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Copos de Substituição

Céus em Evolução #162

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by May Hayden Regional Peoria, IL 98th
miraidonregieleki-a Miraidon Regieleki by Gabor Van Meenen World Championships 2023 39th
arceusregidrago Arceus Regidrago by Loc Nguyen NAIC 2023, Columbus 117th
kyurem Kyurem by Vincent Marcus Munk Regional Malmö 47th
kyurem Kyurem by Katrina Loos Regional Portland, OR 103rd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Robin Schulz Special Event Utrecht 41st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Philip Schulz Special Event Utrecht 53rd
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Kai Wainwright Regional Bremen 2nd
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Miloslav Posledni Regional Bremen 7th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Kai Wainwright Regional Lille 13th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Kevin Fallin Regional Indianapolis, IN 90th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Kai Wainwright Special Event Bilbao 10th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Jake Mallender EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 28th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Dan Coyne EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 62nd
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Tord Reklev Regional Liverpool 21st
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Nathan Doyle Regional Liverpool 31st
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Raz Shamir Regional Liverpool 42nd
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