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Best of XY #140r

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Greninja & Zoroark ADP by Yutaro Hirano CL Tokyo Extra 3rd
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by Yu Takemura CL Tokyo Extra 5th
Reshiram & Zekrom by Daisuke Hayashi CL Tokyo Extra 7th
Zoroark Lycanroc by なつる CL Chiba Extra 1st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Shinya Iwamura CL Chiba Extra 4th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryota Ishiyama CL Chiba Extra 8th
Zoroark by しらぬい CL Chiba Extra 10th
Gardevoir & Sylveon Aromatisse by りんたろー CL Chiba Extra 14th
Pikachu & Zekrom by ぎしぎし CL Chiba Extra 26th
Zoroark by なにものか CL Chiba Extra 32nd
Rayquaza by Masayuki Osajima CL Niigata Extra 1st
Zoroark by Haruto Kamanaka CL Niigata Extra 3rd
Rayquaza by Kohei Miyamoto CL Niigata Extra 5th
Zoroark by Tatsuya Kobayashi CL Niigata Extra 6th
Zoroark by So Takeshige CL Niigata Extra 8th
Rayquaza by Kohei Hamamichi CL Niigata Extra 13th
Zoroark by Takahito Takechi CL Niigata Extra 16th
Rayquaza by Takuya Yoneda Japan Championships 2018 1st
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Shun Ito Japan Championships 2018 3rd
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Hidehito Jozaki Japan Championships 2018 5th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hiroshi Wakamoto Japan Championships 2018 6th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yuta Komatsuda Japan Championships 2018 8th
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Akihiro Wakita Japan Championships 2018 26th
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Yudai Ishi Japan Championships 2018 28th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Atsuto Ide Japan Championships 2018 29th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yoichi Sawada Japan Championships 2018 31st
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Shu Hosoda Japan Championships 2018 32nd
Zoroark Lycanroc by Seijiro Hara Japan Championships 2018 37th
Decidueye Seismitoad by Tsukasa Sakaguchi Japan Championships 2018 39th
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Junya Yasuda Japan Championships 2018 40th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hitoshi Takahata Japan Championships 2018 42nd
Night March by Tadashi Maeda Japan Championships 2018 45th
Zoroark Magcargo by Koki Sawada Japan Championships 2018 47th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Takuya Sato Japan Championships 2018 50th
Zoroark Magcargo by Tomoki Eda Japan Championships 2018 51st
Zoroark Magcargo by Takayuki Motoki Japan Championships 2018 55th
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Antoine Boulay Japan Championships 2018 61st
Zoroark Magcargo by Wataru Yano Japan Championships 2018 62nd
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yuki Horiguchi Japan Championships 2018 64th
Zoroark by Ryne Morgan Regional Roanoke, VA 3rd
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jimmy O'Brien Regional Roanoke, VA 13th
Zoroark by Arlo Neel Regional Roanoke, VA 15th
Night March by Michael Pramawat Regional Roanoke, VA 16th
Zoroark by Russell LaParre Regional Roanoke, VA 18th
Night March by Zachary Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 21st
Zoroark by Alex Wilson Regional Roanoke, VA 24th
Zoroark by Christopher Schemanske Regional Roanoke, VA 26th
Night March by Cody Graham Regional Roanoke, VA 30th
Zoroark Lucario by Ilya Kornilov Russia Nationals 1st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alexander Madaminganov Russia Nationals 6th
Gardevoir by Ilya Kalinin Russia Nationals 7th
Zoroark Lucario by Sergey Eremin Russia Nationals 8th
Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer Regional Salt Lake City, UT 11th
Zoroark by Gabe Cherniske Regional Salt Lake City, UT 18th
