Deck |
Tournament |
Place |
Zacian ADP by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
9th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Caleb Patton |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
27th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Carter Anderson |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
59th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Tyler Annaert |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
64th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Hunter Butler |
Regional Dallas, TX |
1st |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Luis Duran |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Brandin Tucker |
Regional Dallas, TX |
8th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Frank Percic |
Regional Dallas, TX |
13th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Nick Robinson |
Regional Dallas, TX |
18th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Kolton Day |
Regional Dallas, TX |
19th |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Mike Morton |
Regional Dallas, TX |
20th |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Isaiah Bradner |
Regional Dallas, TX |
24th |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Will Jenkins |
Regional Dallas, TX |
33rd |
Greninja & Zoroark ADP by Karl Blake |
Regional Dallas, TX |
34th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Greg Kerien |
Regional Dallas, TX |
37th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andy Hyun |
Regional Dallas, TX |
44th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Robert Simpson |
Regional Dallas, TX |
51st |
Turbo Dark by Christopher Feliciano |
Regional Dallas, TX |
54th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andrew Michaud |
Regional Dallas, TX |
61st |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Zachary Baker |
Regional Dallas, TX |
62nd |
Garchomp & Giratina Roxie by Carter Barsh |
Regional Dallas, TX |
65th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Kyle Kemper |
Regional Dallas, TX |
67th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Greg Seraphim |
Regional Dallas, TX |
69th |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Kenny Britton |
Regional Dallas, TX |
71st |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Dallas, TX |
77th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Ivan Stoyanov |
Regional Portland, OR |
4th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Preston Ellis |
Regional Portland, OR |
6th |
Turbo Dark by Chris Stotts |
Regional Portland, OR |
8th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Jacob Chen |
Regional Portland, OR |
19th |
Turbo Dark by Zane Nelson |
Regional Portland, OR |
33rd |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Andrew Mancuso |
Regional Portland, OR |
44th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Malachi Sparks |
Regional Portland, OR |
45th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by James Washer |
Regional Portland, OR |
46th |
Turbo Dark by Kristopher Kemp |
Regional Richmond, VA |
2nd |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Drew Cate |
Regional Richmond, VA |
4th |
Reshiram & Charizard Fire Box by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Richmond, VA |
23rd |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Yu Takemura |
CL Tokyo Extra |
5th |
Reshiram & Zekrom by Daisuke Hayashi |
CL Tokyo Extra |
7th |
Pikachu & Zekrom by Brendan Dixon |
Regional Hartford, CT |
24th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Logan Honts |
Regional Hartford, CT |
32nd |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
1st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
3rd |
Celebi & Venusaur by Thomas Seward |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
7th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
12th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
15th |
Pikachu & Zekrom by Brendan Dixon |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
19th |
Rayquaza by Addison Miller |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
21st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
22nd |
Pikachu & Zekrom by Lucas Richardson |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
26th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Blaine Hill |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
28th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Zachary Cooper |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
29th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
30th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
21st |
Celebi & Venusaur by Juan Colon |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
36th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
40th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by ありすがわ |
CL Chiba Extra |
20th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by うた |
CL Chiba Extra |
22nd |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Dallas, TX |
19th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Dallas, TX |
21st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Ryan Pena |
Regional Dallas, TX |
46th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Dallas, TX |
47th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Tony Jimenez |
Regional Dallas, TX |
49th |
Wailord by William Woodard |
Regional Dallas, TX |
58th |
Blacephalon Naganadel by Brendan Dixon |
Regional Dallas, TX |
74th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
1st |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Andrew Scott |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
37th |
Rayquaza by Masayuki Osajima |
CL Niigata Extra |
1st |
Rayquaza by Katsuya Tanaka |
CL Niigata Extra |
4th |
Rayquaza by Kohei Miyamoto |
CL Niigata Extra |
5th |
Rayquaza by Kohei Hamamichi |
CL Niigata Extra |
13th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Portland, OR |
5th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Portland, OR |
10th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Portland, OR |
16th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Portland, OR |
20th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Ahmad Akhrass |
Regional Portland, OR |
28th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Manuel Jorach |
Regional Portland, OR |
37th |
Rayquaza by Kevyn Tibbot |
Regional Portland, OR |
