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Resolução da Zínia

Céus em Evolução #225

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
Zoroark Box by Cobi Kawasaki Regional Vancouver 18th
Gardevoir Mewtwo by João Requena Regional Goiânia 35th
Zoroark Box by Albert Wijaya Indonesia Regional League Vol.2 9th
Regis by Hendrik Christiaan Hasenaar Regional Dortmund 126th
Gardevoir Mewtwo by Aaron-Lee Cole Regional Melbourne 16th
Gardevoir by Matthew Shafik Regional Liverpool 46th
Gardevoir by Justin Kempley Regional Liverpool 116th
Zoroark Box by Anthony Bruno Regional Charlotte, NC 106th
Gholdengo by Paul Abarca Regional Portland, OR 46th
Gardevoir by Yeong Jae Kim Korean League Season 1 4th
Gardevoir by Issei Fukae Champions League Kyoto 14th
Gardevoir by Jesse Spencer Regional San Antonio, TX 169th
Lugia Archeops by Joel Bergman Regional San Antonio, TX 179th
Lost Zone Box by Armando Lopez Regional San Antonio, TX 189th
Lost Box Paradox by Kristian Hodas Regional Stuttgart 4th
Lugia Archeops by Neddy Kosek Regional Stuttgart 65th
Gardevoir by Thibault Dezutter Regional Stuttgart 75th
Lugia Archeops by Andi Cheung Regional Brisbane 35th
Snorlax Xatu by Thomas Slater Regional Brisbane 43rd
Zoroark Box by Yason Timothy Indonesia Regional League 11th
Gardevoir by Iago Tasca LAIC 2023–24, São Paulo 126th
Gardevoir by Camden Freeze Regional Toronto 31st
Lugia Archeops by Alex Demorizi Regional Toronto 71st
Gardevoir by Adam Jordan Regional Toronto 143rd
Gardevoir by Fabien Pujol Regional Lille 8th
Chien-Pao Baxcalibur by Matthew Rowberry Regional Lille 44th
Lugia Archeops by Kai Chun So Regional Lille 62nd
Chien-Pao Baxcalibur by Joe Turrentine Regional Sacramento, CA 33rd
Lugia Archeops by Nick Flores Regional Sacramento, CA 37th
Chien-Pao Baxcalibur by Aidan Khus Regional Sacramento, CA 68th
Regis by Steve Contreras Regional Sacramento, CA 91st
Lugia Archeops by Trenton Lichter Regional Peoria, IL 39th
Lugia Archeops by Bryson Hunt Regional Peoria, IL 67th
Palkia Gardevoir by Zach Zamora Regional Peoria, IL 116th
Lugia Archeops by Troy Velasquez Regional Peoria, IL 153rd
Gardevoir by Fabien Pujol Special Event Barcelona 9th
Control Box by Sander Wojcik Special Event Barcelona 31st
Lugia Archeops by Leonardo Rossi Special Event Barcelona 37th
Gardevoir by Rosario Andrea La Spina Special Event Barcelona 42nd
Lugia Archeops by Takaki Kimura Champions League Yokohama 2nd
Lugia Archeops by Shota Nakayama Champions League Yokohama 5th
Lugia Archeops by Daisuke Terasaki Champions League Yokohama 11th
Gardevoir by Riku Nakajima Champions League Yokohama 16th
Lugia Archeops by Noah Hanerland Regional Pittsburgh, PA 28th
Palkia Gardevoir by Fabien Pujol World Championships 2023 64th
Lugia Archeops by Heddi Brahmi World Championships 2023 112th
Lost Zone Box by Akinori A. World Championships 2023 (SR) 5th
Lugia Archeops by Koutarou M. World Championships 2023 (JR) 38th
Regis by Rinesh John Asia EN Open 2023 Summer 12th
United Wings by Alex Schemanske NAIC 2023, Columbus 64th
Gardevoir by Jose Gonzalez NAIC 2023, Columbus 166th
United Wings by Joshua Frink NAIC 2023, Columbus 174th
Gardevoir by William S. NAIC 2023, Columbus (JR) 3rd
Miraidon Flaaffy by Mason Lovato Regional Milwaukee, WI 36th
Regidrago by Bernard Piguing Philippines Championships 2023 13th
Gardevoir by Yuki Sasagawa Champions League Niigata 2nd
Gardevoir Mewtwo by Hiromasa Shima Champions League Niigata 13th
Lugia Archeops by Charles Paul Laygo Jr Regional Portland, OR 81st
Lugia Archeops by Stephen Cham Regional Portland, OR 86th
Control Box by Sander Wojcik EUIC 2023, London 31st
Lugia Archeops by Jari Bonsee EUIC 2023, London 131st
Lugia Archeops by Ryuto Hadano Champions League Miyagi 4th
Lugia Archeops by Takumi Sato Champions League Miyagi 16th
Flaaffy Box by Jimmy Wuyts Special Event Utrecht 17th
Lugia Archeops by Kazuma Sato Champions League Aichi 6th
Regis by Peter Ghionis OCIC 2023, Melbourne 45th
Blissey Yveltal by Natalie Miller Regional Arlington, TX 111th
Blissey Yveltal by Yui Takao Champions League Kyoto 10th
Blissey Yveltal by Michael Koji Takano LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 49th
Blissey by Jamie Frankland Regional Lille 2nd
Blissey by Eric Wu Regional Salt Lake City, UT 45th
Blissey by Natalie Miller Regional Salt Lake City, UT 70th
Blissey by Greg Kerien Regional Peoria, IL 48th
Blissey by Dallas Schmidt Regional Peoria, IL 98th
Blissey by Andrew Munoz Regional Peoria, IL 107th
Salazzle Butterfree by Bryson Cliggett Regional Baltimore, MD 89th
Blissey by Aaron Tarbell NAIC 2022, Columbus 38th
Blissey by Andrew Wisniewsky NAIC 2022, Columbus 54th
Regis by Joshua Sanchez NAIC 2022, Columbus 96th
Blissey by Cameron Ross NAIC 2022, Columbus (SR) 7th
Regis by Henrique G. NAIC 2022, Columbus (JR) 8th
Blissey by Conner LaVelle Regional Milwaukee, WI 2nd
Eldegoss Control by Adam Hawkins Regional Milwaukee, WI 24th
Regis by Austin Swayne Regional Milwaukee, WI 78th
Umbreon Stall by Sander Wojcik EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 39th
Umbreon Stall by Steffen Eriksen EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 48th
Rapid Strike Urshifu Inteleon by Robin Schulz Regional Liverpool 1st
Malamar Inteleon by Jack Pauling Regional Liverpool 10th
Gengar Houndoom by Karl Blake Regional Liverpool 27th
Malamar Inteleon by Corey Godfrey Regional Salt Lake City, UT 38th
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