Night March by Geoffrey Weil Regional Salt Lake City, UT 23rd
Zoroark by Ryan Allred Regional Salt Lake City, UT 29th
Zoroark by Mike Morton Regional Salt Lake City, UT 30th
Zoroark by Pedro Eugenio Torres Regional Sindelfingen 1st
Zoroark by Miloslav Posledni Regional Sindelfingen 2nd
Zoroark by Tord Reklev Regional Sindelfingen 3rd
Zoroark by Nico Alabas Regional Sindelfingen 5th
Zoroark by Martin Guilbert Regional Sindelfingen 8th
Zoroark by Kristian Hodas Regional Sindelfingen 12th
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams Regional Sindelfingen 13th
Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer Regional Sindelfingen 15th
Zoroark by Benjamin Pham Regional Sindelfingen 17th
Zoroark by Luca Jahns Regional Sindelfingen 21st
Gardevoir by Ryan Allred Regional Sindelfingen 32nd
Zoroark by Daniel Lynch Regional Costa Mesa, CA 2nd
Zoroark by Kian Amini Regional Costa Mesa, CA 5th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Gedemer Regional Costa Mesa, CA 7th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Joe Ruettiger Regional Costa Mesa, CA 8th
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams Regional Costa Mesa, CA 10th
Zoroark by Rain Keuma Regional Costa Mesa, CA 11th
Zoroark by Andrew Jones Regional Costa Mesa, CA 13th
Zoroark by Benjamin Salonga Regional Costa Mesa, CA 14th
Zoroark by Jimmy Zhang Regional Costa Mesa, CA 17th
Zoroark by Luke Gjerde Regional Costa Mesa, CA 23rd
Gardevoir by Ryan Allred Regional Costa Mesa, CA 24th
Zoroark by Davis Tran Regional Costa Mesa, CA 25th
Zoroark by Nico Gist Regional Costa Mesa, CA 27th
Primal Groudon by Joe Sanchez Regional Costa Mesa, CA 29th
Zoroark by Daniel Jong Regional Costa Mesa, CA 32nd
Zoroark by Riley Hulbert Regional Dallas, TX 1st
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams Regional Dallas, TX 2nd
Zoroark by James Taylor Regional Dallas, TX 3rd
Zoroark Golisopod by Jose Marrero Regional Dallas, TX 5th
Zoroark by Austin Ellis Regional Dallas, TX 10th
Night March by Daniel Lynch Regional Dallas, TX 12th
Zoroark by Andrew Denkus Regional Dallas, TX 13th
Night March by Admassu Williams Regional Dallas, TX 14th
Zoroark Counters by Dustin Zimmerman Regional Dallas, TX 15th
Zoroark Vespiquen by Dennis Jasper Moore Regional Dallas, TX 22nd
Zoroark Counters by Xander Pero Regional Dallas, TX 25th
Night March by Jason Annichiarico Regional Dallas, TX 26th
Night March by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 30th
Gardevoir by Treynor Wolfe Regional Dallas, TX 32nd
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jalen Jones Regional Dallas, TX 34th
Zoroark Golisopod by Greg Kerien Regional Dallas, TX 35th
Zoroark Golisopod by Andrew Michaud Regional Dallas, TX 37th
Zoroark Golisopod by Noah Sawyer Regional Dallas, TX 38th
Zoroark by JW Kriewall Regional Dallas, TX 43rd
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pablo Meza Regional Dallas, TX 44th
Zoroark by Josh Marking Regional Dallas, TX 46th
Zoroark by Jackson Pech Regional Dallas, TX 50th
Night March by Peter Kica Regional Dallas, TX 55th
Night March by Azul Garcia Griego Regional San Jose, CA 1st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Eduardo Gonzalez Regional San Jose, CA 2nd
Night March by Michael Pramawat Regional San Jose, CA 3rd
Night March by Rahul Reddy Regional San Jose, CA 4th
Zoroark by Bodhi Tracy Regional San Jose, CA 6th
Zoroark by Simon Narode Regional San Jose, CA 7th
Zoroark by Liam Williams Regional San Jose, CA 9th
Zoroark by Samuel Hough Regional San Jose, CA 14th
Zoroark by Kian Amini Regional San Jose, CA 15th
Zoroark by John Collins Regional San Jose, CA 22nd
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Salonga Regional San Jose, CA 25th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Emmanuel Jacobs Regional San Jose, CA 26th