44th |
Rayquaza by Darin O'Meara |
Nashville Open |
7th |
Rayquaza by Main Ahmed |
Nashville Open |
8th |
Rayquaza by Eric Smith |
World Championships 2018 |
5th |
Rayquaza by Shuto Itagaki |
World Championships 2018 |
7th |
Rayquaza by Fabien Pujol |
World Championships 2018 |
12th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Naohito Inoue |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
1st |
Psychic Malamar by Adam Hawkins |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
4th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
18th |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Gwen Tran |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
19th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Cody Graham |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
22nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Hill |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
27th |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Nick Capobianco |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
30th |
Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Eli Ottaviano |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
35th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Adam Omarali |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
3rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
6th |
Ultra Malamar by Sönke Ringel |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
3rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Daniel Rosas |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
7th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Christopher Schemanske |
Regional Mexico City |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Angel Loya |
Regional Mexico City |
5th |
Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Samuel Fontanez |
Regional Mexico City |
19th |
Garbodor Dawn Wings Necrozma by Drew Allen |
Regional Mexico City |
27th |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sheffield |
3rd |
Psychic Malamar by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Sheffield |
4th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Adrien Thiry |
Regional Sheffield |
15th |
Ultra Malamar by Tom Newnham |
Regional Sheffield |
23rd |
Psychic Malamar by Adam Hawkins |
Regional Sheffield |
24th |
Psychic Malamar by Jake Walvin |
Regional Sheffield |
30th |
Ultra Malamar by Tom Hall |
Regional Sheffield |
32nd |
Rayquaza by Takuya Yoneda |
Japan Championships 2018 |
1st |
Night March by Masafumi Ariyoshi |
Japan Championships 2018 |
4th |
white_kyurem garbodor by Takahiro Moriyama |
Japan Championships 2018 |
35th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Antoine Boulay |
Japan Championships 2018 |
61st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Madison, WI |
4th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Wesley Hollenberg |
Regional Madison, WI |
11th |
Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus |
Regional Madison, WI |
37th |
Hoopa by Zach Lesage |
Regional Madison, WI |
47th |
Hoopa by Austin Bentheimer |
Regional Madison, WI |
54th |
Hoopa by Hunter Butler |
Regional Madison, WI |
55th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Phil Hollenberg |
Regional Madison, WI |
62nd |
Ultra Malamar by Adrian Velasco |
Regional Subang Jaya |
1st |
Metal Garbodor by Rinesh John |
Regional Subang Jaya |
15th |
Seismitoad by Noah Sawyer |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
22nd |
Seismitoad by Carson Goins |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
27th |
Psychic Malamar by Corey Matthews |
Regional Melbourne |
4th |
Ultra Malamar by Victor de Velasco |
Special Event Cancun |
3rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Will Mantho |
Regional Toronto |
10th |
Dusk Mane Necrozma Magnezone by Antonio Jardim |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
45th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Marco Jackowski |
Regional Sindelfingen |
7th |
Seismitoad Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sindelfingen |
26th |
Hoopa by Hunter Butler |
Regional Portland, OR |
7th |
Hoopa by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Portland, OR |
12th |
Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus |
Regional Portland, OR |
24th |
Hoopa by Greg Minklei |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
13th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Natalie Shampay |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
14th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Helsel |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
46th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Ondrej Kujal |
Special Event Prague |
6th |
Volcanion by Zdenek Zajicek |
Special Event Prague |
8th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Martin Belohlavek |
Special Event Prague |
17th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Joshua Doctolero |
Special Event Manila |
4th |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Aaron Minjoot |
Special Event Manila |
6th |
Hoopa by Gonzalo Martin Fernandez |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
7th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Nicolas Galaz |
Special Event La Paz |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Bastian Andres Martinez Rojas |
Special Event La Paz |
3rd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Eli Ottaviano |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
4th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Vinicius Souza |
Regional Salvador |
3rd |
Volcanion by Walter Andres Cordova Espinoza |
Special Event Guayaquil |
3rd |
Zoroark Rotom by Marcos Aballay |
Special Santiago #1 |
13th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Natalie Shampay |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
2nd |
Volcanion by Gustavo Wada |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
5th |
Hoopa by Brandon Johnson |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
20th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
22nd |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by John Roberts II |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
24th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Zach Lesage |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
32nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Will Mantho |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
