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Regional Dortmund DE
28th September 2024 • 1815 Players • Brilliant Stars - Stellar CrownRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Ryuki Okada JP dragapultdusknoir
2 US lugiaarcheops
3 Jelle van Kampen NL gholdengo
4 Stéphane Ivanoff FR palkia-origindusknoir
5 Jan Hausmann DE raging-boltogerpon
6 Stephen Law GB iron-thorns
7 Glenn Bauwens BE miraidon
8 James de Boer GB lugiaarcheops
9 NO terapagosnoctowl
10 Yoann Barszezak FR regidrago
11 Tom-Cedric Hinz DE raging-boltogerpon
12 Giorgio Gatti IT dragapultpidgeot
13 Guido Mielke DE raging-boltogerpon
14 Mateusz Łaszkiewicz PL banettegardevoir
15 US regidrago
16 Mathias Cohen-Solal FR gardevoir
17 Sergio Ravelli IT terapagosnoctowl
18 Nina Eisenblätter DE regidrago
19 Hermanni Hietalahti FI terapagosnoctowl
20 Phillip Linney CZ charizardpidgeot
21 Miłosz Dyrlica PL terapagosnoctowl
22 Keito Arai JP dragapultdusknoir
23 Jamie Hindley GB gardevoir
24 Björn Reinsdorf DE palkia-originnoctowl
25 Rune Heiremans BE regidrago
26 Julius Kerkis FI regidrago
27 Francesco Pasquale Caterino IT terapagosnoctowl
28 Vinnie Schelfhaut BE dragapultpidgeot
29 Jack Gregory-Campbell GB terapagosnoctowl
30 Koen Moors NL raging-boltogerpon
31 Andrea Zorat IT terapagosnoctowl
32 Leon Thiemann DE snorlax
33 Pearce Wilton GB charizardpidgeot
34 Max Theeuwen NL pidgeot
35 NL charizardpidgeot
36 Edwyn Mesman NL charizardpidgeot
37 Riley Malik US charizardpidgeot
38 US terapagosnoctowl
39 Julius Mo Krag DK pidgeot
40 Ashwin van Gool NL raging-boltogerpon
41 Rasmus Wagner DK comfeysableye
42 Alex Bortolini IT iron-thorns
43 Jack Oliver GB charizardpidgeot
44 Benjamin Cheynubrata DE charizardpidgeot
45 Bartosz Pawlik PL snorlax
46 FI regidrago
47 Chatez Jones DK iron-thorns
48 Alberto Conti IT dragapultpidgeot
49 Miloslav Posledni CZ regidrago
50 Toby Clark GB iron-thorns
51 Thomas Ducrot FR palkia-origindusknoir
52 Finn Looft DE regidrago
53 Vincent Fatunz DE charizardpidgeot
54 Timo Dell DE chien-paobaxcalibur
55 Philipp Leciejewski DE charizardpidgeot
56 Vincenzo Cannata IT raging-boltogerpon
57 Steven Mao DE charizardpidgeot
58 Nozomu Okamoto HU charizardpidgeot
59 Ali Salame DE lugiaarcheops
60 Andrea Ceolin IT snorlax
61 Gunter Van Roey BE terapagosnoctowl
62 Ruben van der Sluis NL gholdengo
63 Tim Peters DE snorlax
64 Joah Wiegner DE snorlax
65 Juho Kallama FI raging-boltogerpon
66 Alex Dao GB palkia-originnoctowl
67 Hlieb Smirnov UA terapagosnoctowl
68 Tammo Hauft DE raging-boltogerpon
69 Janne-Niklas Römer DE comfeysableye
70 Florian Mansuy FR terapagosnoctowl
71 Oliver Elwick GB pidgeot
72 César Carbajo García ES miraidon
73 Kevin Krueger US lugiaarcheops
74 Aarni Karjala FI gardevoir
75 Bolly Olufon GB miraidon
76 Merlin Bresinski DK banettedusknoir
77 Jake Gamblen GB dragapultpidgeot
78 Joshua Vanoverschelde BE lugiaarcheops
79 US charizardpidgeot
80 Max Van Leeuwen NL dragapultpidgeot
