Deck |
Tournament |
Place |
Dragapult Garbodor by Takahito Takechi |
Champions League Aichi - Expanded |
11th |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Hiroki Tsuchiya |
Champions League Aichi - Expanded |
12th |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Drew Ashbacher |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
16th |
Trevenant & Dusknoir by Bob Zhang |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
25th |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Wyatt Palguta |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
45th |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Michael Laundrie |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
50th |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Ashton Parker |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
63rd |
Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Juan Flores |
Regional Dallas, TX |
9th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Rudy Wade |
Regional Dallas, TX |
63rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Jake Keebler |
Regional Richmond, VA |
15th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Richmond, VA |
32nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Estrada |
Regional Hartford, CT |
26th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Shawn Chauvin |
Regional Hartford, CT |
29th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Steven Gonzalez |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
34th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Martin |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Detlef |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
16th |
Garbodor Mismagius by Arron Sanyer |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
39th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by まほうじん |
CL Chiba Extra |
9th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Michaud |
Regional Dallas, TX |
56th |
Drampa Garbodor by Eric Smith |
Regional Dallas, TX |
69th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Alex Fusco |
Regional Dallas, TX |
73rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Carter Barsh |
Regional Dallas, TX |
81st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jon Eng |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
5th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
10th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Kulas |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
23rd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Andrew Scott |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
37th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Will Jenkins |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
46th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Christian Martin |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
48th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Yutaro Hirano |
CL Niigata Extra |
2nd |
Banette Garbodor by Kenny Britton |
Regional Portland, OR |
19th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Manuel Jorach |
Regional Portland, OR |
37th |
Banette Garbodor by Mark Garcia |
Regional Portland, OR |
38th |
Zoroark Garbodor by James Taylor |
Nashville Open |
1st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Wesley Hollenberg |
Nashville Open |
5th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
World Championships 2018 |
1st |
Banette Garbodor by Rahul Reddy |
World Championships 2018 |
13th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
World Championships 2018 |
14th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Christopher Schemanske |
World Championships 2018 |
15th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Hunter Butler |
World Championships 2018 |
16th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Joe Ruettiger |
World Championships 2018 |
19th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
World Championships 2018 |
20th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alessandro Cremascoli |
World Championships 2018 |
21st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Natalie Millar |
World Championships 2018 |
24th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
World Championships 2018 |
25th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske |
World Championships 2018 |
26th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
World Championships 2018 |
32nd |
Banette Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
1st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Connor Pedersen |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Caleb Banwarie |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
6th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jihun Choi |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Walker Halliburton |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
4th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Benjamin Bussert |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
6th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by João Gabriel Penteado |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Garbodor by Sechan Oh |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Special Event Valencia |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Valencia |
9th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
7th |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Gwen Tran |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
19th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Adam Omarali |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Abijah Jongsma |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
5th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hasan Kunukcu |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Benny Billinger |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Daniel Rosas |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
7th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Angel Loya |
Regional Mexico City |
5th |
Garbodor Dawn Wings Necrozma by Drew Allen |
Regional Mexico City |
27th |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sheffield |
3rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Tomas Just |
Regional Sheffield |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
Regional Sheffield |
11th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Sheffield |
17th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kristian Hodas |
Regional Sheffield |
21st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Patrik Bartosovic |
Regional Sheffield |
28th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Tobias Thesing |
Regional Sheffield |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hayato Kai |
Japan Championships 2018 |
34th |
white_kyurem garbodor by Takahiro Moriyama |
Japan Championships 2018 |
35th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Madison, WI |
4th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Wesley Hollenberg |
Regional Madison, WI |
11th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kidd Starck |
Regional Madison, WI |
33rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Phil Hollenberg |
Regional Madison, WI |
62nd |
Metal Garbodor by Rinesh John |
Regional Subang Jaya |
15th |
Garbodor Mismagius by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
12th |
Espeon Garbodor by Tom Van Geenhoven |
Special Event Tours |
8th |
Espeon Garbodor by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Special Event Tours |
14th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Tours |
31st |
Drampa Garbodor by Raymon Amiramov |
Russia Nationals |
3rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
Regional Toronto |
2nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Gustavo Wada |
Regional Toronto |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Andrew Estrada |
Regional Toronto |
8th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Will Mantho |
Regional Toronto |
10th |
Drampa Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Travis Zabala |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
16th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Gustavo Wada |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
12th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
17th |
Espeon Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
25th |
Espeon Garbodor by Wallysson Lima do Couto |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
32nd |
Lucario Garbodor by Alexandre Sole |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (SR) |
6th |
Sableye Garbodor by Cristian Sarnataro |
Regional Sindelfingen |
4th |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by Colter Decker |
Regional Portland, OR |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Lance Bradshaw |
Regional Portland, OR |
21st |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Soriano |
Regional Portland, OR |
29th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Natalie Shampay |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