34th |
Metal Garbodor by Athavan Balendran |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
47th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Ole Stognief |
Regional Malmö |
11th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Hayder Al-Shemmari |
Regional Malmö |
21st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
8th |
Hoopa by Roland Allen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
9th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Zach Lesage |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
31st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
43rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Bodhi Robinson |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (JR) |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Mia S. |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (JR) |
4th |
Archie's Blastoise by Cody Graham |
Regional Dallas, TX |
36th |
Dusknoir / Spread by Israel Sosa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
40th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Rodrigo Ferreira |
Regional Sao Paulo |
8th |
Buzzwole by Pedro Jorge |
Regional Sao Paulo |
9th |
Volcanion by Patrick Landis |
Regional Leipzig |
7th |
Hoopa Walls by Alessandro Cremascoli |
Regional Leipzig |
12th |
Hoopa Walls by Manuele Tartaglia |
Regional Leipzig |
28th |
Volcanion by Kevin Rocchio |
Regional Leipzig |
29th |
Volcanion by Dean Nezam |
Regional Memphis, TN |
12th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic |
Regional Memphis, TN |
20th |
Volcanion by Aaron Roffman |
Regional Memphis, TN |
63rd |
Volcanion by Lennert De Clercq |
Special Event Turin |
13th |
Volcanion by Blake Davies |
Regional Brisbane |
3rd |
Volcanion by Eemeli Reijonen |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
7th |
Buzzwole Silvally by Simon Humphrey |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
27th |
Volcanion Silvally by Raz Wolpe |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
33rd |
Genesect Registeel by Connor Pedersen |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
3rd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Brady Guy |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
7th |
Volcanion by Julius Mo Krag |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
8th |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by John Roberts II |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
24th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tyler Condrey |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
31st |
Darkrai by Jay Young |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
59th |
Volcanion by Igor Costa |
Regional Hartford, CT |
1st |
Volcanion by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Hartford, CT |
5th |
Volcanion by Ryan Allred |
Regional Hartford, CT |
18th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Bilbao |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Bilbao |
5th |
Volcanion by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Bremen |
10th |
Xerneas by Tushar Shrotriya |
Regional Bremen |
14th |
Volcanion by Marton Skjæveland |
Regional Bremen |
25th |
Volcanion by Luke Williams |
Regional Bremen |
27th |
Darkrai by Chris Siakala |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
3rd |
Night March by Christopher Venier |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
4th |
Yveltal Darkrai by Israel Sosa |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
8th |
Darkrai by Travion Tiller |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
19th |
Volcanion by Jimmy Wuyts |
World Championships 2017 |
10th |
Volcanion by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
World Championships 2017 |
25th |
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Mancuso |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
5th |
Volcanion by Jimmy Wuyts |
Regional Liverpool |
15th |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Paul Stringer |
Regional Liverpool |
23rd |
Volcanion by Ryan Sabelhaus |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
6th |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by John Roberts II |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
26th |
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Treynor Wolfe |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
54th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Igor Costa |
Regional Toronto |
4th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Toronto |
5th |
Darkrai Dragons by Zack Taylor |
Regional Toronto |
6th |
Volcanion by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Toronto |
7th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Michael Del Rosario |
Regional Toronto |
8th |
Night March by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Toronto |
20th |
Quad Lapras by James Arnold |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
1st |
Wobbuffet Jolteon Glaceon by Grant Manley |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
2nd |
Darkrai by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
3rd |
Volcanion by Main Ahmed |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
8th |
Reshiram Giratina-O Salamence by Nathalia Godinho Fernandes |
Regional Sao Paulo |
1st |
Volcanion by Philipp Leciejewski |
Treviso Open |
5th |
Darkrai by Philip Schulz |
Danish Open |
1st |
Volcanion by Philipp Leciejewski |
Special Event Lyon |
2nd |
Darkrai by Tord Reklev |
Special Event Lyon |
5th |
Darkrai by Philip Schulz |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
5th |
Volcanion by Sid Guimaraes |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
6th |
Volcanion by Yee Wei Chun |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
8th |
Darkrai by Robin Schulz |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
10th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marcos Kuribara |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
1st |
Volcanion by Mateus Carvalho Rocha |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Michael Long |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
6th |
Darkrai by Connor Pedersen |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
7th |
Xerneas by Isaiah Bradner |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
8th |
Volcanion by Alexandre Banevicius |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