Night March by Brad Curcio Regional San Jose, CA 27th
Night March by Peter Kica Regional San Jose, CA 32nd
Straight Darkrai-GX by Daniel Altavilla Regional Daytona Beach, FL 13th
Gardevoir by Takuya Yoneda Regional Daytona Beach, FL 30th
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tyler Condrey Regional Daytona Beach, FL 31st
Darkrai by Jay Young Regional Daytona Beach, FL 59th
Night March by Marc Lutz Special Event Bilbao 3rd
Night March by Michael Pramawat Regional Fort Wayne, IN 1st
Darkrai by Chris Siakala Regional Fort Wayne, IN 3rd
Golisopod Garbodor by Gibson Archer-Tang Regional Fort Wayne, IN 5th
Golisopod Seismitoad by Cody Walinski Regional Fort Wayne, IN 10th
Darkrai by Zach Lesage Regional Fort Wayne, IN 14th
Sableye Garbodor by Igor Costa Regional Fort Wayne, IN 16th
Golisopod Seismitoad by Enrique Avila Regional Fort Wayne, IN 22nd
Sableye Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Fort Wayne, IN 32nd
Gardevoir by Emilio Orozco Anaheim Open 6th
Drampa Garbodor by Luca Clavadetscher Anaheim Open 8th
Gardevoir by Diego Cassiraga World Championships 2017 1st
Golisopod Garbodor by Naoto Suzuki World Championships 2017 2nd
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero World Championships 2017 3rd
Gardevoir by Pablo Meza World Championships 2017 7th
Volcanion by Jimmy Wuyts World Championships 2017 10th
Mega Rayquaza by Joey Ho World Championships 2017 14th
Mega Rayquaza by Freya Pearce World Championships 2017 15th
Gardevoir Sylveon by Shun Ito World Championships 2017 20th
Mega Rayquaza by Connor Finton World Championships 2017 29th
Espeon Garbodor by Alex Hill World Championships 2017 73rd
Gardevoir by Mike Fouchet World Championships 2017 99th
Gardevoir Sylveon by Takumi Kaji World Championships 2017 (SR) 3rd
Alolan Ninetales by Nick Conocenti World Championships 2017 (SR) 5th
Gardevoir by Justin Lambert World Championships 2017 (SR) 6th
Gardevoir by Minaki Hasegawa World Championships 2017 (JR) 2nd
Xerneas Gardevoir by William Wallace World Championships 2017 (JR) 4th
Xerneas by Niko Ishida World Championships 2017 (JR) 7th
Xerneas Gardevoir by Regan Retzloff World Championships 2017 (JR) 8th
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse Regional Liverpool 4th
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira Regional Liverpool 10th
Lapras by Toby Woolner Regional Liverpool 12th
Zoroark Drampa by Bernardo Dias Regional Liverpool 13th
Volcanion by Jimmy Wuyts Regional Liverpool 15th
Mega Rayquaza by Jack Gregory-Campbell Regional Liverpool 18th
Xerneas by Tamao Cameron Regional Liverpool 19th
Umbreon Zoroark by Piotr Orleański Regional Liverpool 24th
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Spence Regional Liverpool 26th
Xerneas by Luke Kirkham Regional Liverpool 29th
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous Regional Liverpool 30th
Zoroark Drampa Eeveelutions by Will Simpson Regional Liverpool 31st
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake Regional Liverpool 32nd
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 3rd
Zoroark Drampa by Andrew Mahone NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 7th
Espeon Garbodor by Chris Abernathy NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 12th
Espeon Garbodor by Tristan Macek NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 13th
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 16th
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 17th
Decidueye Ninetales by Mees Brenninkmeijer NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 22nd
Espeon Garbodor by Tony Jimenez NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 23rd
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 25th
Espeon Garbodor by Peter Kica NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 27th
