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Stunde der Wächter #21a

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
gardevoir Gardevoir by Bradley Ireland Regional Portland, OR 40th
gardevoirninetales-alola Gardevoir Ninetales by Daniel Lynch NAIC 2019, Columbus 32nd
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Malik Hisyam Zaihan Regional Jonkoping 28th
zoroarklucario Zoroark Lucario by Jeongung Jang Korean League Season 3 3rd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Chanhyeok Park Korean League Season 3 11th
zoroarklucario Zoroark Lucario by Hyoseob Byun Korean League Season 3 12th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Jongwon Park Korean League Season 3 15th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Noah Donen EUIC 2019, Berlin (JR) 3rd
gardevoirzoroarkninetales-alola Gardevoir Zoroark Ninetales by Bruce Dziak Regional Denver, CO 58th
zoroarklycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Aaron Tarbell Regional Collinsville, IL 15th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Andrew Estrada Regional Collinsville, IL 32nd
vileplume Vileplume Stall by Carl Sitavi Regional Collinsville, IL 39th
vileplumeninetales-alola Vileplume Ninetales by Ross Cawthon Regional Collinsville, IL 43rd
Alolan_Ninetales Umbreon Guzzlord by Kyle Haverland Regional Collinsville, IL 61st
zoroarklycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Fraser Cuviello Regional Collinsville, IL 73rd
vileplumeninetales-alola Vileplume Ninetales by Kendon Kula Regional Collinsville, IL 75th
zoroarkninetales-alola Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Danny Sedam Regional Collinsville, IL 88th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Zander Bennett Regional Collinsville, IL 98th
charizard Charizard by Anthony Cognard Special Event Cannes 28th
zoroarklycanroc-midnightlucario Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by ももたまる Champions League Chiba 9th
gardevoirsylveon Gardevoir & Sylveon by ほっきさん Champions League Chiba 25th
zoroarklycanroc-midnightlucario Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by あ(東京) Champions League Chiba 41st
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Mr.ホモン Champions League Chiba 45th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Preston Ellis OCIC 2019, Melbourne 24th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Jon Eng OCIC 2019, Melbourne 31st
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Colin Tang OCIC 2019, Melbourne 45th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Noah Donen OCIC 2019, Melbourne (JR) 7th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Taylor Johnson OCIC 2019, Melbourne (JR) 8th
zoroarkninetales-alolaweavile Zoroark Ninetales Weavile by Rahul Reddy Special Event Costa Rica 3rd
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Pablo Meza Special Event Costa Rica 8th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Miguel Angel Lopez Bernal Special Event Mexico 2nd
oranguruswampert Swampert Control by Caleb Gedemer Special Event Mexico 8th
unown Unown DAMAGE Combo by Tim Patton Regional Dallas, TX 68th
unown Unown DAMAGE Combo by Peter Kica Regional Dallas, TX 79th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Khalid Alhuraiz Special Event Dubai 5th
zoroarklycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Chanhyeok Park Korean League Season 1 6th
jumpluffnatu Lost March by Minwoo Kim Korean League Season 1 7th
zoroarkninetales-alola Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Jack Culkin Regional Harrogate 3rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Harrogate 25th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Bert Wolters Regional Harrogate 32nd
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Javier Orrego Letelier Special Event Chile #2 4th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Sebastián Lozano Special Event Chile #2 9th
greninjameganiumswampert Greninja Meganium Swampert by Shintaro Ito Champions League Niigata 11th
zapdosjolteon Zapdos Jolteon by Yasuaki Funaki Champions League Niigata 14th
zoroarkninetales-alola Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Ryota Ishiyama Champions League Niigata 15th
zoroarklycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Gen Takamatsu Champions League Niigata 18th
greninjameganiumswampert Greninja Meganium Swampert by Atsutoshi Kubo Champions League Niigata 22nd
decidueyeninetales-alolaswampert Decidueye Ninetales Swampert by Masayuki Hayashi Champions League Niigata 33rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Ayaka Nakashima Champions League Niigata 45th
gardevoirninetales-alola Gardevoir Ninetales by Kodai Nakamura Champions League Niigata 57th
metagross Metagross by Masaki Yaginuma Champions League Niigata 62nd
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Angus Johnson Regional Brisbane 1st
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Brent Tonisson Regional Brisbane 2nd
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Clifton Goh Regional Brisbane 4th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Roanoke, VA 1st
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Franco Llamas Regional Roanoke, VA 3rd
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Stephen Hunter Regional Roanoke, VA 4th
zoroarklycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Austin Ellis Regional Roanoke, VA 15th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Adler Pierce Regional Roanoke, VA 17th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Roanoke, VA 23rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Lance Bradshaw Regional Roanoke, VA 27th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Ryan Antonucci Regional Roanoke, VA 33rd
