Latest Updates: StockholmJourney Together
Special Event Bologna IT
1st June 2024 • 1008 Players • Brilliant Stars - Temporal ForcesRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Kim Pobega IT iron-handsiron-crown
2 Kristian Hodas SK comfeysableye
3 Angelo Coralluzzo IT gardevoir
4 Christian Graziano IT lugiaarcheops
5 Filippo Colamorea IT pidgeot
6 Cristian Sarnataro IT chien-paobaxcalibur
7 Alessandro Bax IT pidgeot
8 Konstantin Shapkin GB arceusgiratina-origin
9 Magnus Pedersen DK banettegardevoir
10 Andrea Zorat IT arceusgiratina-origin
11 IT pidgeot
12 Kristopher Kemp US dialga-originmetang
13 Andrea Calciolari IT roaring-moondudunsparce
14 Morgan Brandi IT arceusarmarouge
15 Sai Fung Lau GB charizardpidgeot
16 Christian Fontenot DK arceusgiratina-origin
17 Stefano Conti IT arceus
18 Benedetta Todaro IT arceusgiratina-origin
19 Vincent Fatunz DE charizardpidgeot
20 Alessio Cefola IT charizardpidgeot
21 Artur Herdt DE chien-paobaxcalibur
22 Demetris Eaton GB charizardpidgeot
23 David Díaz Roldán ES raging-boltsandy-shocks
24 Alberto Benvenga IT charizardpidgeot
25 Fabio Spanò IT dialga-originmetang
26 Alessio Carmignani IT pidgeot
27 ES comfeysableye
28 José Domingo Cerdán Torres ES pidgeot
29 Adrian Hernandez Fernandez ES comfeysableye
30 Andrea Mario Schroder IT lugiaarcheops
31 Simone Soldo IT iron-handsiron-crown
32 Steve Lawson GB roaring-moon
33 Lorenzo Cottignoli IT charizardpidgeot
34 Krzysztof Fryca PL pidgeot
35 Vincenzo Bastelli IT charizardpidgeot
36 Brando Longino IT comfeysableye
37 Matteo Tenan IT lugiaarcheops
38 Manuel Penco IT comfeysableye
39 Stefano Bassis IT charizardpidgeot
40 Ward Knuts BE charizardpidgeot
41 Andreas Döring DE gholdengo
42 Nino Brodar HR chien-paobaxcalibur
43 Vincenzo Seva IT arceusgiratina-origin
44 Neddy Kosek CZ lugiaarcheops
45 Marco Spataro IT iron-handsiron-crown
46 Simone Torrente IT tinkaton
47 Gianluca Foglia IT comfeysableyecharizard
48 Mikołaj Plich PL charizardpidgeot
49 Hiroki Nakashima GB gardevoir
50 Ciro Savarese IT charizardpidgeot
51 Stéphane Ivanoff FR chien-paobaxcalibur
52 Fernando Karolys EC comfeysableye
53 Marco Facchin IT comfeysableye
54 Kin Hin Fung GB lugiaarcheops
55 Matteo Quoiani IT gardevoir
56 Karolina Krašna SI lugiaarcheops
57 Sebastiano Lo Presti IT charizardpidgeot
58 Alessandro Arca IT snorlax
59 Alfredo Oros IT lugiaarcheops
60 Christian Schrader DE arceusarmarouge
61 Vincenzo Cannata IT comfeysableye
62 Joel Bergman CA lugiaarcheops
63 Kevin Ponthieux IT iron-handsiron-crown
64 Fabrizio Tallone IT comfeysableye
65 Alp Ehliz DE dialga-originmetang
66 Christian D'Onofrio IT raging-boltpalkia-origin
67 Renato Zamporri IT charizardpidgeot
68 Tito De Angelis IT snorlax
69 Zakaria Erraji IT giratina-origincomfey
70 Carlos Román Cruz ES espathraxatu
71 Daniele Pravettoni IT roaring-moonflutter-mane
72 Jan-Patrick Strohmeier DE lugiaarcheops
73 Igor Pouillon FR arceusgiratina-origin
74 Javier Menta ES arceus
75 Alejandro González Sánchez ES comfeysableyecharizard
76 Paolo Visone IT charizardpidgeot
77 Antonio De Feudis IT charizardpidgeot
78 Christoph Kochseder AT charizardpidgeot
79 Liliana Imrichová SK comfeysableye
80 Tommaso Saturnini IT lugiaarcheops
81 Allan Dubreuil FR chien-paobaxcalibur
82 Nerses Fatunz DE roaring-moonflutter-mane
83 Andrea Meucci Romboni IT charizardpidgeot
84 Adrián Gómez Muñoz ES charizardpidgeot
85 Alex Bortolini IT dialga-originmetang
86 Aleks Rogič SI giratina-origincomfey
87 Stefania Davide IT iron-handsiron-crown
88 Aldra Carrillo ES comfeysableye
89 Matteo Rognone IT iron-handsiron-crown
90 Manuel D'Agrosa IT chien-paobaxcalibur
91 Andrea Franco IT comfeysableye
92 De Haes Damien BE lugiaarcheops
93 Pavlo Merzeskul IT charizardpidgeot
94 Ye Wang Chen IT charizardpidgeot
95 Tom Miles GB roaring-moonflutter-mane
96 Giovanni Del Prete IT comfeysableye
97 Francois Carrera FR charizardpidgeot
98 Matic Pirnat SI charizardpidgeot
99 Francesco Salamida IT iron-handsiron-crown
100 Elodie Maciaszek FR arceusgiratina-origin
101 Alberto Conti IT giratina-origincomfey
102 Leon Wenteler NL chien-paobaxcalibur
103 Lorenzo Monselli IT pidgeot
104 Gennaro Iervolino IT charizardpidgeot
105 Sydney Gregorio IT gardevoir
106 Kevin Zucchi IT lugiaarcheops
107 Samuel Arreytabot IT roaring-moonflutter-mane
108 Patrick Ton CH lugiaarcheops
109 Gabriel Hernández Ortega ES charizardpidgeot
110 Antonio Marrone IT giratina-origincomfey
111 Gil Maure FR gholdengo
112 Alessio Vaccaro IT charizardpidgeot
113 Giulio Nugnes IT pidgeot
114 Cedric Bürkel DE chien-paobaxcalibur
115 Marcin Ogórek PL comfeysableye
116 Isabel Pilo IT roaring-moonflutter-mane
117 Andrea Baldacci IT iron-handsiron-crown
118 Biju Turolo IT charizardpidgeot
119 Simone Marsilli IT charizardpidgeot