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Ultraprisma #154

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Sander Wojcik Pokémon Online Global Championships 2nd
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Chip Richey Limitless Invitational 2020 13th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Yuto Ko Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 30th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Chi Duong Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 31st
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Mill by Kayan Oladi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 62nd
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Gerardo A Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 86th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Anya Kolberg Johansson Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 4th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Leandro Fernandes Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 84th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Pedro Pertusi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 115th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Koji Morimoto Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 132nd
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Leandro Fernandes Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 24th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Anya Kolberg Johansson Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 49th
cinccinooranguru Cinccino Control by Pedro Pertusi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 82nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Manuel Gonzalez Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 141st
zacianoranguru Zacian Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Malmö 4th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Special Event Guaíba 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Laura Caporali Braga Special Event Guaíba 4th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Victor Freitas Special Event Guaíba 5th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Tanner Hurley Special Event Costa Rica 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Special Event Buenos Aires 7th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Regional Sao Paulo 3rd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Samuel Moro Jacques Regional Sao Paulo 8th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Jesper Eriksen Regional Bochum 7th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Dario Scarnò Regional Bochum 13th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Bochum 36th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Christian Wilhelm Regional Bochum 38th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Arne Van Braeckel Regional Bochum 44th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Kevin Kral Regional Bochum 52nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Seo Taek Byun Korean League Season 1 9th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Andrew Scott Regional San Diego, CA 9th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Ian Robb Regional San Diego, CA 14th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Carter Barsh Regional San Diego, CA 17th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Igor Costa Regional San Diego, CA 31st
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Jesper Eriksen Regional Daytona Beach, FL 12th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Jalen Jones Regional Daytona Beach, FL 42nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Cremascoli LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 10th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 27th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Antonio Jardim LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 62nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Darin O'Meara LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 79th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Mateus Carvalho Rocha LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (SR) 3rd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Marley Sylvester S. LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (JR) 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Michael Pramawat Regional Portland, OR 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Daniel Altavilla Regional Portland, OR 3rd
mewtwomewhonchkrow Mewtwo & Mew Hand Lock by Kevin Tran Regional Portland, OR 18th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Calvin Connor Regional Portland, OR 34th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Caleb Gedemer Regional Portland, OR 35th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Zachary Cooper Regional Portland, OR 48th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Grant Manley Regional Richmond, VA 3rd
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Michael Pramawat Regional Richmond, VA 5th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Rowan Stavenow Regional Richmond, VA 6th
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Isaiah Bradner Regional Richmond, VA 17th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Arne Van Braeckel Special Event Paris 6th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Graziano Special Event Paris 17th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Grant Manley Regional Knoxville, TN 7th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Isaiah Bradner Regional Knoxville, TN 8th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Connor Foster Regional Knoxville, TN 10th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Brian Miller Regional Knoxville, TN 13th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Ryan Simons Regional Knoxville, TN 17th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Isaac Milaski Regional Knoxville, TN 26th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Kazuki Kanehira Regional Knoxville, TN 37th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Alex Cole Regional Knoxville, TN 40th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Nathan Brower Regional Knoxville, TN 47th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Grant Manley Regional Atlantic City, NJ 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Connor Foster Regional Atlantic City, NJ 33rd
orangurunaganadel Naganadel Control by Rudy Wade Regional Atlantic City, NJ 47th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Cologne 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Cologne 9th
jirachimismagius Amulet Hand Lock by Takuto Itagaki CL Tokyo Extra 1st
jirachimismagius Amulet Hand Lock by Takumi Matsumoto CL Tokyo Extra 2nd
jirachimismagius Amulet Hand Lock by Wataru Yoneyama CL Tokyo Extra 4th
jirachimismagius Amulet Hand Lock by Yasunori Kato CL Tokyo Extra 6th
jirachimismagius Amulet Hand Lock by Yu Igawa CL Tokyo Extra 8th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Fabien Pujol Regional Sheffield 3rd
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Nathaniel Gardner-Blatch Regional Sheffield 33rd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Mehdi Hafi Regional Sheffield 41st
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Isaiah Williams World Championships 2019 8th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Daniel Altavilla World Championships 2019 23rd
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Dylan Gunn World Championships 2019 26th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Azul Garcia Griego World Championships 2019 35th
rowletexeggutor-alola Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor by Sander Wojcik World Championships 2019 60th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Jimmy Pendarvis World Championships 2019 63rd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Michael Pramawat World Championships 2019 82nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Caleb Gedemer World Championships 2019 105th
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Kaden Brent World Championships 2019 110th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Zachary Cooper World Championships 2019 116th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Vance Kelley NAIC 2019, Columbus 15th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Ryan Simons NAIC 2019, Columbus 67th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Tristen Pence NAIC 2019, Columbus 80th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Marco Cifuentes Meta Regional Santiago 4th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang Special Event Bangkok 4th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Santa Clara, CA 5th
shedinjaoranguru Shedinja Control by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Santa Clara, CA 7th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Joel Stroeve Regional Santa Clara, CA 13th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa EUIC 2019, Berlin 78th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Hale Obernolte Regional Denver, CO 2nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Liam Alon Regional Denver, CO 8th
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Riley Hulbert Regional Collinsville, IL 3rd
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Athavan Balendran Regional Collinsville, IL 11th
sylveon Sylveon by Anthony Strange Regional Collinsville, IL 36th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 46th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Harrogate 15th
glaceonshuckle Glaceon Shuckle by Tommi Lahtela Regional Harrogate 43rd
shucklesceptile Shuckle Sceptile by Gustavo Wada Special Event Chile #2 7th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by Carl Sitavi Regional Roanoke, VA 22nd
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 38th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Edward Khodaei Regional Roanoke, VA 52nd
zoroarkoranguru Zoroark Control by Riley Hulbert LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 17th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Nelson Jose Motta Rodrigues LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 30th
sylveon Sylveon by Esteban Sandoval Special Event Chile #1 8th
sylveon Sylveon by Jay Young Regional Memphis, TN 31st
sylveon Sylveon by Brian Miller Regional Memphis, TN 38th
sylveon Sylveon by Hampus Eriksson Regional Offenbach 1st
wishiwashi-schoolhoopa-unbound Wishiwashi Hoopa by Rafael Bascope Special Event La Paz 4th
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