Zoroark Drampa by Daniel Altavilla NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 28th
Drampa Garbodor by Cedric Gouin NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 31st
Darkrai by Samuel Hough NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 36th
Espeon Garbodor by Jimmy McClure NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 40th
Metagross by Jay Young NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 41st
Mega Rayquaza by Reno Bernardo NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 42nd
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Richard Navarro NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 43rd
Mega Gardevoir by Ciaran Farah NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 48th
Primal Groudon by James Horvath NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 51st
Zoroark Drampa by John Turner NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 52nd
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by Treynor Wolfe NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 54th
Mega Gardevoir by Main Ahmed NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 58th
Decidueye by Kolton Day NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 64th
Zoroark Drampa by Rowan Stavenow NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 2nd
Espeon Garbodor by Ryan Snider NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 3rd
Mega Gardevoir by Preston Ellis NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 4th
Darkrai by Jon Eng NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 5th
Drampa Garbodor by Billy Thomas NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 7th
Espeon Garbodor by Kendon Kula NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) 8th
Xerneas by Regan Retzloff NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) 1st
Espeon Garbodor by John Gavin III NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) 4th
Zoroark Drampa by Zion Di Tizio NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) 5th
Espeon Garbodor by Walker Halliburton NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) 7th
Zoroark Drampa by Nick Bocchetti NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) 8th
Raichu Lycanroc by Javier Tengo Jofre Special Event Madrid 4th
Alolan Ninetales by Simone Soldo Special Event Madrid 5th
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff Special Event Madrid 6th
Zoroark Drampa by Roberto Sanchez Special Event Madrid 7th
Espeon Garbodor by Paulo Mimoso Special Event Madrid 8th
Zoroark Drampa Eeveelutions by Tobias Thesing Special Event Madrid 9th
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer Origins Game Fair SPE 16th
Espeon Garbodor by Vighnesh Murthy Regional Auckland 4th
Gallade Octillery by Noel Totomoch Regional Mexico City 13th
Metagross by Christopher Schemanske Regional Madison, WI 2nd
Zoroark Drampa by Daniel Altavilla Regional Madison, WI 3rd
Espeon Garbodor by Colin Peterik Regional Madison, WI 4th
Metagross by Alex Schemanske Regional Madison, WI 18th
Tapu Bulu Vikavolt by John Roberts II Regional Madison, WI 19th
Mega Rayquaza by Ray Fernandez Regional Madison, WI 24th
Alolan Ninetales by Caleb Patton Regional Madison, WI 25th
Lurantis Tapu Bulu by Cory Koehler Regional Madison, WI 29th
Alolan Ninetales by Blair Zwarich Regional Madison, WI 31st
Zoroark Drampa by Brian Peach Regional Birmingham 2nd
Alolan Ninetales by Tobias Thesing Regional Birmingham 4th
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Birmingham 5th
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Birmingham 9th
Drampa Garbodor by Goncalo Pereira Regional Birmingham 10th
Zoroark Umbreon Decidueye by Goncalo Ferreira Regional Birmingham 22nd
Lurantis Tapu Bulu by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Birmingham 23rd