14th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
20th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Charlie Kerr |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
37th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Helsel |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
46th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Ondrej Kujal |
Special Event Prague |
6th |
Glaceon Garbodor by Piotr Orleański |
Special Event Prague |
11th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Martin Belohlavek |
Special Event Prague |
17th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Nicolas Galaz |
Special Event La Paz |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Bastian Andres Martinez Rojas |
Special Event La Paz |
3rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Willy Saavedra |
Special Event La Paz |
8th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Vinicius Souza |
Regional Salvador |
3rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Natalie Shampay |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
17th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
22nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Brit Pybas |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
26th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Miguel Angel Ruiz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
28th |
Garbodor Zoroark by Kyle Madison |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
29th |
Espeon Garbodor by Aaron Wilfong |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
30th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Zach Lesage |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
32nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Will Mantho |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
34th |
Glaceon Garbodor by Andrew Wamboldt |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
38th |
Espeon Garbodor by Nick Brassell |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
39th |
Metal Garbodor by Zack Martin |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
40th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ezra Hoon |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
42nd |
Metal Garbodor by Athavan Balendran |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
47th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Kulas |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
51st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Regional Malmö |
14th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Hayder Al-Shemmari |
Regional Malmö |
21st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Matthias Luppa |
Regional Malmö |
27th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Bernardo Dias |
Regional Malmö |
29th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andreas Dombrowski |
Regional Malmö |
32nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Fabrizio Inga Silva |
Special Event Lima |
3rd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Myles Blasonato |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
42nd |
Garbodor Zoroark by Marc Lutz |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
45th |
Espeon Garbodor by Connor Pedersen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) |
1st |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Mia S. |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (JR) |
4th |
Espeon Garbodor by Gabriel Modesto |
Regional Sao Paulo |
10th |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Leipzig |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Diego Cassiraga |
Special Event Asuncion |
1st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Memphis, TN |
2nd |
Buzzwole Garbodor by Frank Percic |
Regional Memphis, TN |
20th |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Turin |
6th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
31st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Nico Alabas |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
32nd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Paulo Mimoso |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
47th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Steven Mao |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
49th |
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
60th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Owyn Kamerman |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
1st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Xander Pero |
Regional Vancouver |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
Regional Vancouver |
5th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Sean Timmons |
Regional Vancouver |
8th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jacob Van Wagner |
Regional Vancouver |
11th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kian Amini |
Regional Vancouver |
27th |
Drampa Garbodor by William Azevedo |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
1st |
Necrozma Meowstic Garbodor by Gabriel Henrique Monteiro |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Alex Silva |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
6th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tyler Condrey |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
31st |
Drampa Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Hartford, CT |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Peter Kica |
Regional Hartford, CT |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Hartford, CT |
11th |
Drampa Garbodor by Greg Minklei |
Regional Hartford, CT |
15th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jacob Lesage |
Regional Hartford, CT |
19th |
Drampa Garbodor by Mark Dizon |
Regional Hartford, CT |
23rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Darin O'Meara |
Regional Hartford, CT |
64th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Bilbao |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Bilbao |
5th |
Sableye Garbodor by Manuele Tartaglia |
Special Event Bilbao |
6th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Bremen |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
Regional Bremen |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tomas Just |
Regional Bremen |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Bremen |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Bremen |
20th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Regional Bremen |
29th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Patrik Holler |
Regional Bremen |
30th |
Espeon Garbodor by Sorina Radu |
Anaheim Open |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Luca Clavadetscher |
Anaheim Open |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Anaheim Open |
9th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Naoto Suzuki |
World Championships 2017 |
2nd |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
World Championships 2017 |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Sho Sasaki |
World Championships 2017 |
4th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Reiji Nishiguchi |
World Championships 2017 |
5th |
Espeon Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
World Championships 2017 |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
World Championships 2017 |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
World Championships 2017 |
13th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kian Amini |
World Championships 2017 |
16th |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
World Championships 2017 |
23rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla |
World Championships 2017 |
30th |
Drampa Garbodor by Jordan Palmer |
World Championships 2017 |
31st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Takuya Hasegawa |
World Championships 2017 |
53rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Alex Hill |
World Championships 2017 |
73rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Yu Ito |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Connor Pedersen |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Mancuso |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
5th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Tsubasa Watanabe |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Rick Verwaal |
Regional Liverpool |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Liverpool |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
Regional Liverpool |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Regional Liverpool |
10th |
Drampa Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
11th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ben Short |
Regional Liverpool |
16th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Spence |
Regional Liverpool |
26th |
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake |
Regional Liverpool |
32nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
3rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Chris Abernathy |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
12th |
Espeon Garbodor by Tristan Macek |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
13th |
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
16th |
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
17th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
19th |
Drampa Garbodor by Philipp Leciejewski |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
21st |
Espeon Garbodor by Tony Jimenez |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
23rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
25th |
Espeon Garbodor by Peter Kica |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
27th |
Drampa Garbodor by Cedric Gouin |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
31st |
Darkrai by Samuel Hough |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
36th |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
39th |
Espeon Garbodor by Jimmy McClure |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
40th |
Espeon Garbodor by Ryan Snider |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
3rd |
Darkrai by Jon Eng |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
5th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Isaac Milaski |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Billy Thomas |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
7th |
Espeon Garbodor by Kendon Kula |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
8th |
Espeon Garbodor by John Gavin III |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
4th |
Espeon Garbodor by Liam Halliburton |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Walker Halliburton |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Special Event Madrid |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Paulo Mimoso |
Special Event Madrid |
8th |
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Origins Game Fair SPE |
16th |
Espeon Garbodor by Vighnesh Murthy |
Regional Auckland |
4th |
Espeon Garbodor by Colin Peterik |
Regional Madison, WI |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Birmingham |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Regional Birmingham |
9th |
Drampa Garbodor by Goncalo Pereira |
Regional Birmingham |
10th |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
Regional Seattle, WA |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Brad Curcio |
Regional Seattle, WA |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Seattle, WA |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kenny Wisdom |
Regional Seattle, WA |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Warren Younger |
Regional Seattle, WA |
7th |
Espeon Garbodor by Aaron Rozbicki |
Regional Seattle, WA |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andy Gray |
Regional Seattle, WA |
17th |
Espeon Garbodor by Kian Amini |
Regional Seattle, WA |
18th |
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch |
Regional Seattle, WA |
19th |
Garbodor Tauros by David Tomhave-Alexie |
Regional Seattle, WA |
22nd |
Garbodor Trevenant by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Seattle, WA |
28th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Austrian Open |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Jindrich Nepevny |
Austrian Open |
4th |
Espeon Garbodor by Xavier Delfosse |
Austrian Open |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Seena Ghaziaskar |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
7th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
46th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Maxwell |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
53rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marcos Kuribara |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
1st |
Mega Mewtwo by Eduardo Romanelli |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
3rd |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Chris Clemens |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Malmö |
15th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski |
Regional Malmö |
16th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Malmö |
22nd |
Giratina Tauros Garbodor by Nicklas Danielsen |
Regional Malmö |
26th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
28th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
46th |
Mega Mewtwo by Connor Pedersen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tim Bartels |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
6th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Vincent Marcus Munk |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Sheffield |
17th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
Regional Sheffield |
25th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Arnold |
Regional Sheffield |
27th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Diogo Santos |
Regional Sheffield |
29th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Travis Nunlist |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
8th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Dylan Bryan |
Regional Athens, GA |
2nd |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by William Boatman |
Regional Athens, GA |
7th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Steffen Eriksen |
Regional Leipzig |
3rd |
Darkrai Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Leipzig |
6th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Leipzig |
7th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski |
Regional Leipzig |
9th |
Darkrai Garbodor by Philipp Leciejewski |
Regional Leipzig |
21st |
Darkrai Garbodor by Nico Alabas |
Regional Leipzig |
29th |
Darkrai Dragons by Bert Wolters |
Regional Leipzig |
31st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Dutch Open |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Dutch Open |
7th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Darkrai Dragons by Jimmy Zhang |
Regional Dallas, TX |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jacob Lesage |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Yee Wei Chun |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
5th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Alex Hill |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
9th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Israel Sosa |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
17th |
Jolteon Lugia Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
18th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jordan Palmer |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
19th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
41st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
43rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
46th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Heddi Brahmi |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
64th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Long |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kyle Guest |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Adam Balela |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Christian Moreno |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
6th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jon Eng |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Regan Retzloff |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Roan Godfrey-Robbins |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
6th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
2nd |
Mega Scizor Garbodor by Devon Tilson |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Matthias Luppa |
Regional Dortmund |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Steven Mao |
Regional Dortmund |
7th |
Regice Glaceon Garbodor by Alexander Wagner |
Regional Dortmund |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
11th |
Giratina Garbodor by Joe Bernard |
Regional Dortmund |
12th |
Giratina Garbodor by Günther Kirchhofer |
Regional Dortmund |
28th |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
4th |
Xerneas Mega Gardevoir by Philip Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
17th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Orlando, FL |
1st |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Brad Curcio |
Regional Orlando, FL |
3rd |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Orlando, FL |
4th |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Orlando, FL |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Orlando, FL |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by John Orgel |
Regional Orlando, FL |
8th |
Yveltal by Steffen Eriksen |
The SPIEL Special |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
2nd |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
3rd |
Mega Manectric Garbodor by Spencer Perez-Dormitzer |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
6th |
Darkrai Giratina Garbodor by Shunto Sadahiro |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
1st |