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Regional Bochum DE
25th February 2023 • 767 Players • Sword & Shield - Silver TempestRK9 Player Roster
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# Player Country Deck List
1 Miłosz Dyrlica PL lugiaarcheops
2 Hermanni Hietalahti FI goodra-hisuicomfey
3 Edwyn Mesman NL lugiaarcheops
4 Juho Kallama FI arceusduraludon-gmax
5 Sen Caubergh BE regigigas
6 Alex Frindt SK arceusduraludon-gmax
7 Yoann Barszezak FR lugiaarcheops
8 Christian Graziano IT lugiaarcheops
9 Alexander Denk AT mewgenesect
10 AU comfeysableye
11 NL lugiaarcheops
12 Andrew Emerson GB lugiaarcheops
13 Dor Eshel IL lugiaarcheops
14 DK comfeysableye
15 IT goodra-hisuicomfey
16 Kristian Hodas SK lugiaarcheops
17 Bolly Olufon GB lugiaarcheops
18 Alexander Stoppel DE lugiaarcheops
19 Ithiel Arki FR yveltaleldegoss
20 Thai Nguyen DE arceuspikachu
21 Elias Stratmann DE comfeysableye
22 Giacomo Tiraboschi IT lugiaarcheops
23 Marijn van Duivenboden NL lugiaarcheops
24 Tony Yates GB goodra-hisuicomfey
25 Daniel Powell GB lugiaarcheops
26 Mick de Jong NL goodra-hisuicomfey
27 Seb Symonds GB lugiaarcheops
28 Piotr Orleański PL comfeysableye
29 Luke Kirkham GB zacian-crowned
30 Quentin Tessier FR mewgenesectmeloetta
31 Felix Reichenbach DE comfeysableye
32 Brennan Kamerman NL comfeyrayquaza
33 Daniele Arosio IT vikavolt
34 Mauro Wandoloh BE comfeysableye
35 Brent Coosemans BE mewgenesectmeloetta
36 Oscar Rivas Perez ES goodra-hisuicomfey
37 Marek Stolarik SK yveltaleldegoss
38 Joshua Vanoverschelde BE regigigas
39 Arne Van Braeckel BE comfeysableye
40 DK vikavolt
41 Francesco Pasquale Caterino IT lugiaarcheops
42 Francesco Ricci IT yveltaleldegoss
43 Vincent Marcus Munk DK lugiaarcheops
44 NL mewgenesect
45 Ryan Pang GB mewgenesect
46 Nathan Darch GB vikavoltregieleki
47 Nikoline Pedersen DK mewgenesect
48 Ole Stognief DE comfeysableye
49 Arjan Nagel NL lugiaarcheops
50 Jack Old GB lugiaarcheops
51 Miloslav Posledni CZ comfeysableye
52 Jonathan Sharpling GB comfeysableye
53 David Sturm DE comfeysableye
54 Vincent Jouare FR weezing-galarcrobat
55 Salvatore Camiolo IT lugiaarcheops
56 Jordy Vanhaelst BE vikavolt
57 David Hochmann DE regigigas
58 Mads Jensen DK lugiaarcheops
59 Matěj Pikola CZ vikavolt
60 Stephan Nørregård DK vikavolt
61 Callum Griffiths GB comfeysableye
62 Alessandro Frenda IT comfeysableyecharizard
63 Adel Moussaoui DE lugiaarcheops
64 Manuele Tartaglia IT weezing-galar
65 Karl Peters DE articunointeleon
66 Kai Wainwright GB mewgenesectmeloetta
67 Steven Mao DE lugiaarcheops
68 Dario Scarnò IT lugiaarcheops
69 Nicolas Baumann DE lugiaarcheops
70 Ruben Truong BE goodra-hisuicomfey
71 Ethan Wilde GB mewgenesect
72 Jamie Withofs BE palkia-originvikavolt
73 Alvise Zanasca IT arceuspikachu
74 Tamao Takeda GB lugiaarcheops
75 Nathan Hargreaves GB mewgenesect
76 Chaz Gagne DE comfeysableye