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Riley Hulbert Regional Roanoke, VA 37th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Michael Pramawat Regional Roanoke, VA 40th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Tristan Lackey Regional Roanoke, VA 41st
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Isaiah Williams Regional Roanoke, VA 43rd
buzzwoleninetales-alola Buzzwole Alolan Ninetales by Ryan Mefford Regional Roanoke, VA 44th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Brian Goodspeed Regional Roanoke, VA 49th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Rukan Shao Regional Roanoke, VA 51st
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Drew Cate Regional Roanoke, VA 62nd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Tyler Ralston Regional Roanoke, VA 63rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Tye Pellecchia Regional Roanoke, VA 66th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Brock Davis Regional Roanoke, VA 68th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Clifton Goh LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 3rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Alex Schemanske LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 5th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Robin Schulz LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 12th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Bruno Santos Lima LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 14th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Eder Jarillo Soto LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 15th
zoroarkninetales-alolaweavile Zoroark Ninetales Weavile by Ramon Duarte LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 29th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Agustin Campo LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 38th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Tobias Thesing LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 40th
decidueyeninetales-alolaswampert Decidueye Ninetales Swampert by Fabien Pujol LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 47th
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Giovanni Peragallo LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 51st
zoroarkninetales-alola Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Pedro Freitas LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 53rd
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Christian Moreno LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 1st
zoroarkdecidueyeninetales-alola Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Pedro Pertusi LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 3rd
buzzwoleninetales-alola Buzzwole Alolan Ninetales by Isaiah Bradner LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 4th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Fabien Pujol Special Event Lille 22nd
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Martin Guilbert Special Event Lille 24th
buzzwolelycanroc-midnightninetales-alola Buzzwole Lycanroc Ninetales by Hidehito Jozaki Champions League Tokyo 3rd
buzzwoleninetales-alola Buzzwole Alolan Ninetales by Tetsuya Kajita Champions League Tokyo 7th
zoroarkninetales-alola Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Takafumi Kobayashi Champions League Tokyo 10th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Alolan Ninetales by Shintaro Ito Champions League Tokyo 17th
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Aaron Rucker Regional Philadelphia, PA 4th
metagrossnecrozma-ultra Metagross Ultra Necrozma by John Orgel Regional Philadelphia, PA 22nd
empoleonswampert Empoleon Swampert by Joey Nawal Regional Philadelphia, PA 60th
empoleon Empoleon by Michael Dones Regional Philadelphia, PA 77th
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Jake Cruwys Special Event Melbourne 15th
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Luis Nolasco Special Event Cancun 8th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Dennis Peroff Regional Toronto 15th
gardevoirtalonflame Gardevoir Talonflame by Hudson Matheus LAIC 2018, São Paulo 18th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ryan Allred Regional Sindelfingen 32nd
gardevoirtalonflame Gardevoir Talonflame by Sergio Celis Special Event Bogota 3rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Gibson Archer-Tang Regional Charlotte, NC 22nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ryan Allred Regional Costa Mesa, CA 24th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Rick Verwaal Regional Malmö 26th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Travis Zabala Regional Dallas, TX 29th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ian Robb Regional Dallas, TX 31st
gardevoir Gardevoir by Treynor Wolfe Regional Dallas, TX 32nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Wesley Hollenberg Regional Dallas, TX 33rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Tommy Roberts Regional Leipzig 6th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Facundo Facio Special Event Asuncion 4th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Forrest Burks Regional Memphis, TN 9th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Solomon Shurge Regional Memphis, TN 34th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch Regional Memphis, TN 53rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Aaron Hamilton Regional Memphis, TN 58th
