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Shining Legends #56

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 4th
clefairy Doll Stall by Zachary Cooper Regional Collinsville, IL 8th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Grant Manley Regional Collinsville, IL 14th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brendan Dixon Regional Collinsville, IL 17th
clefairy Doll Stall by Adler Pierce Regional Collinsville, IL 23rd
clefairy Doll Stall by Isaac Milaski Regional Collinsville, IL 24th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Nathan Brower Regional Collinsville, IL 28th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Malone Regional Collinsville, IL 31st
clefairy Doll Stall by Dylan Gunn Regional Collinsville, IL 32nd
clefairy Doll Stall by Thomas Happel Regional Collinsville, IL 35th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Smith Regional Collinsville, IL 40th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brady Heath Regional Collinsville, IL 43rd
clefairy Doll Stall by James Langley Regional Collinsville, IL 56th
clefairy Doll Stall by Tanner Hurley Regional Collinsville, IL 58th
clefairy Doll Stall by Jeffrey Torres Regional Collinsville, IL 60th
regirocksableye Regirock Sableye by Alex Schemanske Regional Dallas, TX 6th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Dallas, TX 11th
clefairy Doll Stall by Joe Ruettiger Regional Dallas, TX 17th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Seo Taek Byun Korean League Season 1 9th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Vance Kelley NAIC 2019, Columbus 15th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli NAIC 2019, Columbus 22nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Kevin Tran NAIC 2019, Columbus 33rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Ryan Simons NAIC 2019, Columbus 67th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Kaya Lichtleitner NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Jonkoping 3rd
hoopa-unboundwailord Hoopa Magikarp & Wailord by Adrian Fjell Regional Jonkoping 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Simon Eriksen Regional Jonkoping 14th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang Special Event Bangkok 4th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Andre Porto Regional Sao Paulo 11th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Joel Stroeve Regional Santa Clara, CA 13th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Peter Kica Regional Santa Clara, CA 15th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by David Selin Regional Santa Clara, CA 20th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Bristol 1st
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Bristol 3rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Faisal Khan Regional Bristol 29th
regirock Regirock by Michael Catron Regional Hartford, CT 13th
zapdos Zapdos by Tae Hun Kim Korean League Season 3 13th
zapdos Zapdos by Yoon Ki Hong Korean League Season 3 14th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa EUIC 2019, Berlin 78th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alfred Kristensen EUIC 2019, Berlin 88th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Julius Mo Krag EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) 4th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Carter Barsh Regional Daytona Beach, FL 11th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Taketo Seki Champions League Kyoto 2nd
hoopa-unboundumbreon Hoopa Umbreon by Shintaro Ito Champions League Kyoto 6th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Hale Obernolte Regional Denver, CO 2nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Liam Alon Regional Denver, CO 8th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Zachary Cooper Regional Denver, CO 36th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Gregory Smith Regional Denver, CO 51st
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Riley Hulbert Regional Collinsville, IL 3rd
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Athavan Balendran Regional Collinsville, IL 11th
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Carl Sitavi Regional Collinsville, IL 39th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 46th
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Michael Catron Regional Collinsville, IL 97th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Special Event Cannes 2nd
lucariomelmetal Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team by かわさきたかふみ Champions League Chiba 2nd
zapdos Zapdos by オギノ Champions League Chiba 4th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by けんくん Champions League Chiba 35th
zapdos Zapdos by Atsutoshi Kubo Champions League Chiba 43rd
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by Grover Tranca Special Event Peru 7th
wailord Wailord by William Woodard Regional Dallas, TX 58th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Harrogate 15th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Aaron Morgan Regional Roanoke, VA 19th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by Carl Sitavi Regional Roanoke, VA 22nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Butch Smith Regional Roanoke, VA 34th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 38th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Edward Khodaei Regional Roanoke, VA 52nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Michael Catron Regional Roanoke, VA 54th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Christopher Watkins Regional Roanoke, VA 57th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by TJ Knowles Regional Roanoke, VA 65th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Nelson Jose Motta Rodrigues LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 30th
regigigasgenesect Regigigas Genesect by Felipe Kato LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 58th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Offenbach 7th
buzzwoleweavile Buzzwole Weavile by Artur Carvalho Regional Santa Catarina 18th
hoopa-unboundweavilegarbodor Hoopa Weavile Garbodor by William Lacerda Regional Santa Catarina 29th
hoopa-unboundweavile Hoopa Weavile by Scott Langford Special Event Melbourne 10th
hoopa-unboundweavilegarbodor Hoopa Weavile Garbodor by Jacob Tan Ti Qian Special Event Melbourne 17th
yveltal Yveltal by Clifton Goh World Championships 2018 31st
yveltal Yveltal by Aaron Tarbell NAIC 2018, Columbus 8th
yveltal Yveltal by Dustin Zimmerman NAIC 2018, Columbus 11th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus Regional Madison, WI 37th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Zach Lesage Regional Madison, WI 47th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Austin Bentheimer Regional Madison, WI 54th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Hunter Butler Regional Madison, WI 55th
donphan Donphan by Toby Woolner Regional Sindelfingen 9th
sylveon Sylveon by Simon Narode Regional Portland, OR 6th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Hunter Butler Regional Portland, OR 7th
sylveon Sylveon by Sam Chen Regional Portland, OR 11th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Daniel Altavilla Regional Portland, OR 12th
sylveon Sylveon by Pablo Meza Regional Portland, OR 16th
sylveon Sylveon by Spencer Vanderpoel Regional Portland, OR 17th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus Regional Portland, OR 24th
sylveon Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz Regional Charlotte, NC 7th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Greg Minklei Regional Charlotte, NC 13th
sylveon Sylveon by Zack Patterson Regional Charlotte, NC 31st
sylveon Sylveon by Miloslav Suchanek Special Event Prague 3rd
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Gonzalo Martin Fernandez Special Buenos Aires #1 7th
wishiwashi-schoolhoopa-unbound Wishiwashi Hoopa by Rafael Bascope Special Event La Paz 4th
wailord Wailord by Carly Clements Regional Costa Mesa, CA 30th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Brandon Johnson Regional Collinsville, IL 20th
sylveon Sylveon by Zander Bennett Regional Collinsville, IL 59th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa by Roland Allen OCIC 2018, Sydney 9th
wishiwashi-schoolhoopa-unbound Wishiwashi Hoopa by Cohen Grimshaw OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) 8th
wailord Wailord by Andrew Kennett Regional Dallas, TX 23rd
wailord Wailord by Jacob Lesage Regional Dallas, TX 54th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Rodrigo Ferreira Regional Sao Paulo 8th
wobbuffethoopa-unbound Wobbuffet Hoopa by Steffen Eriksen Regional Leipzig 9th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Leipzig 12th
sylveon Sylveon by Jack Old Regional Leipzig 13th
sylveon Sylveon by Kristian Hodas Regional Leipzig 16th
wobbuffethoopa-unbound Wobbuffet Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Leipzig 20th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Leipzig 28th
wobbuffethoopa-unbound Wobbuffet Hoopa by Vicente Canales Special Event Asuncion 6th
wishiwashi-schoolhoopa-unbound Wishiwashi Hoopa by Yehoshua Tate Regional Memphis, TN 11th
wailord Wailord by Andrew Kennett Regional San Jose, CA 8th
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