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Résolution de Pierre

Tempête Celeste #145

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Kolton Day Regional Collinsville, IL 2nd
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 4th
sceptilevileplume Sceptile Vileplume by Grant Hays Regional Collinsville, IL 6th
clefairy Doll Stall by Zachary Cooper Regional Collinsville, IL 8th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Grant Manley Regional Collinsville, IL 14th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brendan Dixon Regional Collinsville, IL 17th
clefairy Doll Stall by Adler Pierce Regional Collinsville, IL 23rd
clefairy Doll Stall by Isaac Milaski Regional Collinsville, IL 24th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Nathan Brower Regional Collinsville, IL 28th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Jose Avila Regional Collinsville, IL 30th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Malone Regional Collinsville, IL 31st
clefairy Doll Stall by Dylan Gunn Regional Collinsville, IL 32nd
clefairy Doll Stall by Thomas Happel Regional Collinsville, IL 35th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Kyle Ritchey Regional Collinsville, IL 37th
clefairy Doll Stall by Evan Smith Regional Collinsville, IL 40th
clefairy Doll Stall by Brady Heath Regional Collinsville, IL 43rd
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Thomas Masse Jr Regional Collinsville, IL 47th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Zachery Stover Regional Collinsville, IL 54th
clefairy Doll Stall by James Langley Regional Collinsville, IL 56th
clefairy Doll Stall by Tanner Hurley Regional Collinsville, IL 58th
clefairy Doll Stall by Jeffrey Torres Regional Collinsville, IL 60th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Ryan Doverspike Regional Collinsville, IL 61st
oranguru Oranguru Control by Gustavo Suarez Special Event Lima 8th
oranguru Oranguru Control by Gustavo Wada Regional Sao Paulo 6th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Gibson Archer-Tang Regional Dallas, TX 3rd
sceptilevileplume Sceptile Vileplume by Grant Hays Regional Dallas, TX 7th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy Regional Dallas, TX 11th
clefairy Doll Stall by Joe Ruettiger Regional Dallas, TX 17th
wailord Wall Stall by Cyrus Davis Regional Dallas, TX 47th
regirock Regirock by Preston Ellis Regional Dallas, TX 50th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Tommi Lahtela Regional Bochum 47th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Kevin Kral Regional Bochum 52nd
oranguru Oranguru Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Bochum 57th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Seo Taek Byun Korean League Season 1 9th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Joel Stroeve Regional San Diego, CA 36th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Lena Evans Regional San Diego, CA 51st
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Isaiah Williams Regional Daytona Beach, FL 4th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Grant Manley Regional Daytona Beach, FL 7th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Daytona Beach, FL 16th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Daytona Beach, FL 29th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Caleb Gedemer Regional Daytona Beach, FL 35th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Nathan Brower Regional Daytona Beach, FL 41st
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Ondřej Škubal LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 5th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Tommi Lahtela LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 16th
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Pedro Provenzi LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 72nd
florgesclefairy Florges Dolls by Vinícius Fernandez LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (SR) 6th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by JW Kriewall Regional Richmond, VA 1st
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Michael Zele Regional Richmond, VA 7th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Andrew Mahone Regional Richmond, VA 10th
rowletexeggutor-alolavileplume Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor Vileplume by Brady Botner Regional Richmond, VA 21st
regirockhonchkrow Regirock Walls by James Langley Regional Richmond, VA 30th
dewpideromastar Spider Lock by Jeremy Amram Special Event Paris 27th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Kazuki Kanehira Regional Knoxville, TN 37th
naganadel Naganadel Box by Austin Ellis Regional Knoxville, TN 75th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Cologne 2nd
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Cologne 9th
naganadel Naganadel Box by Piotr Orleański Regional Cologne 42nd
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Nathaniel Gardner-Blatch Regional Sheffield 33rd
naganadel Naganadel Box by James Cox Special Event Melbourne 15th
naganadel Naganadel Box by Xander Pero DC Open Flight 2 1st
slowpokepsyduck Slowpoke & Psyduck by Sam VerNooy DC Open Flight 1 9th
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Dylan Gunn World Championships 2019 26th
rowletexeggutor-alola Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor by Sander Wojcik World Championships 2019 60th
keldeobronzong Keldeo Bronzong Stall by Kaden Brent World Championships 2019 110th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis NAIC 2019, Columbus 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Vance Kelley NAIC 2019, Columbus 15th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli NAIC 2019, Columbus 22nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Kevin Tran NAIC 2019, Columbus 33rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Ryan Simons NAIC 2019, Columbus 67th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Kaya Lichtleitner NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Jonkoping 3rd
hoopa-unboundwailord Hoopa Magikarp & Wailord by Adrian Fjell Regional Jonkoping 7th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Simon Eriksen Regional Jonkoping 14th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang Special Event Bangkok 4th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Andre Porto Regional Sao Paulo 11th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis Regional Santa Clara, CA 6th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Joel Stroeve Regional Santa Clara, CA 13th
