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Abanico de Olas

Reinado Escalofriante #226

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Andrew Weiss Regional Pittsburgh, PA 148th
inteleon-gmaxurshifu-rapid-strike-gmax Inteleon Urshifu by Dyatmika Paramaanindya World Championships 2023 58th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jin N. World Championships 2023 (SR) 68th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Le Bui Regional Fresno, CA 8th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by German Herrera Regional Fresno, CA 13th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Alex McNeill Regional Fresno, CA 15th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Alexander Pineda Regional Fresno, CA 18th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by David Hura Regional Fresno, CA 21st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Andrew Weiss Regional Milwaukee, WI 9th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Steve Wang Regional Milwaukee, WI 49th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Larry Russano Regional Milwaukee, WI 76th
palkia-origin Palkia by Yangrong Zhao Regional Milwaukee, WI 97th
arceus Arceus by Andrei Imada Regional Santiago 29th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Alexander Monroy Hidalgo Regional Santiago 63rd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Sebastian Oyarzun Regional Santiago 69th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Joaquin Reyes Regional Santiago 71st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Damian Fernandez Urroz Special Event Lima 5th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Jimmy O'Brien Regional Hartford, CT 45th
palkia-origin Palkia by Gabriel Perez Regional Hartford, CT 58th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Andrew Weiss Regional Hartford, CT 64th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Dylan Lefavour Regional Hartford, CT 75th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Calvin Yau Regional Hartford, CT 82nd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Joshua Doctolero Philippines Championships 2023 1st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Austin Drake Regional Portland, OR 6th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Erik Carlson Regional Portland, OR 76th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Eduardo Storto Regional São Paulo 35th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Marco Cifuentes Meta Regional São Paulo 70th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Pablo Meza EUIC 2023, London 3rd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Mehdi Hafi EUIC 2023, London 92nd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Zander Bennett Regional Fort Wayne, IN 4th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Raymond Long Regional Fort Wayne, IN 8th
mewgenesectmeloetta Fusion Mew by Zackary Estridge Regional Fort Wayne, IN 22nd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Collin Merli-Matthews Regional Fort Wayne, IN 31st
arceus Arceus by Frank Mintmire Regional Fort Wayne, IN 32nd
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Nicholas Sparzo Regional Fort Wayne, IN 65th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Justin Tse Regional Fort Wayne, IN 95th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Calvin Connor Regional Charlotte, NC 16th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Ghabriel Rodrigues Regional Natal 23rd
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Raymond Long Regional Knoxville, TN 52nd
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Brett Gurley Regional Knoxville, TN 62nd
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Rowan Stavenow Regional Knoxville, TN 83rd
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Carlos Maldonado Regional Knoxville, TN 126th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Vincent Jouare Regional Bochum 54th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Bochum 64th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Anthony Spione Regional Orlando, FL 43rd
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Julien Cretenoud Regional Liverpool 31st
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Fabrizio Inga Silva Regional Arlington, TX 38th
arceus Arceus by Makani Tran Regional Arlington, TX 43rd
arceus Arceus by Michael Perez Regional Arlington, TX 107th
arceus Arceus by Michael Laundrie Regional Arlington, TX 114th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Cameron Devers Regional Arlington, TX 120th
arceus Arceus by Mark Nilson Regional Arlington, TX 128th
arceus Arceus by Michael Catron Regional Toronto, ON 20th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Rowan Stavenow Regional Toronto, ON 22nd
arceus Arceus by Carter Barsh Regional Toronto, ON 83rd
mewtwogengar Mewtwo Gengar by Sander Wojcik Regional Stuttgart 6th
mewtwogengar Mewtwo Gengar by Matthias Luppa Regional Stuttgart 45th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Arthur Vincent Regional Stuttgart 55th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Fabrizio Inga Silva LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 32nd
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Lille 9th
calyrex-shadow-riderarceus Shadow Rider Calyrex Arceus by Andrew Krekeler Regional Peoria, IL 86th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Fabio Spanò Special Event Bilbao 18th
palkia-origininteleon Palkia Inteleon by Matteo Quoiani Special Event Bilbao 29th
arceuspikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Pedro Turra Regional Porto Alegre 24th
calyrex-ice-riderinteleon Ice Rider Calyrex Inteleon by Marco Cifuentes Meta Regional Santiago 2nd
whimsicott Whimsicott by Nelson Garces Regional Santiago 18th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Pascal Aros Oyarzún Regional Santiago 22nd
arceus Arceus by Italo Constanzo Regional Santiago 24th
arceus Arceus by Ricardo Manuel Gajardo Laubrin Regional Santiago 39th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Tamao Cameron Special Event Milan 2nd
arceus Arceus by Ithiel Arki Special Event Milan 5th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Manuel Antonio Romero Venegas Special Event Milan 7th
arceus Arceus by Mattia Baselli Special Event Milan 15th
arceusgyarados Arceus Gyarados by Alex Bortolini Special Event Milan 22nd
jolteoninteleon Jolteon Inteleon by Michael Dellenbach Special Event Milan 28th
sylveonarceus Sylveon Arceus by Thai Nguyen Regional Bremen 13th
whimsicottarceus Whimsicott Arceus by Son Nguyen Regional Bremen 46th
arceus Arceus by Parker Lish Regional Vancouver, BC 1st
arceusgyarados Arceus Gyarados by Andrew Kennett Regional Vancouver, BC 3rd
arceus Arceus by Aushton Kelusky Regional Vancouver, BC 34th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Étienne Dupuis Regional Vancouver, BC 37th
arceusinteleon Arceus Inteleon by Justin Kulas Regional Secaucus, NJ 3rd
arceusinteleon Arceus Inteleon by Charlie Kerr Regional Secaucus, NJ 7th
arceus Arceus by Parker Lish Regional Secaucus, NJ 9th
arceusinteleon Arceus Inteleon by Isaac Milaski Regional Secaucus, NJ 19th
arceusinteleon Arceus Inteleon by Luca Michelucci Regional Secaucus, NJ 38th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Wilfredo Del Valle Rios Regional Secaucus, NJ 41st
arceusinteleon Arceus Inteleon by Ryan Antonucci Regional Secaucus, NJ 47th
whimsicott Whimsicott by AJ DeLalla Regional Secaucus, NJ 48th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Tim Bartels Regional Lille 16th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Raphaël Morisset Regional Lille 27th
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Edwyn Mesman Regional Lille 34th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Donald MacGillivray Regional Lille 38th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Riley Hulbert Regional Indianapolis, IN 12th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Piper Lepine Regional Indianapolis, IN 18th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Samuel Anserello Regional Indianapolis, IN 42nd
whimsicott Whimsicott by Dennis Peroff Regional Indianapolis, IN 58th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Braiden Elfert Regional Indianapolis, IN 59th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Sim Mortimer Regional Indianapolis, IN 61st
whimsicott Whimsicott by Brendan Dixon Regional Indianapolis, IN 71st
whimsicott Whimsicott by John Sienkiewicz Regional Indianapolis, IN 87th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Joe Turrentine Regional Indianapolis, IN 96th
sylveonarceus Sylveon Arceus by Jordan Wright Regional Indianapolis, IN 97th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Austin Ellis Regional Indianapolis, IN 108th
inteleon-gmax Inteleon by Axel Alvarez Regional Indianapolis, IN 113th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Brian Morris Regional Indianapolis, IN 116th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Zack Taylor Regional Indianapolis, IN 117th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Alessandro Cremascoli Special Event Bilbao 1st
whimsicott Whimsicott by Donald MacGillivray Special Event Bilbao 11th
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Gabriel Eduardo Reiter Regional Joinville 11th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Frank Percic EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 2nd
sylveonarceus Sylveon Arceus by Thai Nguyen EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 6th
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Connor Finton EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 27th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Daniel Lynch EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 35th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Piper Lepine EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 57th
arceuslycanroc-dusk Arceus Lycanroc by Vinnie Schelfhaut EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 58th
whimsicottarceus Whimsicott Arceus by Alexander Calder EUIC 2022, Frankfurt (SR) 4th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Kamil B. EUIC 2022, Frankfurt (JR) 4th
whimsicottarceus Whimsicott Arceus by Thiago Giovannetti Marques Ricardo Regional São Paulo 8th
leafeoninteleon Leafeon Inteleon by Alexander Gomes De Franco Regional São Paulo 28th
jolteoninteleon Jolteon Inteleon by André Chiasson Regional Salt Lake City, UT 8th
arceusmalamar Arceus Malamar by Mikey Sanagustin Regional Salt Lake City, UT 19th
arceusmoltres-galar Arceus Moltres by Israel Sosa Regional Salt Lake City, UT 24th
jolteoninteleon Jolteon Inteleon by Avarin Villarreal Regional Salt Lake City, UT 29th
jolteoninteleon Jolteon Inteleon by Brandon Baughn Regional Salt Lake City, UT 47th
pikachuzekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by David Frans Daritan Players Cup III Global Finals 2nd
zacian-crownedarceus Zacian ADP by Lin Jiatang Taiwan Regional League Kaohsiung 12th
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