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen Regional Seattle, WA 1st
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jeffrey Cheng Regional Seattle, WA 2nd
Drampa Garbodor by Brad Curcio Regional Seattle, WA 3rd
Drampa Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura Regional Seattle, WA 4th
Lapras by Israel Sosa Regional Seattle, WA 5th
Espeon Garbodor by Warren Younger Regional Seattle, WA 7th
Espeon Garbodor by Aaron Rozbicki Regional Seattle, WA 8th
Drampa Garbodor by Andy Gray Regional Seattle, WA 17th
Espeon Garbodor by Kian Amini Regional Seattle, WA 18th
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch Regional Seattle, WA 19th
Garbodor Tauros by David Tomhave-Alexie Regional Seattle, WA 22nd
Garbodor Trevenant by Caleb Gedemer Regional Seattle, WA 28th
Mega Rayquaza by Ray Fernandez Regional Seattle, WA 30th
Alolan Ninetales by Steven Toman Regional Seattle, WA 31st
Espeon Garbodor by Adrian Velasco Regional Jakarta 2nd
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous Austrian Open 1st
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff Austrian Open 2nd
Drampa Garbodor by Jindrich Nepevny Austrian Open 4th
Espeon Garbodor by Xavier Delfosse Austrian Open 6th
Drampa Garbodor by Patrick Landis Austrian Open 8th
Primal Groudon by Alex Schemanske Regional Toronto 3rd
Seismitoad Giratina by Igor Costa Regional Toronto 4th
Darkrai Dragons by Zack Taylor Regional Toronto 6th
Seismitoad Giratina by Michael Del Rosario Regional Toronto 8th
Carbink Zygarde by Russell LaParre Regional Toronto 9th
Vespiquen Flareon by Caleb Gedemer Regional Toronto 11th
Quad Lapras by James Arnold Regional Roanoke, VA 1st
Darkrai by Daniel Altavilla Regional Roanoke, VA 3rd
Mega Mewtwo by Austen Vance Regional Roanoke, VA 6th
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Maxwell Regional Roanoke, VA 53rd
Mega Rayquaza by Ian Anderson Fukuda LAIC 2017, São Paulo 3rd
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous LAIC 2017, São Paulo 14th
Yveltal Garbodor by Marcos Kuribara LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) 1st
Mega Mewtwo by Eduardo Romanelli LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) 3rd
Yveltal Zoroark by Michael Long LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) 6th
Darkrai by Connor Pedersen LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) 7th
Xerneas by Isaiah Bradner LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) 8th
Mega Mewtwo by Kaya Lichtleitner LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 1st
Mega Rayquaza by Regan Retzloff LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 4th
Mega Rayquaza by Lorenzo Fulco LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 6th
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Tobias Agustin Gauna LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 7th
Darkrai Dragons by Theo Ribeiro LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) 8th
Darkrai by Chris Siakala Regional Salt Lake City, UT 2nd
Darkrai by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Salt Lake City, UT 4th
Darkrai by Kenny Britton Regional Salt Lake City, UT 5th
Darkrai Dragons by Tony Jimenez Regional Salt Lake City, UT 6th
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Chris Clemens Regional Salt Lake City, UT 8th
Mega Rayquaza by Peter Kica Special Event Aguadilla, PR 3rd
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa Regional Portland, OR 1st
Darkrai by Samuel Hough Regional Portland, OR 4th
Night March by Tyler Ninomura Regional Portland, OR 5th
Darkrai by Polo Le Regional Portland, OR 7th
Sableye Garbodor by Alex Koch Regional Portland, OR 8th
Mega Mewtwo by Jindrich Nepevny Regional Malmö 4th
Darkrai by Simon Eriksen Regional Malmö 6th
Yveltal by Erik Gunnarsson Regional Malmö 9th
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Martin Janous Regional Malmö 13th
