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Crown Zenith #GG24

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
mimikyuyveltal Control Box by Sander Wojcik Special Event Barcelona 31st
arceusgiratina-origin Arceus Giratina by Jack Fedrow Regional Fresno, CA 36th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Eduardo Paulini Villanueva Regional Santiago 70th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Dario Calcerano Special Event Turin 48th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Roy Loyola Jr. Philippines Championships 2023 6th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Pedro Eugenio Torres EUIC 2023, London 4th
mimikyuyveltal Control Box by Sander Wojcik EUIC 2023, London 31st
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Alex Dao EUIC 2023, London 67th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Benjamin Rabaiotti EUIC 2023, London 106th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Malcolm Whelan Regional Fort Wayne, IN 99th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Vaughn O'Brien Regional Fort Wayne, IN 113th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Andrew Dombroski Regional Fort Wayne, IN 114th
articunointeleon Articuno Inteleon by Alex Schemanske Regional Charlotte, NC 45th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Andrew Wisniewsky Regional Charlotte, NC 50th
articunointeleon Articuno Inteleon by Karl Peters Special Event Utrecht 12th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Glenn Bauwens Special Event Utrecht 21st
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Ryan Prusak Regional Knoxville, TN 27th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Dominic Viola Regional Knoxville, TN 38th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Raymond Long Regional Knoxville, TN 52nd
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Andrew Wisniewsky Regional Knoxville, TN 61st
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Brennen Denney Regional Knoxville, TN 116th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Ithiel Arki Regional Bochum 19th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Marek Stolarik Regional Bochum 37th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Francesco Ricci Regional Bochum 42nd
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Takuto Itagaki OCIC 2023, Melbourne 19th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Facundo Facio OCIC 2023, Melbourne 44th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Kim Beom Jin OCIC 2023, Melbourne 57th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Daichi Shimada OCIC 2023, Melbourne 63rd
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Isaiah Williams Regional Orlando, FL 11th
dittocinccino Ditto Control by Manuel Soto Regional Orlando, FL 18th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Orlando, FL 48th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Christian Ortiz Regional Orlando, FL 64th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Grant Manley Regional Orlando, FL 75th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Daniel Altavilla Regional Orlando, FL 104th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Patrick Vargas Regional Orlando, FL 144th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Liverpool 8th
comfeyrayquaza LZ Rayquaza Box by Samuel Smith Regional Liverpool 55th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Kyle VanOrsdel Regional Arlington, TX 62nd
blisseyyveltal Blissey Yveltal by Natalie Miller Regional Arlington, TX 111th
blisseyyveltal Blissey Yveltal by Yui Takao Champions League Kyoto 10th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Piper Lepine Regional Toronto, ON 1st
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Giancarlo Bortolon Regional Toronto, ON 11th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Daniel Lynch Regional Toronto, ON 26th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Edward Khodaei Regional Toronto, ON 75th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Riyad Mechel Regional Toronto, ON 95th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Stuart Sakaluk Regional Toronto, ON 104th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Stuttgart 20th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Niels Jürgensen Regional Stuttgart 28th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Marek Stolarik Regional Stuttgart 59th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Viktor Fehér Regional Stuttgart 69th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Lewis Stevens Regional Brisbane 4th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Aaron Stringfellow Regional Brisbane 8th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Sander Wojcik LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 5th
blisseyyveltal Blissey Yveltal by Michael Koji Takano LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 49th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Vinícius Fernandez LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo (SR) 2nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Ithiel Arki Regional Warsaw 10th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Marek Stolarik Regional Warsaw 52nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Søren Neumann Hansen Regional Warsaw 66th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Warsaw 73rd
blissey Blissey by Jamie Frankland Regional Lille 2nd
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Lille 9th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Amer Bikic Regional Lille 32nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Søren Neumann Hansen Regional Lille 35th
regigigas Regis by Fred Stagno Regional Lille 39th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Lille 45th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by James Cox Regional Lille 51st
blissey Blissey by Eric Wu Regional Salt Lake City, UT 45th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Cain Greene Regional Salt Lake City, UT 50th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Michael Laundrie Regional Salt Lake City, UT 56th
blissey Blissey by Natalie Miller Regional Salt Lake City, UT 70th
blissey Blissey by Greg Kerien Regional Peoria, IL 48th
blissey Blissey by Dallas Schmidt Regional Peoria, IL 98th
blissey Blissey by Andrew Munoz Regional Peoria, IL 107th
miltankmorpeko Miltank Morpeko by Jack Moore Regional Baltimore, MD 8th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Baltimore, MD 14th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Caleb Gedemer Regional Baltimore, MD 27th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Grant Manley Regional Baltimore, MD 43rd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Mikey Sanagustin Regional Baltimore, MD 55th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Francisco Toranzo Santiago Special Event Bilbao 20th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Regional Porto Alegre 4th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Facundo Facio Regional Porto Alegre 28th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Arne Van Braeckel World Championships 2022 70th
charizardinteleon Charizard Inteleon by Robin Schulz World Championships 2022 83rd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Sander Wojcik NAIC 2022, Columbus 3rd
blissey Blissey by Aaron Tarbell NAIC 2022, Columbus 38th
eldegoss Eldegoss Control by Adam Hawkins NAIC 2022, Columbus 47th
blissey Blissey by Andrew Wisniewsky NAIC 2022, Columbus 54th
flaaffyzekrom Flaaffy Box by Aneil Saini NAIC 2022, Columbus 126th
blissey Blissey by Cameron Ross NAIC 2022, Columbus (SR) 7th
blissey Blissey by Conner LaVelle Regional Milwaukee, WI 2nd
blissey Blissey by Michael Copper Regional Milwaukee, WI 22nd
eldegoss Eldegoss Control by Adam Hawkins Regional Milwaukee, WI 24th
flaaffyzekrom Flaaffy Box by Ming Weng Regional Milwaukee, WI 43rd
blissey Blissey by Teagen Andrews Regional Milwaukee, WI 71st
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