malamargiratina
151 Noah Shaw US blacephalon
152 Teodor Skjæveland NO reshiramcharizard
153 Erik Arts CA cinccinooranguru
154 Raz Shamir IL zacian-crownedarceus
155 Jackson Rowley US shedinjaoranguru
156 Saavan Verma CA zacian-crownedarceus
157 Noah A GB cinccinooranguru
158 Mark Pardy CA blacephalon
159 Baldemar Merlo US mewtwomewmalamar
160 CZ zacian-crownedarceus
161 Jacob Chen US cinccinopersian
162 Vladimir Larionov RU zacian-crownedarceus
163 Alex Cervantes US mewtwomewmalamar
164 Ryan Simons US blacephalon
165 Jimmy Marcus Munk DK zacian-crownedarceus
166 Federico Brogi IT blacephalon
167 Mads Jensen DK pikachuzekrom
168 Jeremy James US cinccinooranguru
169 Troy Campbell US frosmothsandslash-alola
170 Alex Maiman US mewtwomewmalamar