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Dutch Open NL
8th January 2017 • 155 Players • Primal Clash - Evolutions
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Robin Schulz DE yveltalgarbodor
2 Sander Wojcik NL wailord
3 Cedric Gouin FR xerneas-active
4 Vito Flinker NL gyarados
5 Hannes Strobl DE mewtwo-mega-ygarbodor
6 Danilo Cavalieri NL gardevoir-mega
7 NL yveltalgarbodor
8 Gawein Wagner NL mewtwo-mega-ygarbodor
9 Dennis Mampaey BE
10 Andrew Emerson GB yveltalgarbodor
11 Jimmy Wuyts BE
12 Luca Clavadetscher CH
13 Arthur Trutzschler NL xerneas-active
14 Mark Hartel NL volcanion
15 Tobias Thesing DE yveltalgarbodor
16 Kelly Boortman NL