81 Anthony Blanchard FR lugiaarcheops
82 Joshua Bausch DE terapagosnoctowl
83 Alessandro Bax IT terapagosnoctowl
84 Michael Hunter IE terapagosnoctowl
85 Rone Nielsen DK snorlax
86 Frank Donald Dewald DE iron-thorns
87 Mick de Jong NL terapagosnoctowl
88 Filippo Colamorea IT terapagosnoctowl
89 Philip Schulz DE terapagosnoctowl
90 Kevin Balgar DE gardevoir
91 Ethan Wilde GB lugiaarcheops
92 Julian Patz DE lugiaarcheops
93 Luke Kirkham GB gouging-fire
94 Christoph Stein DE raging-boltogerpon
95 Michael Cornwall GB roaring-moon
96 AU regidrago
97 Steffen From DK raging-boltogerpon
98 Fabrizio Cremascoli IT ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern
99 Kevin Kral CZ pidgeot
100 Andrea Mario Schroder IT lugiaarcheops
101 NL banettedusknoir
102 Janek Jagiełło PL charizardpidgeot
103 Fabien Pujol FR terapagosnoctowl
104 Youry De Bruyn BE gardevoir
105 ES regidrago
106 Oscar Rivas Perez ES snorlax
107 Andrew Hayward GB charizardpidgeot
108 Magnus Pedersen DK banettedusknoir
109 Eemeli Reijonen FI terapagosnoctowl
110 Samuel Scime CA lugiaarcheops
111 Riccardo Coviello IT terapagosnoctowl
112 Andreas Møller DK raging-boltogerpon
113 Julius Hoeptner DE pidgeot
114 Alessio Cefola IT charizardpidgeot
115 Mikołaj Łaniecki PL klawf
116 Tim Schauder DE iron-thornsiron-crown
117 Luke Doran GB lugiaarcheops
118 Bo Vinke NL charizardpidgeot
119 Niels Jürgensen DE regidrago
120 Maximilian Teubert DE pidgeot
121 James Whitby GB terapagosnoctowl
122 Sebastian Uziuk PL raging-boltogerpon
123 Robin Schulz DE terapagosnoctowl
124 Lewis Beck GB charizardpidgeot
125 Samuele Roma IT raging-boltogerpon
126 Lukas Dellenbach CH iron-thorns
127 Nam Paul Nguyen DE dialga-originmetang
128 Tobias Thesing DE palkia-origin
129 Jose De Las Casas PE dragapultpidgeot
130 Marco Ceccon IT raging-boltogerpon
131 Kevin Lenhardt DE raging-boltogerpon
132 Nicky Paradis BE roaring-moon
133 Stefano Conti IT regidrago
134 Stepan Suchanek CZ regidrago
135 Ward Knuts BE lugiaarcheops
136 Fabrizio Tallone IT regidrago
137 Simon Kolbe DE roaring-moon
138 Aleksander Sowa PL terapagosnoctowl
139 Benjamin Martinsen NO lugiaarcheops
140 David Booij NL raging-boltogerpon
141 Leon Rehberg DE raging-boltogerpon
142 Ceylan Sakrak BE dragapultpidgeot
143 David Cobelens NL raging-boltogerpon
144 Kamil Colatosti CA lugiaarcheops
145 Emil Khedher MT banettedusknoir
146 Rabah Zibouche FR miraidon
147 Angelo De Domenico IT raging-boltogerpon
148 Arthur Van Audenrode BE snorlax
149 Kevin Ponthieux IT raging-boltogerpon
150 Callum Roulson GB terapagosnoctowl
151 Bastian Sellmaier DE charizardpidgeot
152 Eyüp Vroegop NL miraidon
153 Nico Sommerfeld DE raging-boltogerpon
154 Eric Hendrickson DE regidrago
155 Anabel Funk DE regidrago
156 Christian Ballocco IT dragapultpidgeot
157 Sil Van De Water NL raging-boltogerpon
158 Uladzimir Mazaleuski PL banettegardevoir
159 Aimé Ducret CH terapagosnoctowl
160 Shaon Sen GB gardevoir
161 Mahdi Eftekhari DE raging-boltogerpon