2nd |
Volcanion by Zion Di Tizio |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
5th |
Darkrai Dragons by Theo Ribeiro |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
8th |
Volcanion by Michael Newey |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
1st |
Darkrai by Chris Siakala |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
2nd |
Darkrai by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
4th |
Darkrai by Kenny Britton |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
5th |
Darkrai Dragons by Tony Jimenez |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
6th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Yveltal Maxie's by Alex Bobenrieth |
Regional Portland, OR |
2nd |
Yveltal Maxie's by Andrew Jackson |
Regional Portland, OR |
3rd |
Darkrai by Samuel Hough |
Regional Portland, OR |
4th |
Night March by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Portland, OR |
5th |
Darkrai by Polo Le |
Regional Portland, OR |
7th |
Quad Lapras by Karl Peters |
Regional Malmö |
3rd |
Darkrai by Simon Eriksen |
Regional Malmö |
6th |
Yveltal by Erik Gunnarsson |
Regional Malmö |
9th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Malmö |
15th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski |
Regional Malmö |
16th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Malmö |
22nd |
Giratina Tauros Garbodor by Nicklas Danielsen |
Regional Malmö |
26th |
Volcanion by Nathan Darch |
Regional Malmö |
30th |
Volcanion by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
1st |
Darkrai by Jesper Eriksen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
4th |
Volcanion by Gustavo Wada |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
6th |
Darkrai by Benjamin Martinsen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
12th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Tobias Thesing |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
23rd |
Darkrai by Tord Reklev |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
25th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
28th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
46th |
Darkrai by Louis Chi |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
47th |
Volcanion by Angel Javier Torres |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tim Bartels |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Vincent Marcus Munk |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
8th |
Darkrai by Aiden Yeung |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
3rd |
Volcanion by Zion Di Tizio |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
8th |
Volcanion by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
3rd |
Night March by John Sienkiewicz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
4th |
Seismitoad Decidueye by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
6th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
8th |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
11th |
Darkrai by Tord Reklev |
Regional Sheffield |
3rd |
Volcanion by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Sheffield |
6th |
Houndoom Mill by David Roodhof |
Regional Sheffield |
10th |
Darkrai by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Sheffield |
13th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Sheffield |
17th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
Regional Sheffield |
25th |
Darkrai Dragons by Kenny Britton |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
1st |
Darkrai by Tony Jimenez |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
2nd |
Darkrai by Lawrence Xu |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
5th |
Darkrai by Chris Siakala |
Regional Athens, GA |
1st |
Darkrai by Kyle Sabelhaus |
Regional Athens, GA |
4th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Leipzig |
6th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Leipzig |
7th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski |
Regional Leipzig |
9th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philipp Leciejewski |
Regional Leipzig |
21st |
Darkrai Garbodor by Nico Alabas |
Regional Leipzig |
29th |
Darkrai Dragons by Bert Wolters |
Regional Leipzig |
31st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Dutch Open |
1st |
Wailord by Sander Wojcik |
Dutch Open |
2nd |
Xerneas by Cedric Gouin |
Dutch Open |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Dutch Open |
7th |
Darkrai Dragons by Jimmy Zhang |
Regional Dallas, TX |
5th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Mark Garcia |
Regional San Jose, CA |
1st |
Yveltal Maxie's by Kian Amini |
Regional San Jose, CA |
3rd |
Yveltal Maxie's by Graham Westby |
Regional San Jose, CA |
6th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional San Jose, CA |
7th |
Darkrai by David Selin |
Regional San Jose, CA |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jacob Lesage |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Yee Wei Chun |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
5th |
Volcanion by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
7th |
Volcanion by Rafli Attar Ricco |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
8th |
Houndoom Mill by Martin Janous |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
10th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Israel Sosa |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
17th |
Jolteon Lugia Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
18th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jordan Palmer |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
19th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
41st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
43rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
46th |
Xerneas by Kim Pobega |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
57th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Heddi Brahmi |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
64th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Long |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kyle Guest |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Adam Balela |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Christian Moreno |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
6th |
