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Best of XY #185

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
inteleon-gmaxurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax Inteleon Urshifu by Gibson Archer-Tang Regional Pittsburgh, PA 46th
arceusaerodactyl Arceus Aerodactyl by Ray Chen NAIC 2023, Columbus 55th
miltankmorpeko Miltank Morpeko by Jack Moore Regional Baltimore, MD 8th
arceuspikachuinteleon Arceus Flying Pikachu Inteleon by Aidan Khus NAIC 2022, Columbus 13th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Grant Mathey NAIC 2022, Columbus 119th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Milwaukee, WI 10th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Austin Bentheimer Regional Milwaukee, WI 12th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Kidd Starck Regional Milwaukee, WI 53rd
wailord Wailord by Butch Smith Regional Roanoke, VA 2nd
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Ross Cawthon Regional Dallas, TX 11th
wailord Wailord by Andrew Kennett Regional Dallas, TX 23rd
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Jonathan Paranada Regional Dallas, TX 24th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Leipzig 12th
greninja Greninja by Nick Foltz Regional Memphis, TN 62nd
raichustoutland Shock Lock by Ross Cawthon Regional Daytona Beach, FL 47th
wailord Wailord by Sander Wojcik Dutch Open 2nd
sceptile-mega Mega Sceptile by Fabien Pujol World Championships 2016 32nd
greninja Greninja by Frederic Lesage French Nationals 2016 4th
seismitoadgiratina-origin Seismitoad Giratina by Fabien Pujol French Nationals 2016 5th
seismitoad Seismitoad by Philip Schulz European Challenge Cup 2016 2nd
wailord Wall Stall by Enrique Avila US Nationals 2015 2nd
wailord Wall Stall by Brandon Zettel US Nationals 2015 9th
wailord Wall Stall by Michael Lux US Nationals 2015 45th
yveltal Yveltal by Öjvind Svinhufvud European Challenge Cup 2015 24th
aromatissekangaskhan-mega Aromatisse Kangaskhan by Michikazu Tsuda World Championships 2014 3rd
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Vincent Azzolin World Championships 2014 7th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Sam Chen World Championships 2014 25th
landorus-therianraichugarbodor Big Basics Raichu Garbodor by Brandon Salazar US Nationals 2014 1st
kyuremdeoxys Plasma Kyurem by Calvin Nordberg US Nationals 2014 4th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by Ryan Sabelhaus US Nationals 2014 12th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by Finn Looft German Nationals 2014 4th
lugiadeoxys Plasma Lugia by David Kirschbaum German Nationals 2014 5th
viriziongenesect Virizion Genesect by David Sturm German Nationals 2014 7th
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