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Pheromosa y Buzzwole-GX

Vínculos Indestructibles #1

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
mewtworillaboom Mewtwo & Mew Rillaboom by Li Pinqi Taiwan Regional League Kaohsiung 9th
spiritomb Spiritomb by Andrew Wamboldt Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 7th
mewtwomewsolgaleo Ultimate Mewtwo & Mew by Fawwaz Azhar Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 100th
necrozma-ultra Ultra Necrozma by Andrew Rogers Regional Collinsville, IL 26th
tangrowth Tangrowth by Luke Kirkham Regional Bochum 50th
arceuspheromosabuzzwole ADP Pheromosa & Buzzwole by Hairul Hafiy Regional Kuala Lumpur 32nd
mewtwomew Mewtwo & Mew by Inseong Kang Korean League Season 1 5th
trevenantdusknoirbuzzwole Trevnoir Buzzmosa by Andrew Fulcher Regional San Diego, CA 41st
pheromosabuzzwolearceus Pheromosa & Buzzwole ADP by Tan Yong Siang Special Event Singapore 7th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Alex Garcia Regional Richmond, VA 24th
spiritomb Spiritomb by Noel Totomoch Regional Richmond, VA 28th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske Regional Richmond, VA 32nd
keldeo-resolutevictini Keldeo Victini by Ryo Kumada DC Open Flight 2 12th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli NAIC 2019, Columbus 22nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Kevin Tran NAIC 2019, Columbus 33rd
zapdos Zapdos by Dennis Peroff NAIC 2019, Columbus 49th
zapdos Zapdos by Gregory Playter NAIC 2019, Columbus 99th
zapdos Zapdos by Benny Billinger NAIC 2019, Columbus (JR) 1st
zapdos Zapdos by Daniel Magda NAIC 2019, Columbus (JR) 3rd
hoopa-unboundwailord Hoopa Magikarp & Wailord by Adrian Fjell Regional Jonkoping 7th
zapdos Zapdos by Nico Alabas Regional Jonkoping 16th
zapdos Zapdos by Miloslav Posledni Regional Jonkoping 17th
zapdos Zapdos by Sai Fung Lau Regional Jonkoping 20th
zapdos Zapdos by Łukasz Mazurkiewicz Regional Jonkoping 29th
zapdos Zapdos by Vighnesh Murthy Special Event Auckland 6th
zapdos Zapdos by Daniel Altavilla Origins Open 1st
zapdos Zapdos by Will Jenkins Origins Open 2nd
zapdos Zapdos by Gustavo Pastorín Rojas Regional Santiago 27th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang Special Event Bangkok 4th
quagsirenaganadel Quagsire Naganadel by Frank Percic Regional Madison, WI 56th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Andre Porto Regional Sao Paulo 11th
vileplumepheromosabuzzwole Vileplume Pheromosa & Buzzwole by Lucas Matheus Regional Sao Paulo 24th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis Regional Santa Clara, CA 6th
zapdos Zapdos by Danny Prather Regional Santa Clara, CA 14th
zapdos Zapdos by Kenyon Fisher Regional Santa Clara, CA 16th
zapdos Zapdos by Aaron Van Der Kolk Regional Sydney 1st
zapdos Zapdos by Andrew Tandianus Regional Sydney 3rd
zapdos Zapdos by Alex Jemison Regional Sydney 8th
zapdos Zapdos by Jimmy Marcus Munk Special Event Johannesburg 3rd
zapdos Zapdos by Yoon Ki Hong Korean League Season 3 14th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Taketo Seki Champions League Kyoto 2nd
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ゆうゆう Champions League Chiba 1st
vileplume Vileplume by Shintaro Ito Champions League Chiba 3rd
zapdos Zapdos by オギノ Champions League Chiba 4th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by デビルマン Champions League Chiba 13th
buzzwolepheromosajolteon Buzzwole & Pheromosa Jolteon by かりす Champions League Chiba 23rd
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ラック Champions League Chiba 28th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by ヒロ(熊本) Champions League Chiba 36th
zapdos Zapdos by Atsutoshi Kubo Champions League Chiba 43rd
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by さとそん Champions League Chiba 48th
buzzwolepheromosa Buzzwole & Pheromosa by きりん Champions League Chiba 50th
zapdos Zapdos by ツカ Champions League Chiba 64th
buzzwolegarbodor Buzzwole Garbodor by まほうじん CL Chiba Extra 9th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Ari CL Chiba Extra 13th
blastoise Archie's Blastoise by たっつん(京都) CL Chiba Extra 24th
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