Mega Rayquaza by Emil Tronier Regional Malmö 24th
Darkrai by Jesper Eriksen OCIC 2017, Melbourne 4th
Decidueye by Takuya Yoneda OCIC 2017, Melbourne 7th
Yveltal Zoroark by Tobias Thesing OCIC 2017, Melbourne 23rd
Darkrai by Louis Chi OCIC 2017, Melbourne 47th
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Michael Long OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) 1st
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) 6th
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Regan Retzloff OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 1st
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by William Wallace OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 2nd
Darkrai by Aiden Yeung OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 3rd
Mega Rayquaza by James Kowalski OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 6th
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Zi Ler Chiew OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) 7th
Mega Rayquaza by Alex Wilson Regional Collinsville, IL 1st
Night March by John Sienkiewicz Regional Collinsville, IL 4th
Accelgor Wobbuffet by Anthony Nimmons Regional Collinsville, IL 5th
Mega Gardevoir by Connor Finton Regional Collinsville, IL 29th
Darkrai by Tord Reklev Regional Sheffield 3rd
Mega Gardevoir by Jack Old Regional Sheffield 5th
Mega Rayquaza by Steffen Eriksen Regional Sheffield 7th
Mega Rayquaza by Jack Gregory-Campbell Regional Sheffield 8th
Darkrai by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Sheffield 13th
Mega Gardevoir by Benjamin Pham Regional Sheffield 18th
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Arnold Regional Sheffield 27th
Darkrai by Tony Jimenez Regional Anaheim, CA 2nd
Darkrai by Lawrence Xu Regional Anaheim, CA 3rd
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Ryan Sabelhaus Regional Anaheim, CA 6th
Darkrai by Chris Siakala Regional Athens, GA 1st
Darkrai by Kyle Sabelhaus Regional Athens, GA 4th
Mega Rayquaza by Ahmed Ali Regional Athens, GA 5th
Mega Rayquaza by Luis Zambrana Regional Athens, GA 6th
Mega Rayquaza by Chip Richey Regional Athens, GA 8th
Mega Rayquaza by Patrik Bartosovic Regional Leipzig 1st
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Joe Bernard Regional Leipzig 2nd
Mega Gardevoir by Xander Pero Regional Dallas, TX 1st
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Igor Costa Regional Dallas, TX 2nd
Mega Gardevoir by Dalen Dockery Regional Dallas, TX 3rd
Mega Gardevoir by Connor Finton Regional Dallas, TX 4th
Mega Gardevoir by Noah Sawyer Regional Dallas, TX 7th
Greninja by Kenny Britton Regional San Jose, CA 2nd
Carbink Zygarde by Sam Chen Regional San Jose, CA 4th
Sableye Garbodor by Alex Koch Regional San Jose, CA 5th
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa Regional San Jose, CA 7th
Xerneas by Sönke Ringel EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) 4th
Mega Gardevoir by Tobias Strømdahl EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) 7th
Yveltal Zoroark by William Wallace EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) 8th
Raikou Electrode by Tobias Thesing Regional Dortmund 5th
Raikou Eelektrik by Sam Chen Regional Philadelphia, PA 3rd
Darkrai by Joshua Sergenton Regional Philadelphia, PA 6th
Darkrai Dragons by Chris Siakala Regional Philadelphia, PA 7th
Primal Groudon by Caleb Gedemer Regional Philadelphia, PA 50th
Mega Rayquaza by Cedric Gouin Regional Liverpool 1st
Mega Gardevoir by Karl Blake Regional Liverpool 2nd
Gyarados by Andrew Emerson Regional Liverpool 5th
Mega Mewtwo by Philipp Leciejewski The SPIEL Special 4th
Mega Gardevoir by Mees Brenninkmeijer The SPIEL Special 6th
Primal Groudon by Stefan Tabaco Regional Phoenix, AZ 5th
Raikou Eelektrik by Michael Slutsky Regional Phoenix, AZ 6th
