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Regional Stuttgart DE
3rd December 2022 • 745 Players • Sword & Shield - Silver TempestRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Mateusz Łaszkiewicz PL palkia-originvikavolt
2 Brent Coosemans BE mewgenesectmeloetta
3 Jari Bonsee NL mewgenesect
4 Magnus Pedersen DK palkia-origininteleon
5 Liliana Imrichová SK lugiaarcheops
6 Sander Wojcik NL mewtwogengar
7 Piotr Orleański PL comfeysableyecharizard
8 Jamie Hindley GB mewgenesectmeloetta
9 Benjamin Pham NL zoroark
10 Raz Wolpe IL lugiaarcheops
11 Christian Graziano IT lugiaarcheops
12 Miloslav Posledni CZ comfeysableye
13 Konsta Kallama FI zoroark
14 Timur Yusuf GB lugiaarcheops
15 CZ lugiaarcheops
16 Joe Bernard GB comfeysableyecharizard
17 Sen Caubergh BE regigigas
18 Bolly Olufon GB lugiaarcheops
19 PL mewgenesectmeloetta
20 IT mewtwoyveltal
21 Filippo Petrolli IT mewgenesect
22 Stefano Bassis IT palkia-origininteleon
23 FI lugiaarcheops
24 Lucian Hargreaves GB mewgenesect
25 Jonathan Sharpling GB comfeysableyecharizard
26 Pere Arbós Parets ES lugiaarcheops
27 John Daniel GB mewgenesect
28 Niels Jürgensen DE mewtwoyveltal
29 Patrik Bartosovic CZ lugiaarcheops
30 ES comfeysableye
31 Mads Jensen DK lugiaarcheops
32 Jake Mallender GB palkia-origininteleon
33 NL lugiaarcheops
34 Daniel Powell GB lugiaarcheops
35 Mario Arrighetti IT regigigas
36 Paulo Mimoso PT mewgenesectmeloetta
37 Marton Skjæveland NO comfeysableyecharizard
38 Andrea Cividini IT lugiaarcheops
39 Aurélien Richard CH regigigas
40 Dominic Schäffer DE mewgenesect
41 Ethan Chew GB lugiaarcheops
42 Djamiel Bechan NL mewgenesect
43 Kacper Mazurkiewicz PL regigigas
44 Edwyn Mesman NL mewgenesect
45 Matthias Luppa DE mewtwogengar
46 Nitish Doolub GB mewgenesectmeloetta
47 Giacomo Tiraboschi IT lugiaarcheops
48 Arthur Trutzschler NL comfeysableye
49 Demetris Eaton GB mewgenesect
50 Andreas Møller DK lugiaarcheops
51 Logan Madden GB lugiaarcheops
52 Ewan West GB mewgenesect
53 Ruben van der Sluis NL mewgenesect
54 Stephan Nørregård DK lugiaarcheops
55 Arthur Vincent FR weezing-galarcrobat
56 Pascal Middel NL mewgenesect
57 Hans van der Werf NL lugiaarcheops
58 Elmar Tresp DE comfeysableye
59 Marek Stolarik SK yveltaleldegoss
60 Rudolf Hoffmann DE mewgenesect
61 Felix Reichenbach DE comfeysableye
62 Max Schlehaider DE lugiaarcheops
63 Vianney Leroy FR comfeyrayquaza
64 Dominik Blache DE comfeysableye
65 Christian Wilhelm DE comfeysableyecharizard
66 Marco Facchin IT lugiaarcheops
67 Lukas Dellenbach CH lugiaarcheops
68 Joel Nguyen FR charizardinteleon
69 Viktor Fehér HU yveltaleldegoss
70 Cameron McDonald GB mewgenesectmeloetta
71 Heddi Brahmi FR zoroark-hisui
72 Vincent Marcus Munk DK lugiaarcheops
73 Patryk Brzezinski PL lugiaarcheops
74 Quy Duc Dao DE lugiaarcheops
75 Kim Pobega IT lugiaarcheops
76 Manuele Tartaglia IT dittocinccino
77 Benjamin Rabaiotti GB lugiaarcheops