Volcanion by Angel Javier Torres |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jon Eng |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Regan Retzloff |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
2nd |
Xerneas by Maxence Feuillard |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
3rd |
Xerneas by Sönke Ringel |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Roan Godfrey-Robbins |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
6th |
Yveltal Zoroark by William Wallace |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
2nd |
Volcanion by Clinton Kirkwood |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
5th |
Volcanion by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
6th |
Zygarde Carbink by Wesley Hollenberg |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
8th |
Xerneas by Jared Grimes |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
32nd |
Volcanion by Isaiah Cheville |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
35th |
Xerneas by Finn Looft |
Regional Dortmund |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Matthias Luppa |
Regional Dortmund |
3rd |
Raikou Electrode by Tobias Thesing |
Regional Dortmund |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Steven Mao |
Regional Dortmund |
7th |
Regice Glaceon Garbodor by Alexander Wagner |
Regional Dortmund |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
11th |
Giratina Garbodor by Joe Bernard |
Regional Dortmund |
12th |
Giratina Garbodor by Günther Kirchhofer |
Regional Dortmund |
28th |
Raikou Eelektrik by Sam Chen |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
3rd |
Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
4th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Tom Filbey |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
5th |
Darkrai by Joshua Sergenton |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
6th |
Darkrai Dragons by Chris Siakala |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
7th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Benjamin Sauk |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
8th |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
4th |
Xerneas by Mehdi Hafi |
Regional Liverpool |
8th |
Volcanion by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Liverpool |
19th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Orlando, FL |
1st |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Brad Curcio |
Regional Orlando, FL |
3rd |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Orlando, FL |
4th |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Orlando, FL |
5th |
Volcanion by Daniel Lopez |
Regional Orlando, FL |
7th |
Yveltal by Steffen Eriksen |
The SPIEL Special |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
2nd |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
3rd |
Seismitoad Crobat by Eric Gansman |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
4th |
Raikou Eelektrik by Michael Slutsky |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
6th |
Night March by Brett Stratton |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
22nd |
Night March by Brad Curcio |
World Championships 2016 |
6th |
Bronzong Box by Gustavo Wada |
World Championships 2016 |
8th |
Volcanion by Kojiro Tsuruta |
World Championships 2016 |
10th |
Volcanion by Kazuki Kasahara |
World Championships 2016 |
11th |
Night March by Kian Amini |
World Championships 2016 |
17th |
Watertoad by Brit Pybas |
World Championships 2016 |
18th |
Zygarde Carbink Vileplume by Sejun Park |
World Championships 2016 |
29th |
Night March by Robin Schulz |
World Championships 2016 |
88th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Connor Pedersen |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
2nd |
Night March Vespiquen by Calvin Connor |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
4th |
Night March by Rafli Attar Ricco |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
5th |
Night March by Kim Hyeok |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
8th |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Shunto Sadahiro |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
1st |
Darkrai Dragons by Yuta Ozawa |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
4th |
Darkrai Dragons by Kai Abe |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
5th |
Bronzong Genesect by Enrico Marini |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
6th |
Darkrai Dragons by Asaki Hasegawa |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
7th |
Night March by Christian Moreno |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
8th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Jordan Palmer |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
1st |
Night March by Michael Kan |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Night March by Blake Davies |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
4th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Marcos Garcia |
US Nationals 2016 |
2nd |
Watertoad by Paul Johnston |
US Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Darkrai Dragons by Liam Williams |
US Nationals 2016 |
4th |
Darkrai Dragons by Sorina Radu |
US Nationals 2016 |
11th |
Zygarde Carbink Vileplume by Tyler Ninomura |
US Nationals 2016 |
22nd |
Night March by Conner LaVelle |
US Nationals 2016 |
25th |
Night March by Drew Guritzky |
US Nationals 2016 |
27th |
Night March by Jason Annichiarico |
US Nationals 2016 |
34th |
Night March by Mike Fouchet |
US Nationals 2016 |
39th |
Aromatisse Box by Stefan Tabaco |
US Nationals 2016 |
48th |
Watertoad by Travis Nunlist |
US Nationals 2016 |
52nd |
Bronzong Genesect by Simone Zucchelli |
Italian Nationals 2016 |
2nd |
Watertoad by Vincenzo Gerardi |
Italian Nationals 2016 |
7th |
Night March Vespiquen by Gianluca Cipriano |
Italian Nationals 2016 |
8th |
Watertoad by Chrisowalantis Amanatidis |
German Nationals 2016 |
1st |
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz |
German Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Night March by Benedikt Hugo |
German Nationals 2016 |
4th |
Night March by Tobias Smutkowski |
German Nationals 2016 |
5th |
Watertoad by Marc Lutz |
German Nationals 2016 |
7th |
Watertoad by Marco Haeder |
German Nationals 2016 |
8th |
Night March by Alexis Peiffer |
French Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Seismitoad Giratina by Fabien Pujol |
French Nationals 2016 |
5th |
Night March by Joel Nguyen |
French Nationals 2016 |
6th |