Greninja by Caleb Gedemer Regional Phoenix, AZ 7th
Sableye Garbodor by TJ Traquair Regional Phoenix, AZ 8th
Night March by Brett Stratton Regional Phoenix, AZ 22nd
Mega Audino by Shintaro Ito World Championships 2016 1st
Vespiquen by Ross Cawthon World Championships 2016 4th
Night March by Brad Curcio World Championships 2016 6th
Night March Vespiquen by Luca Schuster World Championships 2016 7th
Night March by Freya Pearce World Championships 2016 9th
Night March by Kian Amini World Championships 2016 17th
Watertoad by Brit Pybas World Championships 2016 18th
Mega Sceptile by Fabien Pujol World Championships 2016 32nd
Vespiquen by Mike Fouchet World Championships 2016 83rd
Night March by Robin Schulz World Championships 2016 88th
Night March Vespiquen by Calvin Connor World Championships 2016 (SR) 4th
Night March by Rafli Attar Ricco World Championships 2016 (SR) 5th
Night March by Kim Hyeok World Championships 2016 (SR) 8th
Darkrai Dragons by Yuta Ozawa World Championships 2016 (JR) 4th
Darkrai Dragons by Kai Abe World Championships 2016 (JR) 5th
Bronzong Genesect by Enrico Marini World Championships 2016 (JR) 6th
Darkrai Dragons by Asaki Hasegawa World Championships 2016 (JR) 7th
Night March by Christian Moreno World Championships 2016 (JR) 8th
Yveltal Zoroark by Jordan Palmer Australian Nationals 2016 1st
Night March by Michael Kan Australian Nationals 2016 3rd
Night March by Blake Davies Australian Nationals 2016 4th
Night March Vespiquen by Nick Robinson US Nationals 2016 1st
Seismitoad Giratina by Marcos Garcia US Nationals 2016 2nd
Watertoad by Paul Johnston US Nationals 2016 3rd
Darkrai Dragons by Liam Williams US Nationals 2016 4th
Night March by Chris Siakala US Nationals 2016 5th
Night March by Kolton Day US Nationals 2016 9th
Darkrai Dragons by Sorina Radu US Nationals 2016 11th
Night March by Conner LaVelle US Nationals 2016 25th
Night March by Drew Guritzky US Nationals 2016 27th
YZG by Kevin Baxter US Nationals 2016 28th
Night March by Jason Annichiarico US Nationals 2016 34th
Night March Vespiquen by Andrew Wamboldt US Nationals 2016 36th
Night March by Brad Curcio US Nationals 2016 38th
Night March by Mike Fouchet US Nationals 2016 39th
Aromatisse Box by Stefan Tabaco US Nationals 2016 48th
Medicham by Jeffrey Cheng US Nationals 2016 49th
Watertoad by Travis Nunlist US Nationals 2016 52nd
Mega Manectric by Zach Elliott US Nationals 2016 56th
Bronzong Genesect by Simone Zucchelli Italian Nationals 2016 2nd
Vespiquen by Simone Canziani Italian Nationals 2016 6th
Night March Vespiquen by Gianluca Cipriano Italian Nationals 2016 8th
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz German Nationals 2016 3rd
Night March by Benedikt Hugo German Nationals 2016 4th
Night March by Tobias Smutkowski German Nationals 2016 5th
Watertoad by Marco Haeder German Nationals 2016 8th
Night March by Stephane Ruffe French Nationals 2016 1st
Night March by Alexis Peiffer French Nationals 2016 3rd
Seismitoad Giratina by Fabien Pujol French Nationals 2016 5th
Night March by Joel Nguyen French Nationals 2016 6th
Mega Mewtwo by Julien Dalle French Nationals 2016 7th
Mega Manectric by Cedric Gouin French Nationals 2016 8th
Night March by Mehdi Hafi European Challenge Cup 2016 1st
Mega Mewtwo by Scot Symonds European Challenge Cup 2016 3rd
Seismitoad Giratina by David Roodhof European Challenge Cup 2016 4th
Seismitoad Giratina by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel European Challenge Cup 2016 7th
Seismitoad Giratina by Fatih Akdemir European Challenge Cup 2016 9th
Bronzong Dragons by Tobias Thesing Supernova Blast 4 1st
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz Supernova Blast 4 2nd
Vespiquen Flareon by David Sturm Arena Cup Würzburg 3rd
Vespiquen Accelgor by Tobias Thesing Arena Cup Würzburg 4th
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