lucariomelmetalhoopa-unbound Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Peter Kica Regional Santa Clara, CA 15th
lucariomelmetalvileplume Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by David Selin Regional Santa Clara, CA 20th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Bristol 1st
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Bristol 3rd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Faisal Khan Regional Bristol 29th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa EUIC 2019, Berlin 78th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alfred Kristensen EUIC 2019, Berlin 88th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Julius Mo Krag EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) 4th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Taketo Seki Champions League Kyoto 2nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Hale Obernolte Regional Denver, CO 2nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Liam Alon Regional Denver, CO 8th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Zachary Cooper Regional Denver, CO 36th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Gregory Smith Regional Denver, CO 51st
venusaurcelebi Celebi & Venusaur by Rahul Reddy Regional Greensboro, NC 21st
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Riley Hulbert Regional Collinsville, IL 3rd
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Athavan Balendran Regional Collinsville, IL 11th
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Carl Sitavi Regional Collinsville, IL 39th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 46th
vileplumeninetales-alola Vileplume Ninetales by Kendon Kula Regional Collinsville, IL 75th
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Michael Catron Regional Collinsville, IL 97th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli Special Event Cannes 2nd
lucariomelmetal Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team by かわさきたかふみ Champions League Chiba 2nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by けんくん Champions League Chiba 35th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by Grover Tranca Special Event Peru 7th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Alex Schemanske Regional Dallas, TX 36th
wailord Wailord by William Woodard Regional Dallas, TX 58th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Harrogate 15th
glaceonshuckle Glaceon Shuckle by Tommi Lahtela Regional Harrogate 43rd
shucklesceptile Shuckle Sceptile by Gustavo Wada Special Event Chile #2 7th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Aaron Morgan Regional Roanoke, VA 19th
hoopa-unboundshuckle Hoopa Shuckle by Carl Sitavi Regional Roanoke, VA 22nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Butch Smith Regional Roanoke, VA 34th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 38th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Edward Khodaei Regional Roanoke, VA 52nd
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Michael Catron Regional Roanoke, VA 54th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by Christopher Watkins Regional Roanoke, VA 57th
shucklesceptile Shuckle Sceptile by Rob Stephens Regional Roanoke, VA 60th
regigigashoopa-unbound Regigigas Hoopa by TJ Knowles Regional Roanoke, VA 65th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Joe Turrentine Regional Roanoke, VA 67th
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Nelson Jose Motta Rodrigues LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 30th
regigigasgenesect Regigigas Genesect by Felipe Kato LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 58th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Julio Cesar Crusaro LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 64th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Gabor Van Meenen Special Event Lille 2nd
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Friedrich Illbruck Special Event Lille 6th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Julien Cretenoud Special Event Lille 14th
groudon-primal Primal Groudon by Joe Sanchez Regional Portland, OR 4th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Bastian Silva Special Event Chile #1 1st
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Connor Finton Regional Memphis, TN 11th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Colter Martin Regional Memphis, TN 23rd
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Scott DeGraw Regional Memphis, TN 28th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Ryan Allred Regional Memphis, TN 34th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Manuel Jorach Regional Memphis, TN 58th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Jackie Quach Regional Memphis, TN 59th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Dan Hugar Regional Memphis, TN 68th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Andrew Martin Regional Memphis, TN 72nd
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Benjamin Honts Regional Memphis, TN 76th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Eric Fowler Regional Memphis, TN 77th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Goncalo Pereira Regional Offenbach 2nd
steelixhoopa-unbound Steelix Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Offenbach 7th
tapu-buluvikavolt Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Francois Gauye Regional Offenbach 43rd
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Aaron Rucker Regional Philadelphia, PA 4th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Andrew Mahone Regional Philadelphia, PA 15th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Ciaran Farah Regional Philadelphia, PA 25th
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Adam Harris Regional Philadelphia, PA 38th
tapu-buluvikavolt Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Grant Manley Regional Philadelphia, PA 41st
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Manuel Jorach Regional Philadelphia, PA 59th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Andrew Nunez Regional Philadelphia, PA 63rd
rayquazavikavolt Rayquaza Vikavolt by Otavio Gouveia Regional Santa Catarina 9th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Shane Quinn Special Event Melbourne 2nd
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Jake Cruwys Special Event Melbourne 15th
necrozma-dusk-manemagnezone Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Benjamin Hall Special Event Melbourne 24th
tapu-buluvikavolt Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Carol Poyner Special Event Melbourne 27th
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