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Evoluciones en Paldea #152

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
gardevoir Gardevoir by Sydney Gregorio Special Event Bologna 105th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Matias Chong Regional Santiago 51st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Guilherme Lessa Regional São Paulo 19th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Pedro Henrique Cunha de Lacerda Regional São Paulo 55th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Maurício Almeida Regional São Paulo 107th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by John Ries Regional Orlando, FL 176th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alex Batres Regional Orlando, FL 209th
arceusvulpix-alola Arceus Vulpix by Cody Nguyen Regional Orlando, FL 238th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Cremascoli EUIC 2024, London 3rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Hiroshi Takeda EUIC 2024, London 252nd
arceusvulpix-alola Arceus Vulpix by Anssi Balk EUIC 2024, London 263rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jack Lor EUIC 2024, London 271st
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Junpei Yamashita Champions League Fukuoka 10th
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