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Jake Cruwys Regional Brisbane 7th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ryan Allred Regional San Jose, CA 17th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Dennis Perez Regional San Jose, CA 18th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Christopher Schemanske EUIC 2017–18, London 3rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Michael Slutsky EUIC 2017–18, London 18th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Alex Schemanske EUIC 2017–18, London 25th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Michael Pramawat EUIC 2017–18, London 28th
metagross Metagross by Jose Marrero EUIC 2017–18, London 40th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch EUIC 2017–18, London 46th
metagrosssolgaleo Metagross Solgaleo by Raymond Long EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) 4th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Daniel Rosas EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) 1st
gardevoir Gardevoir by Christopher Kaas Kastaniegaard EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) 2nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Mark Garcia Regional Vancouver 3rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Liam Williams Regional Vancouver 26th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Ahmed Ali Regional Daytona Beach, FL 5th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Conner LaVelle Regional Daytona Beach, FL 11th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Kenny Britton Regional Hartford, CT 9th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch Regional Hartford, CT 25th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Andrew Mahone Regional Hartford, CT 26th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Philipp Emmerich Regional Bremen 5th
metagross Metagross by Robin Schulz Regional Bremen 9th
metagross Metagross by Tom Hall Regional Bremen 11th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Heddi Brahmi Regional Bremen 12th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Simon Humphrey Regional Bremen 17th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Stephan Nørregård Regional Bremen 18th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Luke Taylor Regional Bremen 23rd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Kim Erik Eriksen Regional Bremen 31st
gardevoir Gardevoir by Finn Schleusner Regional Bremen 32nd
gardevoir Gardevoir by Jac Carter Regional Fort Wayne, IN 7th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Conner LaVelle Regional Fort Wayne, IN 53rd
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Benjamin Pham Anaheim Open 1st
gardevoir Gardevoir by Diego Cassiraga World Championships 2017 1st
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Robin Schulz World Championships 2017 43rd
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Philip Schulz World Championships 2017 49th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Stéphane Ivanoff World Championships 2017 81st
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Nico Alabas World Championships 2017 87th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Zachary Bokhari World Championships 2017 (SR) 1st
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Nick Conocenti World Championships 2017 (SR) 5th
gardevoir Gardevoir by Minaki Hasegawa World Championships 2017 (JR) 2nd
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Karl Peters Regional Liverpool 2nd
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Pedro Eugenio Torres Regional Liverpool 3rd
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Tomas Just Regional Liverpool 6th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Ondřej Škubal Regional Liverpool 8th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Mehdi Hafi Regional Liverpool 9th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Heddi Brahmi Regional Liverpool 17th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Igor Costa NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 4th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Gustavo Wada NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 5th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Stéphane Ivanoff NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 10th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Mees Brenninkmeijer NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 22nd
metagross Metagross by Jay Young NAIC 2017, Indianapolis 41st
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Simone Soldo Special Event Madrid 5th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Mehdi Hafi Special Event Madrid 12th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Jordan Palmer Regional Perth 1st
metagross Metagross by Christopher Schemanske Regional Madison, WI 2nd
decidueyevileplumeninetales-alola Decidueye Vileplume Ninetales by Aaron Tarbell Regional Madison, WI 5th
metagross Metagross by Connor Finton Regional Madison, WI 9th
metagross Metagross by Alex Schemanske Regional Madison, WI 18th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Caleb Patton Regional Madison, WI 25th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Blair Zwarich Regional Madison, WI 31st
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Tobias Thesing Regional Birmingham 4th
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Toby Woolner Regional Birmingham 7th
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Jack Old Regional Birmingham 31st
ninetales-alola Alolan Ninetales by Steven Toman Regional Seattle, WA 31st
decidueyeninetales-alola Decidueye Ninetales by Alexander Weber Austrian Open 7th
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