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Gouging Fire ex

Temporal Forces #188

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Nathan Stratford Regional Vancouver 108th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Cody Roulette Regional Vancouver 160th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Joaquim Neto Regional Fortaleza 17th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Lucas Eufrasio Regional Fortaleza 76th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Diego Barbosa Regional Fortaleza 109th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Vittorio S. Regional Fortaleza (JR) 3rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Nino Anderluh EUIC 2025, London 32nd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Gilbert McLaughlin EUIC 2025, London 143rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Gabriel Bateman EUIC 2025, London 145th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Luca Miele EUIC 2025, London 180th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Austin Byard EUIC 2025, London 215th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Harel Manhaim EUIC 2025, London 266th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Krzysztof Figas EUIC 2025, London 287th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Brandon Baughn EUIC 2025, London 302nd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Mauricio Patino Regional Mérida 2nd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Adam Johnston Regional Birmingham 51st
raging-boltentei Raging Bolt Entei by Jack Pauling Regional Birmingham 66th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Jack Taylor Regional Birmingham 268th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Matthew Webb Regional Birmingham 302nd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Austin Byard Regional Birmingham 309th
raging-boltentei Raging Bolt Entei by Adam Luck Regional Birmingham 316th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Matias Velazquez Regional Rio de Janeiro 141st
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Charlie Queen Regional Perth 37th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Jose Zelaya Special Event Bogotá 53rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Raúl Méndez Horcas Regional Stuttgart 77th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Luke Doran Regional Stuttgart 205th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Bastian Sievert Regional Stuttgart 210th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Alan Cattaneo Regional Stuttgart 223rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Gergely Kis Regional Stuttgart 233rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Joe Turrentine Regional Sacramento, CA 63rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Darius Waller-Savage Regional Sacramento, CA 113th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Mauricio Patino Regional Sacramento, CA 114th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andres Rodriguez Lucas Regional Sacramento, CA 143rd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Anthony Loos Regional Sacramento, CA 213th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Jose Zelaya LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 27th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Davide P. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 20th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Matias Velazquez Special Event Buenos Aires 10th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Oscar Rivas Perez Regional Gdańsk 20th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Ashley Richards Regional Gdańsk 24th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Luke Kirkham Regional Gdańsk 27th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Luke Kirkham Regional Lille 14th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Wasin Taechakijviboon Thailand Premier Ball League 1st
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Mauricio Patino Regional Louisville, KY 109th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Carter Malnaik Regional Louisville, KY 152nd
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Philipp Leciejewski Regional Dortmund 55th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Luke Kirkham Regional Dortmund 93rd
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Bastian Sellmaier Regional Dortmund 151st
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Oliver C. Regional Dortmund (JR) 1st
armarougechi-yu Armarouge Box by Edwin Bak Seng Chang Malaysia Championships 2024 27th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Christian Schrader Special Event Bologna 60th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Loc Nguyen Regional Los Angeles, CA 17th
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Andy Fish Regional Los Angeles, CA 149th
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Donald McCulloch Regional Los Angeles, CA 187th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andres Rodriguez Lucas Regional Los Angeles, CA 215th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Mika Nokelainen Regional Stockholm 41st
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Andreas Østhus Regional Stockholm 65th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Koji Yoshikawa Champions League Sapporo 13th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Tim Saben Regional Indianapolis, IN 232nd
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Luke Miller Regional Indianapolis, IN 240th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Samir Neto Regional São Paulo 32nd
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Daisuke Kominato Champions League Aichi Expanded 8th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Jake Riggs Regional Orlando, FL 24th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Carter Malnaik Regional Orlando, FL 89th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Omar Taha Regional Orlando, FL 157th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Jason Hitzfield Regional Orlando, FL 198th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Luke Levy Regional Orlando, FL 237th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Hanseam Park Korean League Season 3 2nd
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Christian Sky Mendoza Philippines Regional League Vol.3 1st
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Joshua Doctolero Philippines Regional League Vol.3 5th
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Kelvin Klein Lazam Philippines Regional League Vol.3 8th
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Carlo Neria Philippines Regional League Vol.3 9th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Julian Gort-Barry EUIC 2024, London 17th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Joey Gaffney EUIC 2024, London 104th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Oscar Rivas Perez EUIC 2024, London 145th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Christian LaBella EUIC 2024, London 150th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Raúl Méndez Horcas EUIC 2024, London 183rd
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Michael Czajkowski EUIC 2024, London 190th
gouging-fire Gouging Fire by Wasin Taechakijviboon Thailand Regional League Vol.3 1st
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Kowit Khongchua Thailand Regional League Vol.3 14th
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