Latest Updates: Battle PartnersSan Antonio
EUIC 2022, Frankfurt DE
22nd April 2022 • 618 Players • Sword & Shield - Brilliant Stars
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Gustavo Wada BR urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
2 US whimsicott
3 ES urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
4 Mateusz Rusinek PL mewgenesectmeloetta
5 NO urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
6 Thai Nguyen DE sylveonarceus
7 US urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
8 Justin Bokhari US urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
9 Keito Arai JP arceusinteleonbeedrill
10 Ruben van der Sluis NL mewgenesectmeloetta
11 Alexander Weber AT arceusinteleon
12 Charlie Merryweather GB malamarinteleon
13 Edwyn Mesman NL arceusinteleon
14 Tetsu Watanabe IT arceusinteleon
15 Elias Stratmann DE mewgenesectmeloetta
16 Kaiwen Cabbabe AU mewgenesectmeloetta
17 Alberto Conti IT arceusinteleon
18 Juho Kallama FI arceusinteleon
19 Magnus Pedersen DK arceusbeedrill
20 Joshua Huggard GB arceuslycanroc-dusk
21 Piotr Orleański PL arceus
22 Zachary Cooper US urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
23 Jelle van Kampen NL arceus
24 Miloslav Posledni CZ moltres-galarinteleon
25 MX arceusinteleon
26 Elena Gómez ES mewgenesectmeloetta
27 Connor Finton US calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott
28 Jake Mallender GB mewgenesectmeloetta
29 US urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
30 Reiji Nishiguchi JP arceusinteleonbeedrill
31 PL mewgenesectmeloetta
32 Arne Van Braeckel BE arceusbeedrill
33 Luuk den Toom NL arceusinteleon
34 Pedro Vicêncio PT arceusinteleon
35 Daniel Lynch US whimsicott
36 Sai Fung Lau GB arceusurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax
37 US mewgenesectmeloetta
38 Patrick Landis CH arceusurshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxmalamar
39 Sander Wojcik NL umbreoneldegoss
40 Rasmus Møller DK mewgenesectmeloetta
41 NL urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
42 Simon Obro DK arceusinteleon
43 Lucian Hargreaves GB mewgenesectmeloetta
44 Jory Koot NL arceusinteleon
45 Goncalo Pereira PT mewgenesectmeloetta
46 Gino Pili NL suicuneludicolointeleon
47 Luke Doran GB arceusinteleon
48 DK umbreoneldegoss
49 Stephen Chan GB arceusmalamar
50 Alec White GB arceusmoltres-galarinteleon
51 Seb Symonds GB malamarinteleon
52 FI mewgenesectmeloetta
53 Tobias Smutkowski DE mewgenesect
54 DE urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
55 US urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon
56 Paul Shail GB arceusinteleon
57 US arceusmalamar
58 Vinnie Schelfhaut BE arceuslycanroc-dusk
59 Alex Wilson US arceus
60 Travis Beckwith US arceusinteleon
61 Tijn Wens NL mewgenesectmeloetta
62 Dan Coyne GB mewgenesectmeloetta
63 CA mewgenesectmeloetta
64 Francesco Pasquale Caterino IT mewgenesectmeloetta
65 Hermanni Hietalahti FI arceusinteleon
66 Joshua Bausch DE mewgenesect
67 Gavin Irving GB mewgenesect
68 Kim Pobega IT mewgenesectmeloetta
69 Dominic Schäffer DE arceuslycanroc-dusk
70 Po Jui Chu GB arceusinteleon
71 Gino van Klaveren NL arceusurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax