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Tempestad Plateada #126

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alfonso Vallejo Regional San Antonio, TX 158th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Oliver Shrigley Regional Birmingham 19th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Weixi Yu Regional Birmingham 62nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ryan Mauger Regional Birmingham 121st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alexis Grogan Regional Birmingham 317th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hung Phan Le Regional Birmingham 327th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Andrew Ariel Dias Regional Rio de Janeiro 101st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Diego Andrade Regional Rio de Janeiro 177th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Drew Lunstead Regional Toronto 123rd
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Andreas Deese Regional Stuttgart 237th
klawf Klawf by Luigi Conte Regional Stuttgart 264th
klawf Klawf by Douglas Pool Regional Sacramento, CA 210th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Declan P. Regional Lille (JR) 3rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rasmus Wagner Regional Dortmund 41st
klawf Klawf by Mikołaj Łaniecki Regional Dortmund 115th
klawf Klawf by Lucas Pedrosa Regional Joinville 44th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marley Sylvester S. Regional Dortmund (SR) 6th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Scotty Chesser Regional Baltimore, MD 22nd
klawf Klawf by Rasmus Tang Christiansen Regional Baltimore, MD 38th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Landen Kaetler Regional Baltimore, MD 120th
klawfcramorant Klawf Cramorant by Ezra S. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (JR) 8th
arceus Arceus by Stefano Conti Special Event Bologna 17th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Nerses Fatunz Special Event Bologna 82nd
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Samuel Arreytabot Special Event Bologna 107th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Tiger Yang Regional Los Angeles, CA 45th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Dustin Zimmerman Regional Los Angeles, CA 92nd
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Jake Ewart Regional Los Angeles, CA 113th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Tony Paull Regional Los Angeles, CA 126th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Ronald Sharpsteen Regional Los Angeles, CA 182nd
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Cheng Ting Lin Regional Los Angeles, CA 191st
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Ramie Omamalin Philippines Championships 2024 8th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Gabriel Pérez Centeno Special Event Mexico City 1st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Erasmo Rodriguez Perez Special Event Mexico City 4th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Wayne Tan Wei Peng Singapore Championships 2024 12th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Stian Nilsson Regional Stockholm 6th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Matteo Spalletta Regional Stockholm 29th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Nerses Fatunz Regional Stockholm 38th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Julien Cretenoud Regional Stockholm 57th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Mac Currie Regional Indianapolis, IN 46th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Jake Ewart Regional Indianapolis, IN 99th
klawfcramorant Klawf Cramorant by Steven Bates Regional Indianapolis, IN 134th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Nick Robinson Regional Indianapolis, IN 151st
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Alec Ward Regional Indianapolis, IN 212th
raging-boltcomfey Raging Bolt LZ Box by Domenick Ritchie Regional Indianapolis, IN 220th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Thiago Giovannetti Marques Ricardo Regional São Paulo 23rd
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by André Argolo Regional São Paulo 59th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Joao Antonio Cavalcanti Regional São Paulo 70th
miraidon Miraidon by Andre Bortoni Miranda Regional São Paulo 72nd
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Felipe Barreto Regional São Paulo 77th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Colton Meahl Regional Orlando, FL 42nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Leandro Fernandes Regional Orlando, FL 50th
miraidon Miraidon by Andre Bortoni Miranda Regional Orlando, FL 94th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Matthew Wood Regional Orlando, FL 139th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Seungrim Kim Korean League Season 3 15th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Nathan Stratford EUIC 2024, London 121st
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Yasuyuki Handa EUIC 2024, London 159th
roaring-moonflutter-mane Ancient Box by Gabriel Perez EUIC 2024, London 166th
arceusarmarouge Arceus Armarouge by Edwin Bak Seng Chang Malaysia Regional League Vol.3 15th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by Karel Maertens Special Event Utrecht 15th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by Lucca Naberschnig Special Event Utrecht 100th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by David Glen Bantug Philippines Regional League Vol.2 6th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by Sejun Park Korean League Season 2 6th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by Seong Heon Kim Korean League Season 2 9th
miraidonflaaffy Miraidon Flaaffy by Taewook Kim Korean League Season 2 12th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Ugo Menoni Regional Dortmund 138th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alec Geissler Regional Knoxville, TN 108th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nigel Tan Regional Melbourne 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryan Bews Regional Brisbane 40th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yogie Surya Indonesia Regional League 10th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Billy Chan Regional Toronto 84th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alana Watanabe Regional Toronto 107th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Neddy Kosek Regional Lille 14th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ákos Filiczki Regional Lille 56th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kai Chun So Regional Lille 62nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joel Bergman Regional Sacramento, CA 69th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mike Moreno III Regional Sacramento, CA 131st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Billy Chan Regional Peoria, IL 22nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ricardo Pereira Celebroni Regional Curitiba 36th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Landen Kaetler Regional Pittsburgh, PA 19th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Johnny Rabus Regional Pittsburgh, PA 29th
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