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Carrito de Rescate

Cenit Supremo #142

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
zoroark Zoroark Box by Bryan Villa Regional Dortmund 85th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Elliot Miller Regional Charlotte, NC 183rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Lake Lubrano Regional San Antonio, TX 166th
murkrowflamigo United Wings by Alex Schemanske NAIC 2023, Columbus 64th
murkrowflamigo United Wings by Michael Bergerac NAIC 2023, Columbus 66th
murkrowflamigo United Wings by Joshua Frink NAIC 2023, Columbus 174th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Piper Lepine Regional Fresno, CA 29th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Ian Anderson Fukuda Regional Santiago 49th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Regional Santiago 58th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Ramon Miranda Regional Hartford, CT 52nd
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Rafael Yuiti Regional São Paulo 30th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Dyego Rathje Regional São Paulo 51st
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Pedro Pertusi Regional São Paulo 54th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Pedro Pertusi EUIC 2023, London 14th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Frank Mintmire EUIC 2023, London 61st
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Ben Ahmadi EUIC 2023, London 79th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Dalton Acchetta EUIC 2023, London 123rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Rahul Reddy EUIC 2023, London 145th
gardevoirmewtwo Gardevoir Mewtwo by Rune Heiremans EUIC 2023, London (SR) 1st
lunatonesolrock Lunatone Solrock by John Mostowy Regional Fort Wayne, IN 54th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Anthony Bruno Regional Charlotte, NC 89th
dittocinccino Ditto Control by Manuel Soto Regional Orlando, FL 18th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Fabien Pujol Regional Liverpool 78th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Michael Gomez Regional Arlington, TX 79th
articunointeleon Articuno Inteleon by Charlie Lockyer Regional Toronto, ON 8th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Anthony Bruno Regional Toronto, ON 19th
articunointeleon Articuno Inteleon by Thomas Happel Regional Toronto, ON 45th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Danniel Vivar Regional Toronto, ON 68th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Riley McKay Regional Toronto, ON 80th
articunointeleon Articuno Inteleon by Jake Santiago Regional Toronto, ON 109th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Benjamin Pham Regional Stuttgart 9th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Konsta Kallama Regional Stuttgart 13th
dittocinccino Ditto Control by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Stuttgart 76th
durant Durant by Anthony Furney Regional Brisbane 3rd
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Piper Lepine Regional Baltimore, MD 1st
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Nicholas Moffitt Regional Baltimore, MD 6th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Isaiah Cheville Regional Baltimore, MD 20th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Charlie Lockyer Regional Baltimore, MD 44th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Mike Fouchet Regional Baltimore, MD 45th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Jeremy Gibson Regional Baltimore, MD 71st
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Greg Kerien Regional Baltimore, MD 76th
salazzlebutterfree Salazzle Butterfree by Bryson Cliggett Regional Baltimore, MD 89th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Vo Nguyen Special Event Bilbao 23rd
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Alberto Conti Special Event Bilbao 26th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Joao Bastos Regional Porto Alegre 26th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Ross Cawthon World Championships 2022 15th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Cobi Kawasaki World Championships 2022 54th
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Sebastian Lashmet World Championships 2022 (SR) 2nd
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Ross Cawthon NAIC 2022, Columbus 30th
eldegoss Eldegoss Control by Adam Hawkins NAIC 2022, Columbus 47th
frosmothinteleon Frosmoth Inteleon Box by Kiernan Wagner NAIC 2022, Columbus 69th
eldegoss Eldegoss Control by Adam Hawkins Regional Milwaukee, WI 24th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Allan Xu Regional Milwaukee, WI 60th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Nataniel Lovagnini Regional Santiago 38th
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Kim Pobega Special Event Milan 9th
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Cristian Sarnataro Special Event Milan 12th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Kristian Hodas Regional Bremen 14th
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Kim Pobega Regional Bremen 17th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Christian Wilhelm Regional Bremen 21st
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Ondřej Škubal Regional Bremen 41st
urshifu-rapid-strike-gmaxinteleon Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Justin Bokhari Regional Vancouver, BC 5th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Cobi Kawasaki Regional Vancouver, BC 16th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Lucas Xing Regional Vancouver, BC 17th
suicuneludicolointeleon Suicune Ludicolo Inteleon by Drue Townsend Regional Vancouver, BC 28th
suicuneludicolointeleon Suicune Ludicolo Inteleon by David Tomhave-Alexie Regional Secaucus, NJ 21st
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Ross Cawthon Regional Secaucus, NJ 30th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Jake Pilch Regional Secaucus, NJ 31st
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Anthony Bruno Regional Secaucus, NJ 33rd
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Lille 1st
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Jorge Salas Regional Lille 3rd
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Lille 5th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Sen Caubergh Regional Lille 22nd
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Rory Licken Regional Lille 25th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Aaron Van Der Kolk Regional Perth 7th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Andrew Kennett Regional Indianapolis, IN 38th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Christian Fontenot Regional Indianapolis, IN 44th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Anthony Bruno Regional Indianapolis, IN 56th
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Matthew Brower Regional Indianapolis, IN 83rd
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Nicholas Bournay Regional Indianapolis, IN 100th
suicuneludicolointeleon Suicune Ludicolo Inteleon by Daniel Lynch Regional Indianapolis, IN 106th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Benjamin Lagercrantz Special Event Bilbao 9th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Stéphane Ivanoff Special Event Bilbao 15th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Sen Caubergh Special Event Bilbao 29th
suicuneludicolointeleon Suicune Ludicolo Inteleon by João Lagrifa Special Event Bilbao 31st
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Charlie Merryweather EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 12th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Seb Symonds EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 51st
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Luka L. EUIC 2022, Frankfurt (JR) 2nd
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Brennan Kamerman Regional Liverpool 2nd
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Joe Bernard Regional Liverpool 6th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Jack Pauling Regional Liverpool 10th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Liverpool 13th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Max Roberts Regional Liverpool 20th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Manuel Jorach Regional Liverpool 36th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Gabe Shumway Regional Salt Lake City, UT 11th
malamarcinccino Malamar Cinccino by Nathaniel Kaplan Regional Salt Lake City, UT 14th
moltres-galarinteleon Dark Inteleon by Muhammad Ideis Regional Salt Lake City, UT 16th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Corey Godfrey Regional Salt Lake City, UT 38th
malamarinteleon Malamar Inteleon by Aaron Rucker Regional Salt Lake City, UT 54th
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