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Special Event Utrecht NL
18th March 2023 • 694 Players • Sword & Shield - Silver TempestRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 DE arceusduraludon-gmax
2 Vinnie Schelfhaut BE goodra-hisuicomfey
3 Stéphane Ivanoff FR goodra-hisuicomfey
4 NO lugiaarcheops
5 Bernardo Dias PT arceusinteleonbeedrill
6 Laurens Van Brecht NL goodra-hisuicomfey
7 Gioele Dell'Andrino CH mewgenesect
8 Oliver Barnett GB mewgenesect
9 Christian D'Onofrio IT lugiaarcheops
10 Ethan Chow IE regigigas
11 Ole Stognief DE comfeysableye
12 Karl Peters DE articunointeleon
13 Ashley Richards GB mewgenesect
14 Steven Mao DE arceusduraludon-gmax
15 Julien Cretenoud CH arceuspikachu
16 Joshua Vanoverschelde BE regigigas
17 Jimmy Wuyts BE flaaffyzekrom
18 Öjvind Svinhufvud FI regigigas
19 Alessandro Miscera IT comfeysableye
20 Daniel Powell GB lugiaarcheops
21 Glenn Bauwens BE mewtwoyveltal
22 Nuno Fernandes PT lugiaarcheops
23 Fabien Pujol FR palkia-origininteleon
24 Stepan Suchanek CZ goodra-hisuicomfey
25 CZ lugiaarcheops
26 Mathias Jakobsen DK regigigas
27 Brent Degens BE regigigas
28 Kristian Hodas SK lugiaarcheops
29 NL mewgenesect
30 Ruben van der Sluis NL mewgenesect
31 Bas Raven NL arceustapu-koko
32 Matthew Clarke GB lugiaarcheops
33 Christiaan Smit NL goodra-hisuicomfey
34 Jory Koot NL lugiaarcheops
35 Jan Fischer DE lugiaarcheops
36 Mart Hoekstra NL mewgenesect
37 Sen Caubergh BE regigigas
38 Alexander Stoppel DE lugiaarcheops
39 CA arceusduraludon-gmax
40 Jamie Hindley GB lugiaarcheops
41 Robin Schulz DE mewgenesect
42 Cian Rushe IE mewgenesect
43 Mario Barbera IT mewgenesect
44 Simone Soldo IT goodra-hisuicomfey
45 Paulo Mimoso PT mewgenesectmeloetta
46 Ross Warren GB regigigas
47 Benjamin Cheynubrata DE lugiaarcheops
48 Edwyn Mesman NL lugiaarcheops
49 Stefano Carta IT mewgenesect
50 Matthew Houtput BE flaaffyzekrom
51 Vianney Leroy FR vikavolt
52 Elmar Tresp DE comfeysableye
53 Philip Schulz DE mewgenesect
54 Jordy Vanhaelst BE vikavolt
55 Daniel Joseph Ringis TT arceusduraludon-gmax
56 Tim Haffmanns DE lugiaarcheops
57 Baptiste Pugnat FR goodra-hisuicomfey
58 Rastislav Turcan SK eternatus-eternamaxweezing-galar
59 Sophia Barrett GB lugiaarcheops
60 Jimmy Marcus Munk DK lugiaarcheops
61 Magnus Pedersen DK mewgenesect
62 Simone Fiorito IT vikavolt
63 John Daniel GB mewgenesect
64 Sam Loos NL lugiaarcheops
65 Patryk Brzezinski PL lugiaarcheops
66 Fabio Spanò IT goodra-hisuicomfey
67 Timur Yusuf GB goodra-hisuicomfey
68 Giacomo Tiraboschi IT lugiaarcheops
69 Adam Shek GB lugiaarcheops
70 Mees de Jonge NL lugiaarcheops
71 Jan Hausmann DE comfeyrayquaza
72 Joshua Collinson GB lugiaarcheops
73 Florian Devos BE arceusduraludon-gmax
74 Mick de Jong NL goodra-hisuicomfey
75 Arjan Nagel NL lugiaarcheops